"Cattaneo e La città considerata come principio ideale delle istorie italiane"
file da validare2008-01-01 Campopiano, M
"Cattaneo e La città considerata come principio ideale delle istorie italiane"
file da validare2008-01-01 Campopiano, M
"Gestione ordinaria delle acque e rischi idrogeologici. L'amministrazione delle acque nella Pianura Padana tra esigenze energetiche, trasporti, irrigazione e rischi di inondazione (secoli XII-XV)"
2018-01-01 Campopiano, M
"Il capitalismo commerciale. Nuove riflessioni su un vecchio tema dal recente libro di Jairus Banaji”
2022-01-01 Campopiano, M
"Introduction : Historical and Literary Connections between Britain and Italy in the Middle Ages"
file da validare2018-01-01 Campopiano, M
"L'Itinerarium di Paul Walther von Guglingen. Un itinerario "francescano"? / L'Itinerarium di Paul Walther von Guglingen. A "Franciscan" Travelogue?"
2022-01-01 Campopiano, M
"Refert Iosephus: I Francescani del Monte Sion e l'assedio di Gerusalemme nel 70 d.C. (XIV-XVI secolo)"
2021-01-01 Campopiano, M
83. Henry Bainton, History and the Written Word: Documents, Literacy, and Language in the Age of the Angevins. (The Middle Ages.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. Pp. 272; figures. $69.95. ISBN: 978-0-8122-5190-6
2023-01-01 Campopiano, Michele
84. John Blair, Stephen Rippon and Christopher Smart, Planning in the Early Medieval Landscape, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2020, pp. xv-352 (Exeter Studies in Medieval Europe. History, Society and the Arts)
2022-01-01 Campopiano, Michele
Agricolture irrigue : l'Italia padana
2015-01-01 Campopiano, M; Menant, F
Anglo-Italian Cultural Relations in the Later Middle Ages
file da validare2018-01-01 Campopiano, M; Fulton, H
Armando Petrucci professore in Normale
2022-01-01 Campopiano, Michele
Città e risorse idriche: l’acqua come risorsa e come minaccia nella Pianura Padana e nella Valle del Reno (secc. XIV-XVI)
2023-01-01 Campopiano, Michele
Commercial Capitalism and Global History. A Debate on A Brief History of Commercial Capitalism by Jairus Banaji. Preface
2023-01-01 Bondioli, Lorenzo; Campopiano, Michele; Tedesco, Paolo
Commercial Capitalism and Global History. A Debate on A Brief History of Commercial Capitalism by Jairus Banaji
2022-01-01 Bondioli, Lorenzo; Campopiano, Michele; Tedesco, Paolo
Conflicts over Water Management and Water Rights from the End of Antiquity to Industrialisation
2024-01-01 Campopiano, Michele; Schenk, Gerrit
Conflicts over Water Management and Water Rights from the End of Antiquity to Industrialisation. An Introduction
2024-01-01 Campopiano, Michele; Schenk, Gerrit
Construction of the Text, Construction of the Past. Historical Knowledge, Classical Myths and Ideology in a Medieval Commune (Pisa, Eleventh to Twelfth Centuries)”,
2009-01-01 Campopiano, M
De Klassieke Oudheid in de islamitische wereld
file da validare2013-01-01 Campopiano, M; Strootman, R
Descrizioni di Terra Santa e guide di pellegrinaggio dei francescani del Monte Sion
2020-01-01 Campopiano, Michele