A cost-based approach for evaluating the impact of a network of distributed energy systems on the centralized energy supply
2020-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Frasca, Mattia; Volpe, Rosaria
A methodology for the design of an urban energy distribution network of prosumers
2017-11-21 Volpe, Rosaria
A mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem for the evaluation of the CO2 emissions reductions of a CHP system in a public/commercial micro-grid
file da validare2015-01-01 Costa, Antonio; Fichera, Alberto; Volpe, R.
A multi-layer agent-based model for the analysis of energy distribution networks in urban areas
2018-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Pluchino, Alessandro; Volpe, Rosaria
A Roadmap for the Design, Operation and Monitoring of Renewable Energy Communities in Italy
2023-01-01 Cutore, Emanuele; Fichera, Alberto; Volpe, Rosaria
A techno-economic and environmental analysis for carbon capture and storage in Italian power plants
2018-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Volpe, Rosaria; Ottavia Utili, Vittoria
An agent-based model to support the preliminary design and operation of heating and power grids with cogeneration units and photovoltaic panels in densely populated areas
2022-01-01 Volpe, R.; Catrini, P.; Piacentino, A.; Fichera, A.
An analytical model for natural convection in a rectangular enclosure with differentially heated vertical walls
2020-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Marcoux, Manuel; Pagano, Arturo; Volpe, Rosaria
An optimization tool for the assessment of urban energy scenarios
2018-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Frasca, Mattia; Palermo, Valentina; Volpe, Rosaria
Application of a Geographical Information System to Plan Energy Policy at a Neighborhood Scale
2018-01-01 Fichera, A.; Gagliano, A.; Nocera, F.; Pagano, A.; Volpe, R.; Bisegna, F.
Application of the Complex Network Theory in Urban Environments. A Case Study in Catania
2016-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Frasca, Mattia; Palermo, V.; Volpe, R.
Assessment of the Energy Distribution in Urban Areas by Using the Framework of Complex Network Theory
2016-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Volpe, Rosaria; Frasca, Mattia
Complex networks for the integration of distributed energy systems in urban areas
2017-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Frasca, Mattia; Volpe, R.
Definition, modelling, and performance evaluation of energy distribution networks of prosumers
file da validare2021-01-01 Fichera, Alberto; Volpe, Rosaria
Design and Operational Indicators to Foster the Transition of Existing Renewable Energy Communities towards Positive Energy Districts
2024-01-01 Volpe, Rosaria; Cutore, Emanuele; Fichera, Alberto
Design parameters influencing the operation of a CHP plant within a micro-grid: Application of the ANOVA test
2020-01-01 Fichera, A.; Pagano, A.; Volpe, R.
Energy analysis of a micro-cogeneration unit fed by biogas as a function of pyrolysis operating parameters
2021-01-01 Agrifoglio, A.; Fichera, A.; Gagliano, A.; Volpe, R.
Energy management and sustainability assessment of renewable energy communities: The Italian context
2023-01-01 Cutore, E.; Volpe, R.; Sgroi, R.; Fichera, A.
Energy performance measurement, monitoring and control for buildings of public organizations: Standardized practises compliant with the ISO 50001 and ISO 50006
2020-01-01 Fichera, A.; Volpe, R.; Cutore, E.
Energy, environmental and economic performance of an urban community hybrid distributed energy system
2020-01-01 Fichera, A.; Marrasso, E.; Sasso, M.; Volpe, R.