The environmental protection requires sustainable homes in sustainable towns. The concept of sustainability associated to the principle of safety requires cities that have to be secure against natural hazards, which in Europe are generally related to climate changes (e.g. hurri-canes, storms, floods, landslides) and earthquakes. Nevertheless, most Italian edifices are both highly earthquake-prone and carbon dioxide-emitting, thus contributing to trigger hazards associated to climate changes. In this context, seismic and energy renovation are strongly advisable. For a successful renovation there are nowadays many available technologies, which can considerably contribute to enhance the sustainability level of our towns. However, a number of technical, financial, bureaucratic and organizational barriers limit the real possi-bility to extensively undertake adequate retrofit interventions. This study analyzes in detail such barriers in the Italian context, suggesting possible solutions and underlining the significant advantages of in-creasing both seismic and energy performances of apartment buildings. The proposed solutions can be effectively extended to many other seismic countries that present similar scenarios.
La protezione dell’ambiente richiede case sostenibili in città sostenibili. La sostenibilità collegata al principio della sicurezza richiede città che siano sicure contro le calamità naturali; queste in Europa sono dovute da una parte ai cambiamenti climatici (uragani, tempeste, inondazioni, frane) e dall’altra ai terremoti. Tuttavia la maggior parte degli edifici in Italia sono altamente vulnerabili ai sismi e producono anche notevoli emissioni di CO2, il che contribuisce ad aumentare il rischio di disastri connessi ai mutamenti climatici. In questo scenario, la riqualificazione sismica ed energetica è fortemente raccomandabile. Oggi esistono svariate tecnologie per garantire interventi validi. Ciononostante numerosi ostacoli, di natura tecnica, finanziaria, burocratica e operativa, limitano considerevolmente le iniziative di ristrutturazione. Il presente contributo analizza in dettaglio queste barriere nel contesto italiano, suggerendo possibili soluzioni e sottolineando i significativi vantaggi insiti nell’incrementare contemporaneamente le prestazioni sia sismiche che energetiche degli edifici residenziali multipiano. Le soluzioni proposte possono essere efficacemente estese ad altri paesi con simili scenari.
Strategie d’incentivazione per la riqualificazione sismico-energetica
The environmental protection requires sustainable homes in sustainable towns. The concept of sustainability associated to the principle of safety requires cities that have to be secure against natural hazards, which in Europe are generally related to climate changes (e.g. hurri-canes, storms, floods, landslides) and earthquakes. Nevertheless, most Italian edifices are both highly earthquake-prone and carbon dioxide-emitting, thus contributing to trigger hazards associated to climate changes. In this context, seismic and energy renovation are strongly advisable. For a successful renovation there are nowadays many available technologies, which can considerably contribute to enhance the sustainability level of our towns. However, a number of technical, financial, bureaucratic and organizational barriers limit the real possi-bility to extensively undertake adequate retrofit interventions. This study analyzes in detail such barriers in the Italian context, suggesting possible solutions and underlining the significant advantages of in-creasing both seismic and energy performances of apartment buildings. The proposed solutions can be effectively extended to many other seismic countries that present similar scenarios.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.