The identification of suitable biological targets for the development of new therapeutic strategies and/or construction of novel molecules with sensing abilities may represent a promising approach for the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s Diseases (AD). AD is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease in the growing population of elderly people whose hallmark is the accumulation of plaques in the brain of AD patients. The plaques predominantly consist of aggregates of Amyloid-β (Aβ), a peptide of 39-42 amino acids generated in vivo by specific, proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). It has been demonstrated that oligomers are the really toxic species in the Aβ’s aggregation process. Aβ’s oligomers form in the brain man before onset of the clinical symptoms and brain damage. Thus, the oligomers represent a primary target for therapeutic intervention and early diagnosis. Peptide-based inhibitors of Aβ aggregation have been widely investigated with particular emphasis to those derived from original amyloid sequences, such as KLVFF and LPFFD peptide fragments. The experimental work described in the present PhD Thesis, aims at outlining the antifibrillogenic, neuroprotective and sensing ability exhibited by a new class of di-functional macrocycle-peptides conjugates. The well-known recognition Aβ group KLVFF was combined to macrocycle moieties (Calixarene or Porphyrin) with the aim of explicating synergistic and/or complementary actions committed to in neuroprotective or early diagnosis. The KLVFF, in these derivatives, has been linked to the macrocycles through the fragment GPG to eliminate any possible propensity for self-aggregation of these derivatives The design, synthesis, and capability of the calixarene-peptide and porphyrin-peptide conjugates to recognize and bind low molecular weight aggregated of Aβ has been investigated. Calixarenes (CAs) possess a hydrophobic cavity that in principle can host a variety of guests and in particular bioactive molecules. In view of their molecular recognition abilities, low toxicity and immunogenicity and self-assembly properties, CAs have been extensively employed in different pharmacological activity. Additionally, some CAs derivatives exhibit biological activities as disaggregating agents. A water-soluble p-amino-calix[4]arene derivative was linked via amide bond to the peptide KLVFF using as linker the β-turn GPG fragment. The therapeutical potential of the calixarene-GPG-KLVFF conjugate was evaluated. On the other hand, Porphyrins and porphyrin-related structures are a tetrapyrroles macrocycle widely represented in nature, where they play important roles in various biological processes. Well-known biological porphyrin includes the heme, responsible for blood oxygen transport, and chlorophylls, utilized for photosynthesis. The porphyrin macrocycle has characteristic spectroscopic signal that render it unique as potential scaffold to create compounds able to use as sensing molecule or generate single oxygen. In particular, it is able to create hybrid compounds that efficiently was interact with Aβ and then, generate suitable signal. Using the click chemistry, several porphyrin-peptide conjugates, that differ for the metal in the core porphyrin and/or for the linker between the porphyrin and peptide, were obtained. The potential sensing ability of these porphyrin-KLVFF conjugates as well as study. The synthesized compounds have been investigated by different biophysical techniques, including UV-Vis, Tioflavin-T (ThT) or Bis-Ans fluorescence, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and ESI-MS. Furthermore, biological assays on differentiated neuronal cell were performed in order to clarify their cytoprotective activity.
L'identificazione di bersagli biologici idonei per lo sviluppo di nuove strategie terapeutiche e/o la costruzione di nuove molecole con capacità sensoristiche può rappresentare un approccio promettente per la diagnosi e il trattamento della malattia di Alzheimer (AD). L'AD è la malattia neurodegenerativa più diffusa nella crescente popolazione di anziani, caratterizzata dall’accumulo di placche nel cervello dei pazienti. Le placche sono costituite prevalentemente da aggregati di Amiloide-β (Aβ), un peptide di 39-42 aminoacidi generato in vivo dalla scissione proteolitica specifica della proteina precursore dell'amiloide (APP). È stato dimostrato che gli oligomeri sono le specie realmente tossiche nel processo di aggregazione dell'Aβ. Gli oligomeri di Aβ si formano nel cervello dell'uomo prima dell'inizio dei sintomi clinici e del danno cerebrale. Pertanto, essi rappresentano un obiettivo primario per l'intervento terapeutico e la diagnosi precoce. Gli inibitori dell'aggregazione di Aβ a base di peptidi sono stati ampiamente studiati con particolare enfasi per quelli derivanti da sequenze amiloidi originali, come i frammenti peptidici KLVFF e LPFFD. Il lavoro sperimentale descritto nella presente tesi di dottorato, mira a delineare le capacità antifibrillogeniche, neuroprotettive e sensoriali esibite da una nuova classe di coniugati bi-funzionali macrociclo-peptidi. Il noto gruppo KLVFF, responsabile del riconoscimento di Aβ, è stato coniugato con differenti macrocicli (calixarene o porfirina) con l'obiettivo di creare, con un’azione sinergica e/o complementare, nuovi sistemi da impegnare nella diagnosi precoce e nella terapia. In questi derivati, il KLVFF è stato legato ai macrocicli attraverso il frammento GPG per eliminare ogni possibile propensione all'auto-aggregazione di questi derivati. Sono state studiate la progettazione, la sintesi e la capacità dei coniugati calixarene-peptide e porfirina-peptide di riconoscere e legare aggregati di Aβ a basso peso molecolare. I calixareni (CA) possiedono una cavità idrofobica che può ospitare una varietà di sistemi e in particolare molecole bioattive. In considerazione delle loro capacità di riconoscimento molecolare, bassa tossicità e immunogenicità e proprietà di autoassemblaggio, i CA sono stati ampiamente impiegati in diverse attività farmacologiche. Inoltre, alcuni derivati dei CA esibiscono attività biologiche come agenti disaggreganti. Un derivato idrosolubile di p-amino-calix[4]arene è stato legato tramite legame ammidico al peptide KLVFF utilizzando come linker il frammento GPG β-turn. È stato valutato il potenziale terapeutico del coniugato calixarene-GPG-KLVFF. D'altra parte, le porfirine e le strutture correlate alle porfirine sono dei macrocicli tetrapirroloci ampiamente rappresentate in natura, dove svolgono ruoli importanti in vari processi biologici. La ben note porfirine biologiche sono l'eme, responsabile del trasporto di ossigeno nel sangue, e le clorofille, utilizzate per la fotosintesi. Il macrociclo della porfirina ha un caratteristico segnale spettroscopico che lo rende unico come potenziale impalcatura per creare composti in grado di utilizzare come molecola sensore o generare ossigeno singoletto. In particolare, è in grado di creare composti ibridi che interagivano in modo efficiente con Aβ e quindi generare un segnale adeguato. Utilizzando la “click chemistry” sono stati ottenuti diversi coniugati porfirina-peptide, che differiscono per il metallo nel nucleo porfirinico e/o per il collegamento tra la porfirina e il peptide. La potenziale capacità dei coniugati porfirina-KLVFF come molecole sensore è stato studiato. I composti sintetizzati sono stati studiati con diverse tecniche biofisiche, tra cui la fluorescenza UV-Vis, Tioflavin-T (ThT) o Bis-Ans, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) ed ESI-MS. Inoltre, sono stati eseguiti saggi biologici su cellule neuronali differenziate al fine di chiarire la loro attività citoprotettiva.
Progettazione e sintesi di piccoli peptidi coniugati con macrocicli per la diagnosi e la terapia nelle malattie neurodegenerative / Tosto, Rita. - (2022 Dec 06).
Progettazione e sintesi di piccoli peptidi coniugati con macrocicli per la diagnosi e la terapia nelle malattie neurodegenerative.
The identification of suitable biological targets for the development of new therapeutic strategies and/or construction of novel molecules with sensing abilities may represent a promising approach for the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s Diseases (AD). AD is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease in the growing population of elderly people whose hallmark is the accumulation of plaques in the brain of AD patients. The plaques predominantly consist of aggregates of Amyloid-β (Aβ), a peptide of 39-42 amino acids generated in vivo by specific, proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). It has been demonstrated that oligomers are the really toxic species in the Aβ’s aggregation process. Aβ’s oligomers form in the brain man before onset of the clinical symptoms and brain damage. Thus, the oligomers represent a primary target for therapeutic intervention and early diagnosis. Peptide-based inhibitors of Aβ aggregation have been widely investigated with particular emphasis to those derived from original amyloid sequences, such as KLVFF and LPFFD peptide fragments. The experimental work described in the present PhD Thesis, aims at outlining the antifibrillogenic, neuroprotective and sensing ability exhibited by a new class of di-functional macrocycle-peptides conjugates. The well-known recognition Aβ group KLVFF was combined to macrocycle moieties (Calixarene or Porphyrin) with the aim of explicating synergistic and/or complementary actions committed to in neuroprotective or early diagnosis. The KLVFF, in these derivatives, has been linked to the macrocycles through the fragment GPG to eliminate any possible propensity for self-aggregation of these derivatives The design, synthesis, and capability of the calixarene-peptide and porphyrin-peptide conjugates to recognize and bind low molecular weight aggregated of Aβ has been investigated. Calixarenes (CAs) possess a hydrophobic cavity that in principle can host a variety of guests and in particular bioactive molecules. In view of their molecular recognition abilities, low toxicity and immunogenicity and self-assembly properties, CAs have been extensively employed in different pharmacological activity. Additionally, some CAs derivatives exhibit biological activities as disaggregating agents. A water-soluble p-amino-calix[4]arene derivative was linked via amide bond to the peptide KLVFF using as linker the β-turn GPG fragment. The therapeutical potential of the calixarene-GPG-KLVFF conjugate was evaluated. On the other hand, Porphyrins and porphyrin-related structures are a tetrapyrroles macrocycle widely represented in nature, where they play important roles in various biological processes. Well-known biological porphyrin includes the heme, responsible for blood oxygen transport, and chlorophylls, utilized for photosynthesis. The porphyrin macrocycle has characteristic spectroscopic signal that render it unique as potential scaffold to create compounds able to use as sensing molecule or generate single oxygen. In particular, it is able to create hybrid compounds that efficiently was interact with Aβ and then, generate suitable signal. Using the click chemistry, several porphyrin-peptide conjugates, that differ for the metal in the core porphyrin and/or for the linker between the porphyrin and peptide, were obtained. The potential sensing ability of these porphyrin-KLVFF conjugates as well as study. The synthesized compounds have been investigated by different biophysical techniques, including UV-Vis, Tioflavin-T (ThT) or Bis-Ans fluorescence, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and ESI-MS. Furthermore, biological assays on differentiated neuronal cell were performed in order to clarify their cytoprotective activity.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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