Introduction: In the last two decades, obesity has become an increasingly widespread reality. Numerous epidemiological studies show that obesity impacts negatively male reproductive function, but the data from literature are not conclusive about the effects on conventional sperm parameters. Moreover, the relationship between obesity and bio-functional sperm parameters has been little investigated. Among the mechanisms potentially responsible for fertility reduction in obese men, the role of the low grade chronic inflammation, caused by lipotoxicity, must be taken into account. Body weight loss is a key goal in obese patients. A promising therapeutic option for achieving significant weight loss is the very-low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD). Aim of the study: To evaluate the role of obesity, as responsible for sperm damage, since this condition increased oxidative stress at the seminal level. We also evaluated the effectiveness of VLCKD on metabolic parameters and hormonal profiles of obese male patients. Patients and methods: We enrolled 50 male obese patients and 50 healthy normal-weight subjects. For each patient sperm analysis was conducted according to WHO 2010 criteria. Bio-functional sperm parameters and seminal indexes of oxidative stress were also evaluated. For all subjects LH and TT were evaluated at the enrolment. Obese patients were advised to follow the VLCKD plan for at least 8 weeks, thus the following biochemical data were collected both before and after diet: fasting glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides (TGL), creatinine, uric acid, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), vitamin D, luteinizing hormone (LH), total testosterone (TT), and prostate-specific antigen (PSA). We calculated the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index for the evaluation of insulin resistance and the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level to complete the framework for the glycolipid profile. Results: We found that seminal fluid volume, sperm concentration, total and progressive motility were statistically lower in obese men. As for biofunctional sperm parameters, the percentage of alive spermatozoa was significantly lower, while the percentage of spermatozoa with low mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and DNA fragmentation was statistically higher in obese patients than in controls. Seminal indexes of oxidative stress were also worse in the group of obese patients. Obese patients had TT levels lower than normal weight controls, although the difference did not reach the statistical significance. As for dietary intervention, after VLCKD we found a reduction in body weight, with a significant decrease in both the BMI and waist circumference from baseline. Fasting glucose, insulin and HOMA index improved significantly. Also lipid profile, transaminases, total cholesterol, HDL, TGL, LDL, AST and ALT improved significantly after VLCKD. Vitamin D, LH and TT increased significantly, while PSA significantly decreased compared with baseline. Conclusion: Obesity is associated with worse conventional and bio-functional sperm parameters and with an increase of seminal indexes of oxidative stress, so suggesting that the evaluation of these parameters could be helpful to better understand the mechanism of reproductive damage and to provide a specific treatment. Moreover, we showed that VLCKD is an effective tool to counteract obesity and its complications, since it improved metabolic and gonadal profile of the subject studied.
Introduzione: Negli ultimi due decenni l'obesità è diventata una realtà sempre più diffusa. Numerosi studi epidemiologici mostrano che l'obesità ha un impatto negativo sulla funzione riproduttiva maschile, ma i dati della letteratura non sono conclusivi sugli effetti sui parametri spermatici convenzionali. Inoltre, la relazione tra obesità e parametri spermatici biofunzionali è stata poco studiata. Tra i meccanismi potenzialmente responsabili della riduzione della fertilità negli uomini obesi, va tenuto conto del ruolo dell'infiammazione cronica di basso grado, causata dalla lipotossicità. La perdita di peso corporeo è un obiettivo chiave nei pazienti obesi. Un'opzione terapeutica promettente per ottenere una significativa perdita di peso è la dieta chetogenica a bassissimo contenuto calorico (VLCKD). Scopo dello studio: Valutare il ruolo dell'obesità, come responsabile del danno spermatico, a causa dell’aumento dello stress ossidativo a livello seminale. Abbiamo inoltre valutato l'efficacia della VLCKD sui parametri metabolici e sul profilo ormonale di pazienti maschi obesi. Pazienti e metodi: Sono stati arruolati 50 pazienti obesi maschi e 50 soggetti sani di peso normale. Per ogni paziente l’esame del liquido seminale è stato condotto secondo i criteri dell'OMS 2010. Sono stati inoltre valutati i parametri spermatici biofunzionali e gli indici seminali di stress ossidativo. Per tutti i soggetti sono stati valutati LH e TT all'arruolamento. Ai pazienti obesi è stato consigliato di seguire la VLCKD per almeno 8 settimane, quindi sono stati raccolti i seguenti dati biochimici sia prima che dopo la dieta: glicemia a digiuno, insulina, colesterolo totale, lipoproteine ad alta densità (HDL), trigliceridi (TGL), creatinina , acido urico, aspartato aminotransferasi (AST), alanina aminotransferasi (ALT), vitamina D, ormone luteinizzante (LH), testosterone totale (TT) e antigene prostatico specifico (PSA). Abbiamo calcolato l'indice di HOMA per la valutazione dell'insulino-resistenza e le lipoproteine a bassa densità (LDL) per completare il profilo lipidico. Risultati: Il volume del liquido seminale, la concentrazione di spermatozoi, la motilità totale e progressiva sono risultati statisticamente inferiori negli uomini obesi. Per quanto riguarda i parametri spermatici biofunzionali, la percentuale di spermatozoi vivi era significativamente inferiore, mentre la percentuale di spermatozoi con basso potenziale di membrana mitocondriale (MMP) e frammentazione del DNA era statisticamente più alta nei pazienti obesi rispetto ai controlli. Anche gli indici seminali di stress ossidativo sono risultati peggiori nel gruppo di pazienti obesi. I pazienti obesi avevano livelli di TT inferiori rispetto ai controlli di peso normale, sebbene la differenza non abbia raggiunto la significatività statistica. Per quanto riguarda l'intervento dietetico, dopo VLCKD abbiamo riscontrato una riduzione del peso corporeo, con una diminuzione significativa sia del BMI che della circonferenza vita rispetto al basale. Glicemia a digiuno, insulina e indice HOMA sono migliorati in modo significativo. Anche il profilo lipidico, le transaminasi, il colesterolo totale, HDL, TGL, LDL, AST e ALT sono migliorati significativamente dopo VLCKD. La vitamina D, LH e TT sono aumentate in modo significativo, mentre il PSA è diminuito in modo significativo rispetto al basale. Conclusione: L'obesità è associata a parametri spermatici convenzionali e biofunzionali peggiori e ad un aumento degli indici seminali di stress ossidativo, suggerendo quindi che la valutazione di questi parametri potrebbe essere utile per comprendere meglio il meccanismo del danno riproduttivo e per fornire un trattamento specifico. Inoltre, abbiamo dimostrato che la VLCKD è uno strumento efficace per contrastare l'obesità e le sue complicanze, poiché migliora il profilo metabolico e gonadico del soggetto studiato.
Introduction: In the last two decades, obesity has become an increasingly widespread reality. Numerous epidemiological studies show that obesity impacts negatively male reproductive function, but the data from literature are not conclusive about the effects on conventional sperm parameters. Moreover, the relationship between obesity and bio-functional sperm parameters has been little investigated. Among the mechanisms potentially responsible for fertility reduction in obese men, the role of the low grade chronic inflammation, caused by lipotoxicity, must be taken into account. Body weight loss is a key goal in obese patients. A promising therapeutic option for achieving significant weight loss is the very-low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD). Aim of the study: To evaluate the role of obesity, as responsible for sperm damage, since this condition increased oxidative stress at the seminal level. We also evaluated the effectiveness of VLCKD on metabolic parameters and hormonal profiles of obese male patients. Patients and methods: We enrolled 50 male obese patients and 50 healthy normal-weight subjects. For each patient sperm analysis was conducted according to WHO 2010 criteria. Bio-functional sperm parameters and seminal indexes of oxidative stress were also evaluated. For all subjects LH and TT were evaluated at the enrolment. Obese patients were advised to follow the VLCKD plan for at least 8 weeks, thus the following biochemical data were collected both before and after diet: fasting glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides (TGL), creatinine, uric acid, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), vitamin D, luteinizing hormone (LH), total testosterone (TT), and prostate-specific antigen (PSA). We calculated the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index for the evaluation of insulin resistance and the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level to complete the framework for the glycolipid profile. Results: We found that seminal fluid volume, sperm concentration, total and progressive motility were statistically lower in obese men. As for biofunctional sperm parameters, the percentage of alive spermatozoa was significantly lower, while the percentage of spermatozoa with low mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and DNA fragmentation was statistically higher in obese patients than in controls. Seminal indexes of oxidative stress were also worse in the group of obese patients. Obese patients had TT levels lower than normal weight controls, although the difference did not reach the statistical significance. As for dietary intervention, after VLCKD we found a reduction in body weight, with a significant decrease in both the BMI and waist circumference from baseline. Fasting glucose, insulin and HOMA index improved significantly. Also lipid profile, transaminases, total cholesterol, HDL, TGL, LDL, AST and ALT improved significantly after VLCKD. Vitamin D, LH and TT increased significantly, while PSA significantly decreased compared with baseline. Conclusion: Obesity is associated with worse conventional and bio-functional sperm parameters and with an increase of seminal indexes of oxidative stress, so suggesting that the evaluation of these parameters could be helpful to better understand the mechanism of reproductive damage and to provide a specific treatment. Moreover, we showed that VLCKD is an effective tool to counteract obesity and its complications, since it improved metabolic and gonadal profile of the subject studied.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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