A Simple Procedure for the Post-Necking Stress-Strain Curves of Anisotropic Sheet Metals
2023-01-01 Mirone, Giuseppe; Barbagallo, Raffaele; Bua, Giuseppe; De Caro, Daniele; Ferrea, Matteo; Tedesco, Michele M.
An Enhanced Approach for High-Strain Plasticity in Flat Anisotropic Specimens with Progressively Distorting Neck Sections
2024-01-01 Mirone, Giuseppe; Barbagallo, Raffaele; Bua, Giuseppe; Licignano, Pietro; Maria Tedesco, Michele
Finite Element Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Cohesive Parameters for Delamination Modeling in Power Electronics Packages
2023-01-01 Mirone, Giuseppe; Barbagallo, Raffaele; Bua, Giuseppe; LA ROSA, Guido
Static and dynamic tensile behaviour of polycarbonate connected to the deforming specimen shape
2024-01-01 Mirone, G; Barbagallo, R; Bua, G
Tensile behavior of polycarbonate: key aspects for accurate constitutive modelling and simulation
2024-01-01 Barbagallo, Raffaele; Mirone, Giuseppe; Landi, Luca; Bua, Giuseppe
Thermal-structural Modeling of power electronic package: effects of deposition geometry and dry spot on the stress distributions
2024-01-01 Mirone, G; Barbagallo, R; Bua, G; Sitta, A; Calabretta, M; Sequenzia, G
True stress-strain identification accounting for anisotropy of sheet metals
2024-01-01 Mirone, G; Barbagallo, R; Bua, G; De Caro, D; Ferrea, M; Tedesco, Mm