INTRODUCTION The more appropriate clinical-therapeutic management of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) includes: 1) post-surgical assessment (in order to optimize initial staging) based on the risk Stratification System predicting the risk of persistent / recurrent disease and on TNM Staging System predicting survival; 2) short and long-term follow-up based on the “Ongoing risk stratification” through Thyroglobulin, thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb), neck ultrasound, post-131-I WBS, other imaging The 2015 American guidelines (66) introduced a new risk stratification system for DTC, adding to the previous one (2009) other prognostic variables, such as lymph node status (the number of involved nodes, their size and the presence of extranodal extension), mutational status and the degree of vascular invasion in follicular thyroid cancer. Moreover, the TNM (Tumor, Node, Metastasis) classification was changed in 2018 to better predict DTC survival. Most of the changes in the 8th edition (TNM-8) downstaged a significant number of patients into lower stages to more accurately reflect their low risk of dying. Long-term, prospective studies are needed to evaluate the impact of the new risk stratification and TNM. AIMS The main aims of this thesis are: to identify the risk factors of disease (biochemical and structural) at the 12-18 months assessment after primary treatment in all patients and only in intermediate risk category and to investigate whether DTC, in patients resident in the volcanic area, has a worse short-term staging and not only higher incidence as already demonstrated; to assess the power of persistent/recurrent disease prediction between the different ATA risk categories (2009 vs 2015) and therefore the incremental benefit of additional prognostic variables added to the 2009 risk stratification system and to estimate the incremental benefit of the new TNM staging (VIII vs VII) at short-term re-evaluation 12-18 after the first treatment; to construct a Nomogram, according to significant factors in multivariable logistic regression, with a risk score for predicting the probability of persistent and recurrent disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS A consecutive series of 451 DTC patients, all followed up at the Endocrinology Thyroid Clinic, Garibaldi-Nesima Medical Center in Catania, Sicily, undergone to thyroidectomy ± lymph node dissection, from October 2017 to February 2020, was analyzed. Tumors were staged according to the VII and VIII TNM edition. At initial evaluation, patients were subdivided into three different risk categories: low, intermediate and high risk according to ATA risk stratification published in 2009 and 2015. Post-surgery RAI therapy (30-100 mCi or 1110 – 3700 MBq), ablative or adjuvant, was administered to 277 (61.4%) patients. All patients were followed up periodically with serum Thyroglobulin and anti-Tg antibodies measurements and neck ultrasound during levothyroxine (L-T4) therapy. After 12-18 months from the first evaluation, according to their response to the initial therapy (“ongoing” stratification) patients were re-classified in excellent, indeterminate, biochemical incomplete or structural incomplete response. Risk factors of persistent/recurrent disease have been evaluated in all patients and after subdividing the cases according to the areas of residence (volcanic vs non-volcanic). RESULTS Median age at diagnosis was 47.5 yrs (IQR 36.9-57.8). Most patients were females (324, 71.8%) with a F/M ratio of 2.6/1.0. In our series 433 (96.0%) had papillary and 12 (2.7%) follicular histotype, 4 (0.9%) papillary-follicular and 2 (0.4%) poorly differentiated. 64 (14.2%) had an aggressive PTC variant (tall cell, diffuse sclerosing, columnar and insular). Minimal extrathyroidal extension was present in 97 (21.5%) patients and multifocality in 176 (39.0%). 11 patients (2.4%) had distant metastases at diagnosis or after short follow-up (10 lung metastases and 1 with lung and bone metastases). Evaluating the different risk categories published into ATA guidelines 2009 and 2015 there were only few variations in percentage due mainly to the lymph node number and size categorization. Using 2009 criteria 42.8%, 54.8% and 2.4% of patients were respectively into low, intermediate and high risk; with 2015 criteria, instead, the percentages were respectively 45.4%, 51.2% and 3.3%. Applying VII TNM staging system 271 (60.1%) tumors were T1a and T1b, 56 (12.4%) T2, 113 (25.1%) T3, 5 (1.1%) T4a and 6 (1.3%) Tx. Instead applying VIII TNM staging system more than 3/4 of the patients (349, 77.4%) had T1a and T1b tumors, 73 (16.2%) T2, 5 (1.1%) T3a, 13 (2.9%) T3b, 5 (1.1) T4a and 6 (1.3%) Tx. This different percentage depends on the removal of minimal extrathyroid extension from T3 classification. Regarding the lymph node status, applying VII TNM staging 54 (12.0%) patients were N0, 121 (26.8%) were N1a, 62 (13.7%) were N1b and 214 (47.5%) were Nx. Instead applying VIII TNM staging almost 60% of cases were N0a or N0b (268, 59.4%), same cases of VII edition in N1a and N1b classes. Patients were also staged comparing VII vs VII TNM staging system: most patients fell into stage I using both classifications, respectively 324/451 (71.9%) vs 380/451 (86.5%); 23/451 (5.1%) vs 34924/451 (10.8%) into stage II; 62/451 (13.7%) vs 5/451 (1.1%) into stage III and 57/451 (9.3%) vs 5/451 (1.6%) into stage IV. Therefore, using VIII TNM edition there was a significative downstaging in all categories (about 30%), mostly from stage III and IVA into stage I and II. After initial treatment, 288/451 (63.9%) patients presented with excellent response but at the evaluation 12-18 months after initial treatment, 163 (36.1%) patients were not cured. In particular 82 patients presented an indeterminate response, five patients had biochemical incomplete response and 76 patients structural incomplete response. At univariate analysis, the factors associated to the presence of persistent disease (either morphologic or biochemical) at last disease assessment were: T status, the presence of lymph node metastasis, presence of more than five lymph node metastases, presence of lymph node metastases in the central compartment and in lateral compartments (N1a and N1b status), ATA risk intermediate or high and radioiodine treatment performed. At multivariate analysis lateral lymph node metastasis had a high odd ratio. Taking into account only structural disease at univariate analysis, the factors associated to the presence of persistent disease are, beyond the same risk factors of above, male gender and multifocality. At multivariate analysis T status and lateral-lymph node were independent predictors of disease. Moreover, considering biochemical and structural disease, the C-index indicated that the power of 2009 and 2015 risk categories as essentially the same and that with VII and VIII TNM staging system the C-index is low and similar. CONCLUSION Although the new TNM-8 in comparison to TNM-7 would seem to better discriminate mortality, the significant downstaging could underestimate the severity of disease in many patients and cause a non-negligible treatment burden, as for patients with latero-cervical metastases at diagnosis, especially when of large size and numerous. Further prospective studies are needed to better define the real effectiveness of the 2015 ATA risk stratification system and the VIII TNM staging system.
INTRODUZIONE La gestione clinico-terapeutica del carcinoma differenziato della tiroide comprende: 1) una valutazione post-chirurgica (al fine di ottimizzare la stadiazione iniziale) basata sul sistema di stratificazione del rischio che predice il rischio di persistenza/recidiva di malattia e sul sistema di stadiazione TNM che predice la sopravvivenza; 2) un follow-up a breve e lungo termine basato sulla "Stratificazione ongoing del rischio" attraverso Thyroglobulin, anticorpi anti-tireoglobulina (TgAb), ecografia del collo, scintigrafia total-body post-131-I o altri esami morfologici. Le linee guida americane pubblicate nel 2015 hanno introdotto un nuovo sistema di stratificazione del rischio per carcinoma tiroideo differenziato (DTC), aggiungendo al precedente (2009) diverse variabili prognostiche, come lo status linfonodale (numero, dimensione e la presenza di estensione extra-linfonodale), lo stato mutazionale e il grado di invasione vascolare nel carcinoma tiroideo follicolare. Inoltre, la classificazione TNM è stata modificata nel 2018 per migliorare il valore predittivo sulla sopravvivenza del DTC. La maggior parte dei cambiamenti apportati all'ottava edizione (TNM-8) ha sottostadiato un numero significativo di pazienti stimando in maniera più accurata la mortalità. Sono necessari studi prospettici a lungo termine per valutare l'impatto della nuova stratificazione del rischio e del TNM. OBIETTIVI Gli obiettivi principali di questa tesi sono: identificare i fattori di rischio di malattia (biochimici e strutturali) alla valutazione a 12-18 mesi dopo il trattamento primario in tutti i pazienti e solo nella categoria di rischio intermedia e indagare se DTC, nei pazienti residenti nel area vulcanica, ha una peggiore messa in scena a breve termine e non solo una maggiore incidenza come già dimostrato; valutare il potere di previsione della malattia persistente / ricorrente tra le diverse categorie di rischio ATA (2009 vs 2015) e quindi il beneficio incrementale di variabili prognostiche aggiuntive aggiunte al sistema di stratificazione del rischio 2009 e stimare il beneficio incrementale della nuova stadiazione TNM (VIII vs VII) alla rivalutazione a breve termine 12-18 dopo il primo trattamento; costruire un nomogramma, in base a fattori significativi nella regressione logistica multivariabile, con un punteggio di rischio per prevedere la probabilità di malattia persistente e ricorrente. PAZIENTI E METODI È stata analizzata una serie consecutiva di 451 pazienti affetti da DTC, seguiti presso il Centro Tiroide dell’Ospedale Garibaldi-Nesima di Catania sottoposti a tiroidectomia ± dissezione linfonodale, da ottobre 2017 a febbraio 2020. I tumori sono stati stadiati secondo la VII e VIII edizione TNM. Alla valutazione iniziale, i pazienti sono stati suddivisi in tre diverse categorie di rischio: basso, intermedio e alto secondo la stratificazione del rischio ATA pubblicata nel 2009 e nel 2015. La terapia con I-131 (30-100 mCi o 1110-3700 MBq), ablativa o adiuvante, è stata somministrata a 277 pazienti (61,4%). Tutti i pazienti sono stati periodicamente seguiti con misurazioni sieriche di tireoglobulina e anticorpi anti-Tg ed ecografia del collo durante la terapia con levotiroxina. Dopo 12-18 mesi dalla prima valutazione, in base alla loro risposta alla terapia iniziale (stratificazione “ongoing”) i pazienti sono stati riclassificati in risposta eccellente, indeterminata, biochimica incompleta o strutturale incompleta. I fattori di rischio di persistenza/recidiva di malattia sono stati valutati in tutti i pazienti e dopo aver suddiviso i casi in base alle aree di residenza (vulcanica vs non vulcanica). RISULTATI L'età media alla diagnosi era di 47,5 anni (IQR 36,9-57,8). La maggior parte dei pazienti era di sesso femminile (324, 71,8%) con un rapporto F/M di 2,6/1,0. 433 dei pazienti (96,0%) presentavano un istotipo papillare e 12 (2,7%) follicolare, 4 (0,9%) papillare-follicolare e 2 (0,4%) scarsamente differenziato. 64 (14,2%) presentavano una variante aggressiva del carcinoma papillifero tiroideo (cellule alte, sclerosante diffuso, colonnare e insulare). La minima estensione extratiroidea era presente in 97 pazienti (21,5%) e multifocalità in 176 (39,0%). 11 pazienti (2,4%) avevano metastasi a distanza alla diagnosi o dopo un breve follow-up (10 metastasi polmonari e 1 metastasi polmonari e ossee). Valutando i pazienti secondo le due differenti stratificazioni del rischio (linee guida ATA 2009 e 2015), non vi sono state variazioni significative nella distribuzione dei pazienti nelle tre classi di rischio. Utilizzando i criteri del 2009, il 42,8%, il 54,8% e il 2,4% dei pazienti erano rispettivamente a rischio basso, intermedio e alto; con i criteri del 2015, invece, le percentuali erano rispettivamente del 45,4%, 51,2% e 3,3%. Applicando il sistema di stadiazione TNM VII edizione 271 (60,1%) tumori erano T1a e T1b, 56 (12,4%) T2, 113 (25,1%) T3, 5 (1,1%) T4a e 6 (1,3%) Tx. Applicando invece l’VIII edizione, più di 3/4 dei pazienti (349, 77,4%) presentavano tumori T1a e T1b, 73 (16,2%) T2, 5 (1,1%) T3a, 13 (2,9%) T3b, 5 (1,1%) T4a e 6 (1,3%) Tx. Questa diversa distribuzione dipende principalmente dalla rimozione dell'estensione extratiroidea minima dalla classificazione T3. Per quanto riguarda lo status linfonodale, applicando la VII edizione TNM 54 pazienti (12,0%) erano N0, 121 (26,8%) erano N1a, 62 (13,7%) erano N1b e 214 (47,5%) erano Nx; utilizzando invece l’VIII edizione quasi il 60% dei casi era N0a o N0b (268, 59,4%), gli stessi casi della VII edizione nelle classi N1a e N1b. I pazienti sono stati anche stadiati mediante la VII e l’VIII edizione TNM: la maggior parte dei pazienti era in stadio I utilizzando entrambe le classificazioni, rispettivamente 324/451 (71,9%) vs 380/451 (86,5%); 23/451 (5,1%) vs 49/451 (10,8%) in stadio II; 62/451 (13,7%) vs 5/451 (1,1%) in stadio III e 57/451 (9,3%) vs 5/451 (1,6%) in stadio IV. Pertanto, utilizzando l'VIII edizione TNM si è verificato un significativo downstaging in tutte le categorie (circa il 30%), principalmente dallo stadio III e IVA allo stadio I e II. Dopo il trattamento iniziale, 288/451 (63,9%) pazienti presentavano una risposta eccellente; alla valutazione 12-18 mesi dopo il trattamento iniziale, 163 (36,1%) pazienti non erano guariti. In particolare 82 pazienti presentavano una risposta indeterminata, cinque pazienti una risposta biochimica incompleta e 76 pazienti una risposta incompleta strutturale. All'analisi univariata, i fattori associati alla presenza di malattia persistente (biochimica o morfologica) all'ultima valutazione erano: dimensioni tumorali (T), presenza di metastasi linfonodali, presenza di più di cinque metastasi linfonodali, presenza di metastasi linfonodali sia nel compartimento centrale che nei compartimenti lateralo-cervicali (N1a e N1b), trattamento con radioiodio e rischio ATA intermedio o alto. All'analisi multivariata le metastasi linfonodali latero-cervicali presentavano un elevato odd-ratio. Prendendo in considerazione solo la malattia strutturale all'analisi univariata, i fattori associati alla presenza di malattia persistente erano, oltre agli stessi fattori di rischio di cui sopra, il genere maschile e la multifocalità. All'analisi multivariata la T le metastasi linfonodali latero-cervicali erano predittori indipendenti di malattia. Inoltre, considerando la malattia biochimica e strutturale, il C-index ha indicato che la potenza delle categorie di rischio 2009 e 2015 e quella dei due sistemi di stadiazione (TNM VII e VIII) è simile. CONCLUSIONE Sebbene il nuovo TNM-8 rispetto al TNM-7 sembrerebbe discriminare meglio la mortalità per DTC, il significativo downstaging potrebbe sottostimare la gravità della malattia persistente/recidiva in molti pazienti, per esempio nei i pazienti con metastasi latero-cervicali alla diagnosi, soprattutto se di grandi dimensioni e numerose. Sono necessari ulteriori studi prospettici per definire meglio la reale efficacia del sistema di stratificazione del rischio ATA 2015 e del sistema di stadiazione TNM VIII edizione.
Valore predittivo di recidiva/persistenza di malattia della VII e VIII edizione del sistema di stadiazione TNM e del sistema di stratificazione del rischio (2015 e 2009) dell'American Thyroid Association in una serie prospettica consecutiva di 451 pazienti con carcinoma differenziato tiroideo. Proposta di un nomogramma predittivo di recidiva o persistenza di malattia / Sapuppo, Giulia. - (2021 Apr 21).
Valore predittivo di recidiva/persistenza di malattia della VII e VIII edizione del sistema di stadiazione TNM e del sistema di stratificazione del rischio (2015 e 2009) dell'American Thyroid Association in una serie prospettica consecutiva di 451 pazienti con carcinoma differenziato tiroideo. Proposta di un nomogramma predittivo di recidiva o persistenza di malattia
INTRODUCTION The more appropriate clinical-therapeutic management of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) includes: 1) post-surgical assessment (in order to optimize initial staging) based on the risk Stratification System predicting the risk of persistent / recurrent disease and on TNM Staging System predicting survival; 2) short and long-term follow-up based on the “Ongoing risk stratification” through Thyroglobulin, thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb), neck ultrasound, post-131-I WBS, other imaging The 2015 American guidelines (66) introduced a new risk stratification system for DTC, adding to the previous one (2009) other prognostic variables, such as lymph node status (the number of involved nodes, their size and the presence of extranodal extension), mutational status and the degree of vascular invasion in follicular thyroid cancer. Moreover, the TNM (Tumor, Node, Metastasis) classification was changed in 2018 to better predict DTC survival. Most of the changes in the 8th edition (TNM-8) downstaged a significant number of patients into lower stages to more accurately reflect their low risk of dying. Long-term, prospective studies are needed to evaluate the impact of the new risk stratification and TNM. AIMS The main aims of this thesis are: to identify the risk factors of disease (biochemical and structural) at the 12-18 months assessment after primary treatment in all patients and only in intermediate risk category and to investigate whether DTC, in patients resident in the volcanic area, has a worse short-term staging and not only higher incidence as already demonstrated; to assess the power of persistent/recurrent disease prediction between the different ATA risk categories (2009 vs 2015) and therefore the incremental benefit of additional prognostic variables added to the 2009 risk stratification system and to estimate the incremental benefit of the new TNM staging (VIII vs VII) at short-term re-evaluation 12-18 after the first treatment; to construct a Nomogram, according to significant factors in multivariable logistic regression, with a risk score for predicting the probability of persistent and recurrent disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS A consecutive series of 451 DTC patients, all followed up at the Endocrinology Thyroid Clinic, Garibaldi-Nesima Medical Center in Catania, Sicily, undergone to thyroidectomy ± lymph node dissection, from October 2017 to February 2020, was analyzed. Tumors were staged according to the VII and VIII TNM edition. At initial evaluation, patients were subdivided into three different risk categories: low, intermediate and high risk according to ATA risk stratification published in 2009 and 2015. Post-surgery RAI therapy (30-100 mCi or 1110 – 3700 MBq), ablative or adjuvant, was administered to 277 (61.4%) patients. All patients were followed up periodically with serum Thyroglobulin and anti-Tg antibodies measurements and neck ultrasound during levothyroxine (L-T4) therapy. After 12-18 months from the first evaluation, according to their response to the initial therapy (“ongoing” stratification) patients were re-classified in excellent, indeterminate, biochemical incomplete or structural incomplete response. Risk factors of persistent/recurrent disease have been evaluated in all patients and after subdividing the cases according to the areas of residence (volcanic vs non-volcanic). RESULTS Median age at diagnosis was 47.5 yrs (IQR 36.9-57.8). Most patients were females (324, 71.8%) with a F/M ratio of 2.6/1.0. In our series 433 (96.0%) had papillary and 12 (2.7%) follicular histotype, 4 (0.9%) papillary-follicular and 2 (0.4%) poorly differentiated. 64 (14.2%) had an aggressive PTC variant (tall cell, diffuse sclerosing, columnar and insular). Minimal extrathyroidal extension was present in 97 (21.5%) patients and multifocality in 176 (39.0%). 11 patients (2.4%) had distant metastases at diagnosis or after short follow-up (10 lung metastases and 1 with lung and bone metastases). Evaluating the different risk categories published into ATA guidelines 2009 and 2015 there were only few variations in percentage due mainly to the lymph node number and size categorization. Using 2009 criteria 42.8%, 54.8% and 2.4% of patients were respectively into low, intermediate and high risk; with 2015 criteria, instead, the percentages were respectively 45.4%, 51.2% and 3.3%. Applying VII TNM staging system 271 (60.1%) tumors were T1a and T1b, 56 (12.4%) T2, 113 (25.1%) T3, 5 (1.1%) T4a and 6 (1.3%) Tx. Instead applying VIII TNM staging system more than 3/4 of the patients (349, 77.4%) had T1a and T1b tumors, 73 (16.2%) T2, 5 (1.1%) T3a, 13 (2.9%) T3b, 5 (1.1) T4a and 6 (1.3%) Tx. This different percentage depends on the removal of minimal extrathyroid extension from T3 classification. Regarding the lymph node status, applying VII TNM staging 54 (12.0%) patients were N0, 121 (26.8%) were N1a, 62 (13.7%) were N1b and 214 (47.5%) were Nx. Instead applying VIII TNM staging almost 60% of cases were N0a or N0b (268, 59.4%), same cases of VII edition in N1a and N1b classes. Patients were also staged comparing VII vs VII TNM staging system: most patients fell into stage I using both classifications, respectively 324/451 (71.9%) vs 380/451 (86.5%); 23/451 (5.1%) vs 34924/451 (10.8%) into stage II; 62/451 (13.7%) vs 5/451 (1.1%) into stage III and 57/451 (9.3%) vs 5/451 (1.6%) into stage IV. Therefore, using VIII TNM edition there was a significative downstaging in all categories (about 30%), mostly from stage III and IVA into stage I and II. After initial treatment, 288/451 (63.9%) patients presented with excellent response but at the evaluation 12-18 months after initial treatment, 163 (36.1%) patients were not cured. In particular 82 patients presented an indeterminate response, five patients had biochemical incomplete response and 76 patients structural incomplete response. At univariate analysis, the factors associated to the presence of persistent disease (either morphologic or biochemical) at last disease assessment were: T status, the presence of lymph node metastasis, presence of more than five lymph node metastases, presence of lymph node metastases in the central compartment and in lateral compartments (N1a and N1b status), ATA risk intermediate or high and radioiodine treatment performed. At multivariate analysis lateral lymph node metastasis had a high odd ratio. Taking into account only structural disease at univariate analysis, the factors associated to the presence of persistent disease are, beyond the same risk factors of above, male gender and multifocality. At multivariate analysis T status and lateral-lymph node were independent predictors of disease. Moreover, considering biochemical and structural disease, the C-index indicated that the power of 2009 and 2015 risk categories as essentially the same and that with VII and VIII TNM staging system the C-index is low and similar. CONCLUSION Although the new TNM-8 in comparison to TNM-7 would seem to better discriminate mortality, the significant downstaging could underestimate the severity of disease in many patients and cause a non-negligible treatment burden, as for patients with latero-cervical metastases at diagnosis, especially when of large size and numerous. Further prospective studies are needed to better define the real effectiveness of the 2015 ATA risk stratification system and the VIII TNM staging system.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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