In recent years, the immigrant crisis has been exacerbated by migrants who are forced to flee for climatic, political, poverty and war reasons; consequently, political institutions have had to adopt defensive measures through the introduction of restrictive laws that not only prevent migrants from completely integrating into the host country, but deprive them of their rights. European states argue that European migration laws are able to systematically monitor the number of migrants arriving in Europe. They believe that the strict control of the introduction of new migrants into the host country is necessary in order to prevent intrusion by terrorists and excessive costs regarding migratory issues (Landau 2019; Estevens 2018). Conversely, many NGOs, humanitarian and political organizations, social movements and individual subjectivities consider these laws to be unjust and, consequently, they are mobilizing within networks of associations to support migrants’ needs; in addition, they act in order to gain recognition of the fundamental rights, freedom and human dignity of every individual (D’Amato and Lucarelli 2019). The actions of these networks highlight forms of prosocial activism, which seem to emerge from an intertwining of phenomena like humanitarian volunteerism and political activism. The goal of the research is to study prosocial activism within the context of Sicily, where there have been demonstrations promoting the free admission of migrants and the defence of their cultural identity. In this regard, the aforementioned research has focused on the analysis of the conformation and action of networks, such as Restiamo Umani Incontriamoci, Forum Antirazzista di Palermo and Sicilia Aperta e Solidale; secondly, the above networks have been compared with a collective in Spain, the Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak network in the Basque Country. In these contexts, there have been several episodes of racial discrimination, but at the same time, there are repressive migratory policies that tend to marginalize migrants. Taking into account the contextual and theoretical framework, the following interesting research questions have arisen: • (1) Is it possible to build sociologically the concept of pro-social activism by analysing the structure of the networks and their protest actions? • (2) What is the relationship between prosocial and social disobedience? • (3) In the light of the difference between volunteerism and activism, do these networks focus exclusively on political interests, or do members decide to engage in explicit forms of dissidence, such as lobbying, advocacy or acts of civil disobedience, in a prosocial key in order to highlight the social injustices endured, especially by migrants? • (4) Is it possible to identify other specific and critical characteristics concerning this form of activism? The methodology of research is the triangulation of data, the primary purpose of which is to collect and combine information from different sources in order to investigate prosocial activism in Sicily from different perspectives (Denzin 2009). During this first phase, 18 board members of the Sicilian networks were selected through a purposive sampling method. Subsequently, the Delphi method was applied, establishing a focus group with the aim of interviewing the board members. This method has proved useful in making predictions regarding improving the interview protocol through the most important questions that emerged in this first step; additionally, respondents were asked to collect new names to extend the interview campaign to a total of 40 interviews. The second phase of the research involved a campaign of 18 interviews with migrants who participated in the network events in order to compare this data to those from the first phase of the research for a rich and in-depth interpretation of prosocial practices. The snowball sampling technique was employed for this purpose: the activists interviewed provided the names of migrants who participated in the networks and the migrant subjects also provided the names of their compatriots. The final phase of the research involved a short campaign of 10 interviews with members of the Spanish associative network Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak; this was carried out in order to make a contextual comparison of the pro-social forms of activism implemented in in the Basque Country and Sicily. This comparison proved useful not only in examining this form of activism, with regard to the social context in which it comes into being, but also in helping to fully comprehend its characteristics. Issues linked to pro-social activism, from certain definitions of disobedience and social/pro-social activism provided by psychology and political philosophy, aim to define and circumscribe this thematic area that in sociology is still fragmented and only partly linked to theories on social movements.
Negli ultimi tempi, la crisi dell’accoglienza migratoria si presenta fortemente accentuata all’interno del continente europeo a causa dei migranti che sono costretti a fuggire per motivi climatici, politici, povertà e guerra; di conseguenza, le istituzioni politiche hanno dovuto adottare delle misure difensive attraverso l’introduzione di leggi restrittive che, non solo impediscono ai migranti di integrarsi pienamente all’interno del Paese ospitante, ma li privano dei loro stessi diritti. Gli stati europei sostengono che le leggi migratorie europee consentono di controllare, in modo sistematico, il numero di migranti che arrivano in Europa. In tal caso, essi considerano necessari l’intervento di rigidi controlli relativamente all’introduzione di nuovi migranti nel paese di accoglienza, al fine di evitare l’intrusione di terroristi e costi eccessivi sulle questioni migratorie (Landau 2019; Estevens 2018). Invece, molte ONG, associazioni umanitarie e politiche, movimenti sociali e singole soggettività considerano ingiuste la presenza di queste leggi e, di conseguenza, si stanno muovendo all’interno di reti di associazionismo al fine di supportare le richieste dei soggetti migranti; inoltre, esse agiscono con l’obiettivo di ottenere il riconoscimento dei diritti fondamentali, della libertà e della dignità umana di ogni individuo (D’Amato e Lucarelli 2019). L’agire di queste reti evidenziano forme di attivismo prosociale, che sembrano svilupparsi da un intreccio dei fenomeni quali il volontariato umanitario e l’attivismo politico. L’obiettivo della ricerca è quello di indagare l’attivismo prosociale considerando il contesto siciliano, paese in cui ci sono state manifestazioni relativamente alla libera accoglienza dei migranti e alla difesa della loro identità culturale; (1) a tal proposito, la suddetta ricerca si è focalizzata sull’analisi della conformazione e dell’agire delle reti, quali Restiamo Umani Incontriamoci, Forum Antirazzista di Palermo e Sicilia Aperta e Solidale; (2) le summenzionate reti, secondariamente, sono state comparate con un collettivo presente nei Paesi Baschi, la rete Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak. In tali contesti ci sono stati diversi episodi di discriminazione razziale, ma allo stesso tempo, sono presenti politiche migratorie repressive che tendono a marginalizzare i migranti. Considerando quanto esplicitato nel frame contestuale e teorico, emergono interessanti interrogativi di ricerca: (1) analizzare la struttura delle reti e le relative azioni di protesta consente di costruire sociologicamente il concetto di attivismo prosociale? (2) Come si presenta il rapporto tra l’agire prosociale e sociale? (3) Considerando la sfumatura tra volontariato e attivismo, le suddette reti evidenziano interessi esclusivamente politici, oppure decidono di impegnarsi in forme esplicite di dissenso, come lobbying, advocacy o atti di disobbedienza civile, in chiave prosociale, al fine di evidenziare le ingiustizie sociali subìte, in particolar modo, dai migranti? (4) È possibile individuare ulteriori caratteristiche peculiari, nonché specifiche criticità, relative a questa forma di attivismo? La metodologia della ricerca applicata è la triangolazione dei dati, che ha l’obiettivo preminente di raccogliere e combinare informazioni derivate da fonti diverse, in modo tale da permettere di indagare l’attivismo prosociale in Sicilia secondo punti di vista differenti (Denzin 2009). In questa prima fase, sono stati selezionati, attraverso l’utilizzo di un campionamento a scelta ragionata 18 membri del direttivo delle reti siciliane. Dopodiché è stato applicato il metodo Delphi, costituendo un gruppo di discussione con i membri del direttivo intervistati durante lo step iniziale della prima fase. Tale metodo si è rivelato utile al fine di effettuare delle previsioni relativamente al perfezionamento del protocollo di intervista attraverso i temi più importanti emersi in questo step iniziale; inoltre, è stato chiesto agli intervistati di raccogliere nuovi nominativi per ampliare la campagna di interviste, giungendo a un numero totale di 40 interviste. La seconda fase della ricerca consisteva in una campagna di 18 interviste rivolte ai soggetti migranti, i quali hanno preso parte alle proteste delle reti, in modo da comparare questi dati con quelli della prima fase della ricerca al fine di avere un quadro interpretativo ricco e approfondito sulle pratiche di attivismo prosociale. A tal proposito è stato utilizzato un campionamento valanga: gli attivisti intervistati hanno suggerito nomi di migranti che hanno preso parte alle reti e a sua volta i soggetti migranti hanno suggerito nomi di altri loro connazionali. Infine, l’ultima fase della ricerca ha previsto una breve campagna di 10 interviste ai membri della rete associativa spagnola Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak, allo scopo di effettuare una comparazione contestuale relativamente alle forme di attivismo prosociale attuate nei Paesi Baschi e in Sicilia. Questa comparazione si è dimostrata utile non solo per poter approfondire maggiormente tale forma di attivismo, considerando il contesto sociale nel quale si origina, ma anche per poterne comprendere a pieno la natura. Le questioni relative all’attivismo prosociale, partendo da alcune definizioni di disobbedienza e attivismo sociale/prosociale fornite dalla psicologia e dalla filosofia politica, ambiscono a definire e circoscrivere tale ambito tematico che in sociologia si presenta ancora frammentato e solo parzialmente connesso alle teorie sui movimenti sociali.
Reti di attivismo prosociale per l'inclusione dei migranti / Nicolosi, Davide. - (2023 Oct 31).
Reti di attivismo prosociale per l'inclusione dei migranti
In recent years, the immigrant crisis has been exacerbated by migrants who are forced to flee for climatic, political, poverty and war reasons; consequently, political institutions have had to adopt defensive measures through the introduction of restrictive laws that not only prevent migrants from completely integrating into the host country, but deprive them of their rights. European states argue that European migration laws are able to systematically monitor the number of migrants arriving in Europe. They believe that the strict control of the introduction of new migrants into the host country is necessary in order to prevent intrusion by terrorists and excessive costs regarding migratory issues (Landau 2019; Estevens 2018). Conversely, many NGOs, humanitarian and political organizations, social movements and individual subjectivities consider these laws to be unjust and, consequently, they are mobilizing within networks of associations to support migrants’ needs; in addition, they act in order to gain recognition of the fundamental rights, freedom and human dignity of every individual (D’Amato and Lucarelli 2019). The actions of these networks highlight forms of prosocial activism, which seem to emerge from an intertwining of phenomena like humanitarian volunteerism and political activism. The goal of the research is to study prosocial activism within the context of Sicily, where there have been demonstrations promoting the free admission of migrants and the defence of their cultural identity. In this regard, the aforementioned research has focused on the analysis of the conformation and action of networks, such as Restiamo Umani Incontriamoci, Forum Antirazzista di Palermo and Sicilia Aperta e Solidale; secondly, the above networks have been compared with a collective in Spain, the Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak network in the Basque Country. In these contexts, there have been several episodes of racial discrimination, but at the same time, there are repressive migratory policies that tend to marginalize migrants. Taking into account the contextual and theoretical framework, the following interesting research questions have arisen: • (1) Is it possible to build sociologically the concept of pro-social activism by analysing the structure of the networks and their protest actions? • (2) What is the relationship between prosocial and social disobedience? • (3) In the light of the difference between volunteerism and activism, do these networks focus exclusively on political interests, or do members decide to engage in explicit forms of dissidence, such as lobbying, advocacy or acts of civil disobedience, in a prosocial key in order to highlight the social injustices endured, especially by migrants? • (4) Is it possible to identify other specific and critical characteristics concerning this form of activism? The methodology of research is the triangulation of data, the primary purpose of which is to collect and combine information from different sources in order to investigate prosocial activism in Sicily from different perspectives (Denzin 2009). During this first phase, 18 board members of the Sicilian networks were selected through a purposive sampling method. Subsequently, the Delphi method was applied, establishing a focus group with the aim of interviewing the board members. This method has proved useful in making predictions regarding improving the interview protocol through the most important questions that emerged in this first step; additionally, respondents were asked to collect new names to extend the interview campaign to a total of 40 interviews. The second phase of the research involved a campaign of 18 interviews with migrants who participated in the network events in order to compare this data to those from the first phase of the research for a rich and in-depth interpretation of prosocial practices. The snowball sampling technique was employed for this purpose: the activists interviewed provided the names of migrants who participated in the networks and the migrant subjects also provided the names of their compatriots. The final phase of the research involved a short campaign of 10 interviews with members of the Spanish associative network Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak; this was carried out in order to make a contextual comparison of the pro-social forms of activism implemented in in the Basque Country and Sicily. This comparison proved useful not only in examining this form of activism, with regard to the social context in which it comes into being, but also in helping to fully comprehend its characteristics. Issues linked to pro-social activism, from certain definitions of disobedience and social/pro-social activism provided by psychology and political philosophy, aim to define and circumscribe this thematic area that in sociology is still fragmented and only partly linked to theories on social movements.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Reti di attivismo prosociale 27-02-2023 (5).pdf
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