The period going from the last decades of the XIX century to the 1940s is characterized by unprecedented changes concerning the interpretative paradigms which had until then dominated the European cultural, literary and scientific panorama. The concept of “crisis” is one of the most useful to sum up the cultural upheavals of the period in question. Clearly, such changes in feeling will have a major influence on the artistic production of the period, which becomes a privileged ground for writers, painters, photographers to elaborate their position, whether oppositive or explanatory, about the ongoing “crisis of civilization”. With its double meaning of “factor that disturbs an existing equilibrium” and “process of evaluation and judgment”, the conceptual category of crisis expand itself to indicate a “resisting position in front of a specific situation”, in particular as a consequence of the upheavals provoked by World War II, usually indicated as the end point of the modernist period. The written works of Claude Cahun (1894-1954), a peripheral voice of the French literary field from the 1910s to the 1940s, represents an exemplary space where this concept manifests itself with all its sets of implications. This thesis aims to deepen the study of the written corpus of Claude Cahun starting from the concepts of crisis and resistance, constituting the two poles between which the human and literary experience of the writer moves. The research is focused on the published works (Vues et visions, Héroïnes, Aveux non avenus, Confidences au miroir), as well as on the unpublished and/or unfinished ones (Les jeux uraniens, Le muet dans la mêlée), whose transcriptions constitute the last part of the thesis. With a multidisciplinary approach, our analysis fits into the framework recently opened by the new modernist studies. A literary analysis will thus be integrated with a sociological one, and we will use the findings of women's studies and gender studies to conduct an investigation on multiple fronts. Finally, using the corpus linguistics instruments (Sketch Engine), the qualitative analysis will be enriched by a quantitative one which will help us to highlight certain capital aspects of a corpus that can be defined as the manifestation of a peripheral voice able to originally reflect the main questions and themes of European Modernism. Evolving among symbolism, surrealism and modernism, Claude Cahun’s written and visual corpus represents a marginal manifestation in which it is however possible to perceive original and significant responses which help to shed a new light on the literary implications of the cultural European crisis. This polymorphic work reflects and amplifies the echoes of the crisis of the subject deprived of landmarks in a civilization upset by upheavals which also acquire an epistemological value. From the crisis of the representative power of literature, to the crisis of the subject and the crisis of the genders, the literary and visual production of Claude Cahun provides original answers to the demand of renewal which dominates the European cultural field of the Twentieth century’s first half.
Il periodo che va dagli ultimi decenni del XIX secolo agli anni Quaranta del secolo scorso è caratterizzato dall’insorgere di cambiamenti inediti riguardanti i paradigmi interpretativi che avevano fino ad allora dominato il panorama culturale europeo e che sembrano ora crollare sotto i colpi inferti dall’emergere di una philosophie du supçon. Il concetto di “crisi” si rivela uno dei più adatti a riassumere gli sconvolgimenti del periodo in questione: mutamenti profondi del sentire che non mancheranno di esercitare una forte influenza sulla produzione artistica dell'epoca, terreno privilegiato in cui elaborare posture oppositive o esplicative rispetto alla “crisi della civiltà” in corso. Con il duplice significato di “fattore di squilibrio traumatico della stabilità esistente” e di “processo di valutazione e giudizio”, la categoria di crisi si estende fino a includere il senso di “postura resistente di fronte a une determinata situazione”, soprattutto come conseguenza dello sconvolgimento del secondo conflitto mondiale, convenzionalmente indicato da parte della critica come limite ultimo del periodo modernista. La scrittura di Claude Cahun (1894-1954), rappresenta un luogo esemplare in cui il concetto di crisi si manifesta con tutta l’ampiezza di implicazioni di cui è portatore. Opera multimediale e polimorfa, essa riflette e amplifica gli echi della crisi del soggetto ormai privo di punti di riferimento in una civiltà sconvolta da una crisi che acquisisce valore epistemologico. La tesi si propone di approfondire lo studio dell’opera di Cahun a partire dai concetti-chiave di crisi e resistenza, poli tra i quali si muove l'esperienza umana e letteraria della scrittrice. Oltre alle opere edite (Vues et visions, Héroïnes, Aveux non avenus, Confidences au miroir), verranno indagate gli scritti inediti e/o incompleti (Les jeux uraniens, Le muet dans la mêlé), inseriti in trascrizione nell’ultima parte della tesi. Attraverso un approccio multidisciplinare, la ricerca si inserisce nel quadro teorico recentemente aperto dai new modernist studies. L’analisi letteraria si accompagnerà difatti a un’analisi di matrice sociologica e utilizzeremo i risultati dei women’s studies (études des femmes) e dei gender studies (études de genre) per condurre un'indagine su più fronti atta a rilevare il posizionamento di Cahun nel campo letterario europeo della prima metà del secolo e di reinserirne il corpus nel contesto del modernismo europeo. L'analisi qualitativa sarà inoltre arricchita da un'analisi quantitativa tramite l'utilizzo di strumenti di linguistica dei corpora (Sketch Engine) che ci permetteranno di mettere in luce alcuni aspetti capitali del corpus in esame. Dalla crisi della rappresentazione, alla crisi dell'Io, passando per la crisi dei generi sessuali, la produzione cahuniana affronta le istanze di rinnovamento e questionamento che dominano il milieu culturale europeo della prima metà del XX secolo, coinvolgendo diversi ambiti: da quello della rappresentazione e dell’auto- rappresentazione fino a quello dei generi sessuali e della sessualità tout-court. In continua evoluzione tra simbolismo, surrealismo e modernismo, il corpus delle opere scritte e visuali di Cahun rappresenta la manifestazione di una voce dalla postura periferica che riflette in maniera originale e significativa le istanze capitali del modernismo europeo, fornendo risposte inedite che contribuiscono a gettare nuova luce sulle implicazioni letterarie del parossismo culturale che attraversa Europa nella prima metà del XX secolo.
Poétique de la crise et pratiques de résistance dans l'écriture de Claude Cahun / CALANNI RINDINA, Desire'. - (2022 May 05).
Poétique de la crise et pratiques de résistance dans l'écriture de Claude Cahun
The period going from the last decades of the XIX century to the 1940s is characterized by unprecedented changes concerning the interpretative paradigms which had until then dominated the European cultural, literary and scientific panorama. The concept of “crisis” is one of the most useful to sum up the cultural upheavals of the period in question. Clearly, such changes in feeling will have a major influence on the artistic production of the period, which becomes a privileged ground for writers, painters, photographers to elaborate their position, whether oppositive or explanatory, about the ongoing “crisis of civilization”. With its double meaning of “factor that disturbs an existing equilibrium” and “process of evaluation and judgment”, the conceptual category of crisis expand itself to indicate a “resisting position in front of a specific situation”, in particular as a consequence of the upheavals provoked by World War II, usually indicated as the end point of the modernist period. The written works of Claude Cahun (1894-1954), a peripheral voice of the French literary field from the 1910s to the 1940s, represents an exemplary space where this concept manifests itself with all its sets of implications. This thesis aims to deepen the study of the written corpus of Claude Cahun starting from the concepts of crisis and resistance, constituting the two poles between which the human and literary experience of the writer moves. The research is focused on the published works (Vues et visions, Héroïnes, Aveux non avenus, Confidences au miroir), as well as on the unpublished and/or unfinished ones (Les jeux uraniens, Le muet dans la mêlée), whose transcriptions constitute the last part of the thesis. With a multidisciplinary approach, our analysis fits into the framework recently opened by the new modernist studies. A literary analysis will thus be integrated with a sociological one, and we will use the findings of women's studies and gender studies to conduct an investigation on multiple fronts. Finally, using the corpus linguistics instruments (Sketch Engine), the qualitative analysis will be enriched by a quantitative one which will help us to highlight certain capital aspects of a corpus that can be defined as the manifestation of a peripheral voice able to originally reflect the main questions and themes of European Modernism. Evolving among symbolism, surrealism and modernism, Claude Cahun’s written and visual corpus represents a marginal manifestation in which it is however possible to perceive original and significant responses which help to shed a new light on the literary implications of the cultural European crisis. This polymorphic work reflects and amplifies the echoes of the crisis of the subject deprived of landmarks in a civilization upset by upheavals which also acquire an epistemological value. From the crisis of the representative power of literature, to the crisis of the subject and the crisis of the genders, the literary and visual production of Claude Cahun provides original answers to the demand of renewal which dominates the European cultural field of the Twentieth century’s first half.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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