Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are persistent and ubiquitous environmental pollutants that originated from anthropogenic activities during the incomplete combustion of organic materials (petrol, wood, oil, coal) or natural sources such as open burning, volcanic activities or coal deposits. Due to their ubiquity, PAHs are commonly detected in all environmental compartments: in the atmosphere as gas-phase chemicals or adsorbed on atmospheric particles, in the soil as bioaccumulated via deposition from the atmosphere, in the aquatic environment as solubilized or bioaccumulated because they tend to become associate to the particulate matter ending in sedimentation. Various PAHs have received much attention due to their toxicity to humans and their possible harmful effects on aquatic and terrestrial animals and plants. For this reason, several different remediation technologies have been tested in efforts to treat PAHs in environmental media. In this PhD thesis, numerous studies have been done aiming to investigate the applications of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to treat different types of pollutants. Firstly, aiming to obtain a new powerful system useful in the photocatalytic process, a new PMMA-based nanocomposite was designed and synthesized. The efficiency of this new system was determined by using the nanocomposite thin films in the photodegradation of xenobiotic and anthracene-based pollutants in aqueous solutions. To understand the effect of the polymeric matrix on the efficiency of the catalyst, an in-depth study was performed using different polymer-based photocatalysts in the photodegradation of pollutants. Furthermore, to exploit tandem oxidative processes, operating synergistically in different environmental media and ensuring better efficiency in the degradation processes, different methodologies have been applied using a multi-approach strategy. Thus, the study of the anthracene (as a model of PAHs) degradation present in the soil involved the use of microwave heating assisted by liquid activated carbon as enhancers, coupled with or UV irradiation or photocatalyzed approaches. Moreover, since the presence of these PAHs was recorded in the gas phase after the microwave treatment, the TiO2-based thermoplastic nanocomposite photocatalyst was used to degrade volatile organic compounds (having aliphatic and aromatic structures) using a new kind of flow-reactor designed ad-hoc. This approach represent a promising path also for application in industrial environments, where PAHs and VOCs are also present as a result of imperfect combustion of organic matters (coal, petroleum). Finally, to enhance the performance of the photocatalyst, new chromophores with exciton multiplication potential proprieties were designed and synthesized. These systems will be used by anchoring their structure on the surface of TiO2 to enhance its photocatalytic efficiency in the UV and visible regions.
Gli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (IPA) sono inquinanti persistenti e ubiquitari nell'ambiente che vengono prodotti sia dalle attività antropogeniche durante la combustione incompleta di materiale organico (benzina, legna, petrolio, carbone) sia da fonti naturali quali combustioni all'aperto, attività vulcaniche o giacimenti di carbone. A causa della loro ubiquità, gli IPA sono comunemente rilevati in tutti i compartimenti ambientali: nell'atmosfera come sostanze chimiche in fase gassosa o adsorbiti sulle particelle atmosferiche, nel suolo si trovano bioaccumulati per deposizione dall'atmosfera, nell'ambiente acquatico vengono solubilizzati o bioaccumulati in quanto tendono ad associarsi al particolato che si ritrova sedimentato. Vari IPA hanno destato notevole preoccupazione a causa della loro tossicità per l'uomo e dei loro possibili effetti dannosi su animali, piante acquatiche e terrestri. Per questo motivo, diverse tecnologie di bonifica sono state testate nel tentativo di trattare gli IPA nei mezzi ambientali. In questa tesi di dottorato sono stati condotti numerosi studi con l'obiettivo di indagare le applicazioni dei processi di ossidazione avanzata (AOP) per il trattamento di diversi tipi di inquinanti. In primo luogo, con l'obiettivo di ottenere un nuovo potente sistema utile nel processo fotocatalitico, è stato progettato e sintetizzato un nuovo nanocomposito a base di PMMA. L'efficienza di questo nuovo sistema è stata determinata utilizzando film sottili di nanocomposito per la fotodegradazione di inquinanti xenobiotici e inquinanti quali l'antracene e i suoi derivati in soluzione acquosa. Per comprendere l'effetto della matrice polimerica sull'efficienza del catalizzatore, è stato condotto uno studio approfondito utilizzando diversi fotocatalizzatori a base polimerica nella fotodegradazione degli inquinanti. Inoltre, sfruttando i processi ossidativi, è stata utilizzata una strategia multi-approccio in grado di consentire l'applicazione di diverse metodologie che operino in sinergia nei mezzi ambientali (aria, acqua, suolo) garantendo una migliore efficienza nei processi di degrado. Pertanto, lo studio della degradazione dell'antracene (usato come modello di IPA) presente nel suolo ha comportato l'uso del riscaldamento a microonde assistito da carbone liquido attivo come potenziatore, accoppiato con l'irradiazione UV o con approcci fotocatalizzati. Inoltre, poichè la presenza di questi IPA è stata registrata nella fase gassosa dopo il trattamento a microonde, il fotocatalizzatore nanocomposito termoplastico a base di TiO2 è stato utilizzato per degradare i composti organici volatili (aventi strutture alifatiche e aromatiche) utilizzando un nuovo tipo di reattore a flusso progettato ad-hoc. Questo approccio rappresenta un percorso promettente anche per l'applicazione in ambienti industriali dove sono presenti anche IPA e VOC a seguito della combustione incompleta delle sostante organiche (carbone, petrolio). Infine, per migliorare le prestazioni del fotocatalizzatore, sono stati progettati e sintetizzati nuovi cromofori con proprietà potenziali di moltiplicazione dei fotoni incidenti. Questi sistemi verranno utilizzati ancorando la loro struttura sulla superficie di TiO2 per migliorarne l'efficienza fotocatalitica nella regione UV e visibile dello spettro solare.
Decontaminazione Ambientale da Darivati di IPA / Vento, Fabiana. - (2022 Dec 06).
Decontaminazione Ambientale da Darivati di IPA
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are persistent and ubiquitous environmental pollutants that originated from anthropogenic activities during the incomplete combustion of organic materials (petrol, wood, oil, coal) or natural sources such as open burning, volcanic activities or coal deposits. Due to their ubiquity, PAHs are commonly detected in all environmental compartments: in the atmosphere as gas-phase chemicals or adsorbed on atmospheric particles, in the soil as bioaccumulated via deposition from the atmosphere, in the aquatic environment as solubilized or bioaccumulated because they tend to become associate to the particulate matter ending in sedimentation. Various PAHs have received much attention due to their toxicity to humans and their possible harmful effects on aquatic and terrestrial animals and plants. For this reason, several different remediation technologies have been tested in efforts to treat PAHs in environmental media. In this PhD thesis, numerous studies have been done aiming to investigate the applications of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to treat different types of pollutants. Firstly, aiming to obtain a new powerful system useful in the photocatalytic process, a new PMMA-based nanocomposite was designed and synthesized. The efficiency of this new system was determined by using the nanocomposite thin films in the photodegradation of xenobiotic and anthracene-based pollutants in aqueous solutions. To understand the effect of the polymeric matrix on the efficiency of the catalyst, an in-depth study was performed using different polymer-based photocatalysts in the photodegradation of pollutants. Furthermore, to exploit tandem oxidative processes, operating synergistically in different environmental media and ensuring better efficiency in the degradation processes, different methodologies have been applied using a multi-approach strategy. Thus, the study of the anthracene (as a model of PAHs) degradation present in the soil involved the use of microwave heating assisted by liquid activated carbon as enhancers, coupled with or UV irradiation or photocatalyzed approaches. Moreover, since the presence of these PAHs was recorded in the gas phase after the microwave treatment, the TiO2-based thermoplastic nanocomposite photocatalyst was used to degrade volatile organic compounds (having aliphatic and aromatic structures) using a new kind of flow-reactor designed ad-hoc. This approach represent a promising path also for application in industrial environments, where PAHs and VOCs are also present as a result of imperfect combustion of organic matters (coal, petroleum). Finally, to enhance the performance of the photocatalyst, new chromophores with exciton multiplication potential proprieties were designed and synthesized. These systems will be used by anchoring their structure on the surface of TiO2 to enhance its photocatalytic efficiency in the UV and visible regions.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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