A complete complexity taxonomy of ‘small’ fragments of theory Multi-Level Syllogistic
2022-05-02 Maugeri, Pietro
A potential-based variant of the Bellman-Ford algorithm
2019-01-01 Cantone, Domenico; Maugeri, Pietro; Scafiti, Stefano
A quadratic reduction of constraints over nested sets to purely boolean formulae in CNF
2020-01-01 Cantone, D.; De Domenico, A.; Maugeri, P.; Omodeo, E. G.
Complexity Assessments for Decidable Fragments of Set Theory. I: A Taxonomy for the Boolean Case
file da validare2021-01-01 Cantone, D.; De Domenico, A.; Maugeri, P.; Omodeo, E. G.
Complexity assessments for decidable fragments of set theory. II: A taxonomy for ‘small’ languages involving membership
2020-01-01 Cantone, D.; Maugeri, P.; Omodeo, E. G.
Complexity assessments for decidable fragments of Set Theory. III Testers for Crucial, Polynomial-Maximal Decidable Boolean Languages
2023-01-01 Cantone, Domenico; Maugeri, Pietro; Omodeo, Eugenio G.
Complexity Results for Some Fragments of Set Theory Involving the Unordered Cartesian Product Operator
file da validare2023-01-01 Cantone, D.; Maugeri, P.
On the convexity of a fragment of pure set theory with applications within a nelson-oppen framework
file da validare2021-01-01 Cantone, D.; Maugeri, P.; de Domenico, A.
Polynomial-time satisfiability tests for Boolean fragments of set theory
2019-01-01 Cantone, Domenico; DE DOMENICO, Andrea; Maugeri, Pietro; Omodeo, Eugenio G.
Polynomial-time satisfiability tests for ’small’ membership theories
2019-01-01 Cantone, Domenico; Maugeri, Pietro
The Satisfiability Problem for Boolean Set Theory with a Rational Choice Correspondence
file da validare2023-01-01 Cantone, D.; Giarlotta, A.; Maugeri, P.; Watson, S.
Two crucial cubic-time components of polynomial-maximal decidable Boolean languages
file da validare2021-01-01 Cantone, Domenico; Maugeri, Pietro; Omodeo, Eugenio G.