Microbial communities play a central role in plant health and productivity. Their composition and mutual interactions vary according to the host plant organs and compartments, which represent specific microhabitats for the recruitment of microorganisms that can promote plant growth. The development of culture-independent high-throughput sequencing (HTS) methods let us to pay great attention to the study of microbial community microenvironments, such as the rhizosphere and endosphere. The 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing techniques for the identification of bacterial communities and the ITS region for fungal communities are the most widely used to retrieve their taxonomic identification; likewise, the application of the shotgun metagenomic sequencing is the most important to recognize their functional identification. Moreover, the evolution of sequencing techniques to study the plant microbiome has been accompanied by the development of sophisticated bioinformatic tools aimed at identifying their abundance, taxonomy, interactions, and functions. In this PhD thesis, the microbial communities of citrus and olive plants were studied in different biotic and abiotic stress condition. Moreover, the microbial root environment of tomato plants was studied also along their growing chain, from nursery to greenhouse. In addition, a study to examine the effect of two different tomato genotypes in the soil and rhizosphere community was performed also to highlight possible similarities or differences between the application of amplicon-based sequencing and shotgun metagenomics. The analysed microbial communities in all the surveys that are reported in this thesis were identified by amplicon-based sequencing technique. The study of the rhizospheric, endorhizospheric and xylematic microbiome of sour orange plants colonized by the pathogenic fungus Plenodomus tracheiphilus was initially assessed through the application of the OTU-based clustering method. Network analysis, based on the OTU results, revealed a high rewiring of the microbial structures of plants subjected to pathogen inoculation when compared with those not inoculated. The OTU clustering method was also compared with the ASV one. The application of the latter method, compatible with the use of the most updated databases, resulted in greater taxonomic resolution of the bacterial and fungal communities in the studied plant compartments and revealed a more distinct diversity in microbial composition among the compartments. A second study on the analysis of bacterial and fungal communities in the soil of five Sicilian lemon groves, in which Mal Secco disease was recorded, revealed that the samples associated to the microbial communities clustered according to the farms where these samples were collected. Morevoer, an effect in the samples clustering was also exerted by the presence of P. tracheiphilus, which was previously detected by real-time PCR. In the third study, the variation of microbial composition in the root environment of two citrus rootstocks (Bitters and Carrizo) with different tolerance to water and salt stress was examined assessing their differentially abundances and network interactions. The differential abundance analysis revealed a significant enrichment of the genera Pseudomonas and Burkholderia in the rhizosphere of salt-stressed plants. These genera, present in the core microbiome of the citrus root environment, include several species that have been reported to be beneficial in plants under the stress conditions. In addition, the study of co-occurrence networks showed different bacterial interactions between the two analysed genotypes, where the Carrizo genotype showed a higher presence of bacterial associations than the non-treated samples. A further study was conducted in the analysis of endophytic microbial communities of two different olive cultivars, Zaituna and Giarraffa, which are resistant and tolerant to Olive knot disease (OKD), respectively. Using the assignment approach for the identification of bacterial and fungal communities, enrichment of fungal genera such as Alternata and Neofusicoccum with antagonistic potential against Psv were observed in the cultivar Giarraffa. A study of the microbiome of plants in the rhizosphere and endosphere compartments of tomato was evaluated along the phenological stages of this crop from nursery to greenhouse. Tomato crops in agricultural soil and coconut fiber substrate (soilless) in greenhouse started from the same seedlings; however, the root microbiome differed widely in the two growth conditions, showing dominance of the bacterial genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus, known as biocontrol agents, and the pathogenic fungi Fusarium and Verticillium in the theses under study. The application of network analysis in bacterial communities of the root environment in soil and soilless plants revealed bacteria specific to the agricultural soil compartment as keystone taxa. These bacteria are reported in the literature for their activities as potential PGPRs. Soil and rhizosphere archeal and bacterial communities belonging to the cultivation of two different tomato genotypes in grown field were assessed through an amplicon sequencing and shotgun metagenomics survey. By comparing the obtained datasets, high similarities, in terms of taxonomic composition and beta-diversity, was found between the datasets. Furthermore, the functional analysis of the metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) revealed the potential beneficial activities of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Flavobacterium and Sphingobium, which were found to be enriched in the rhizospheres of tomato genotypes. Overall, the analyses performed with an integrative approach with different disciplines such as biology, ecology and bioinformatics, revealed an enrichment of bacteria or fungi involved in different beneficial functions for the host plants. In addition, the study of co-occurrence networks revealed in central positions several bacteria characteristic of the studied microenvironments, reported as potential PGPBs. These results can be configured as a solid basis for future investigations aimed at exploring in more detail the beneficial potential of the bacteria and fungi as inoculants, in order to design an innovative intervention with respect to environmental sustainability.
Le comunità microbiche svolgono un ruolo centrale nella salute e nella produttività delle piante. La loro composizione e le interazioni variano a seconda degli organi e dei compartimenti della pianta ospite, che rappresentano microhabitat specifici per il reclutamento di microrganismi in grado di promuovere la crescita delle piante. Lo sviluppo di metodi di high-throughput sequencing (HTS) ci ha permesso di prestare grande attenzione allo studio dei microhabitat vegetali, come la rizosfera e l'endosfera. Le tecniche di sequenziamento dell'amplicone 16S rRNA per l'identificazione delle comunità batteriche e della regione ITS per le comunità fungine sono le più utilizzate per recuperarne l'identificazione tassonomica; allo stesso modo, l'applicazione del sequenziamento metagenomico shotgun è la più importante per riconoscerne l'identificazione funzionale. Inoltre, l'evoluzione delle tecniche di sequenziamento per lo studio del microbioma vegetale è stata accompagnata dallo sviluppo di sofisticati strumenti bioinformatici volti a identificarne abbondanza, tassonomia, interazioni e funzioni. In questa tesi di dottorato, sono state studiate le comunità microbiche di piante di agrumi e olivo in diverse condizioni di stress biotico e abiotico. Inoltre, l'ambiente radicale delle piante di pomodoro è stato studiato anche lungo la catena di coltivazione di questa coltura, dal vivaio alla serra. Inoltre, è stato condotto uno studio per esaminare l'effetto di due diversi genotipi di pomodoro nella comunità del suolo e della rizosfera, al fine di evidenziare eventuali somiglianze o differenze tra i due. Le comunità microbiche analizzate in tutte gli esperimenti raccolti in questa tesi sono state identificate mediante tecnica di sequenziamento basato su ampliconi. Lo studio del microbioma rizosferico, endorisferico e xilematico di piante di arancio amaro colonizzate dal fungo patogeno Plenodomus tracheiphilus è stato inizialmente valutato attraverso l'applicazione del metodo di clustering delle OTU. L’analisi delle reti microbiche, basata sui risultati delle OTU, ha rivelato un elevato rewiring delle interazioni microbiche delle piante sottoposte a inoculazione del patogeno rispetto a quelle non inoculate. Inoltre, il metodo di clustering delle OTU è stato confrontato con quello delle ASV. L'applicazione di quest'ultimo metodo, compatibile con l'utilizzo dei database più aggiornati, ha prodotto una maggiore risoluzione tassonomica delle comunità batteriche e fungine nei compartimenti vegetali studiati e ha rivelato una più spiccata diversità nella composizione microbica tra i compartimenti. Un secondo studio sulle analisi delle comunità batteriche e fungine nel suolo di cinque limoneti siciliani, in cui è stata registrata la malattia del Mal secco, ha rivelato che i campioni associati alle comunità microbiche si sono raggruppati in base alle aziende agricole in cui questi campioni sono stati raccolti. Inoltre, un effetto nel raggruppamento dei campioni è stato esercitato anche dalla presenza di P. tracheiphilus, che è stato precedentemente rilevato mediante PCR in tempo reale. Nel terzo studio, la variazione della composizione microbica nell'ambiente radicale di due portinnesti di agrumi (Bitters e Carrizo) con diversa tolleranza allo stress idrico e salino è stata esaminata valutando le loro abbondanze differenziali e le interazioni nelle reti di co-occorrenza. L'analisi delle abbondanze differenziali ha rivelato un significativo arricchimento dei generi Pseudomonas e Burkholderia nella rizosfera delle piante sottoposte a stress salino. Questi generi, presenti nel microbioma core dell'ambiente radicale degli agrumi, includono diverse specie che sono state segnalate come benefiche per le piante in condizioni di stress. Inoltre, lo studio delle reti di co-occorrenza ha mostrato diverse interazioni batteriche tra i due genotipi analizzati, dove il genotipo Carrizo ha mostrato una maggiore presenza di associazioni batteriche rispetto ai campioni non trattati. Un ulteriore studio è stato condotto nell'analisi delle comunità microbiche endofitiche di due diverse cultivar di olivo, Zaituna e Giarraffa, rispettivamente resistenti e tolleranti alla malattia della rogna dell'olivo (OKD) causata dal batterio fitopatogeno Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi. Utilizzando l'approccio di assignemt per l'identificazione delle comunità batteriche e fungine, nella cultivar Giarraffa è stato osservato un arricchimento di generi fungini come Alternaria e Neofusicoccum, di cui sono state precedentemente riportate potenziali funzioni antagonistiche contro Psv. Uno studio del microbioma delle piante nei compartimenti della rizosfera e dell'endosfera del pomodoro è stato valutato lungo la catena di coltivazione di questa coltura, dal vivaio alla serra. Le colture di pomodoro in suolo agricolo e in substrato di fibra di cocco (fuorisuolo) in serra sono partite dalle stesse piantine; tuttavia, il microbioma radicale differiva ampiamente nelle due condizioni di crescita, mostrando una dominanza dei generi batterici Pseudomonas e Bacillus, noti come agenti di biocontrollo, e dei funghi patogeni Fusarium e Verticillium nelle tesi in oggetto di studio. L'applicazione dell'analisi di rete alle comunità batteriche dell'ambiente radicale nel suolo e nelle piante senza suolo ha rivelato batteri specifici del microambiente del suolo agricolo come keystone taxa. Questi batteri sono riportati in letteratura per le loro attività come potenziali PGPR. Le comunità di archeobatteri e batteri del suolo e della rizosfera appartenenti alla coltivazione di due diversi genotipi di pomodoro in campo coltivato, sono state valutate attraverso un'analisi di sequenziamento basata sugli ampliconi e metagenomica shotgun. Confrontando i set di dati ottenuti, sono state riscontrate elevate somiglianze, in termini di composizione tassonomica e beta-diversità, tra i dataset. Inoltre, l'analisi funzionale dei metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) ha rivelato le potenziali attività benefiche di Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Flavobacterium e Sphingobium, che sono risultati arricchiti nelle rizosfere dei genotipi di pomodoro. Nel complesso, le analisi eseguite con un approccio integrativo con diverse discipline come la biologia molecolare, l'ecologia e la bioinformatica, hanno rivelato un arricchimento di batteri o funghi coinvolti in diverse funzioni benefiche per le piante ospiti. Inoltre, lo studio delle reti di co-occorrenza ha rivelato in posizioni centrali diversi batteri caratteristici dei microambienti studiati, riportati come potenziali PGPB. Questi risultati possono essere configurati come una solida base per future indagini volte a esplorare più in dettaglio il potenziale benefico dei batteri e dei funghi come inoculanti, al fine di progettare un intervento innovativo in termini di sostenibilità ambientale.
Metagenomica applicata allo studio del microbioma delle piante / Mosca, Alexandros. - (2024 Apr 05).
Metagenomica applicata allo studio del microbioma delle piante
Microbial communities play a central role in plant health and productivity. Their composition and mutual interactions vary according to the host plant organs and compartments, which represent specific microhabitats for the recruitment of microorganisms that can promote plant growth. The development of culture-independent high-throughput sequencing (HTS) methods let us to pay great attention to the study of microbial community microenvironments, such as the rhizosphere and endosphere. The 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing techniques for the identification of bacterial communities and the ITS region for fungal communities are the most widely used to retrieve their taxonomic identification; likewise, the application of the shotgun metagenomic sequencing is the most important to recognize their functional identification. Moreover, the evolution of sequencing techniques to study the plant microbiome has been accompanied by the development of sophisticated bioinformatic tools aimed at identifying their abundance, taxonomy, interactions, and functions. In this PhD thesis, the microbial communities of citrus and olive plants were studied in different biotic and abiotic stress condition. Moreover, the microbial root environment of tomato plants was studied also along their growing chain, from nursery to greenhouse. In addition, a study to examine the effect of two different tomato genotypes in the soil and rhizosphere community was performed also to highlight possible similarities or differences between the application of amplicon-based sequencing and shotgun metagenomics. The analysed microbial communities in all the surveys that are reported in this thesis were identified by amplicon-based sequencing technique. The study of the rhizospheric, endorhizospheric and xylematic microbiome of sour orange plants colonized by the pathogenic fungus Plenodomus tracheiphilus was initially assessed through the application of the OTU-based clustering method. Network analysis, based on the OTU results, revealed a high rewiring of the microbial structures of plants subjected to pathogen inoculation when compared with those not inoculated. The OTU clustering method was also compared with the ASV one. The application of the latter method, compatible with the use of the most updated databases, resulted in greater taxonomic resolution of the bacterial and fungal communities in the studied plant compartments and revealed a more distinct diversity in microbial composition among the compartments. A second study on the analysis of bacterial and fungal communities in the soil of five Sicilian lemon groves, in which Mal Secco disease was recorded, revealed that the samples associated to the microbial communities clustered according to the farms where these samples were collected. Morevoer, an effect in the samples clustering was also exerted by the presence of P. tracheiphilus, which was previously detected by real-time PCR. In the third study, the variation of microbial composition in the root environment of two citrus rootstocks (Bitters and Carrizo) with different tolerance to water and salt stress was examined assessing their differentially abundances and network interactions. The differential abundance analysis revealed a significant enrichment of the genera Pseudomonas and Burkholderia in the rhizosphere of salt-stressed plants. These genera, present in the core microbiome of the citrus root environment, include several species that have been reported to be beneficial in plants under the stress conditions. In addition, the study of co-occurrence networks showed different bacterial interactions between the two analysed genotypes, where the Carrizo genotype showed a higher presence of bacterial associations than the non-treated samples. A further study was conducted in the analysis of endophytic microbial communities of two different olive cultivars, Zaituna and Giarraffa, which are resistant and tolerant to Olive knot disease (OKD), respectively. Using the assignment approach for the identification of bacterial and fungal communities, enrichment of fungal genera such as Alternata and Neofusicoccum with antagonistic potential against Psv were observed in the cultivar Giarraffa. A study of the microbiome of plants in the rhizosphere and endosphere compartments of tomato was evaluated along the phenological stages of this crop from nursery to greenhouse. Tomato crops in agricultural soil and coconut fiber substrate (soilless) in greenhouse started from the same seedlings; however, the root microbiome differed widely in the two growth conditions, showing dominance of the bacterial genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus, known as biocontrol agents, and the pathogenic fungi Fusarium and Verticillium in the theses under study. The application of network analysis in bacterial communities of the root environment in soil and soilless plants revealed bacteria specific to the agricultural soil compartment as keystone taxa. These bacteria are reported in the literature for their activities as potential PGPRs. Soil and rhizosphere archeal and bacterial communities belonging to the cultivation of two different tomato genotypes in grown field were assessed through an amplicon sequencing and shotgun metagenomics survey. By comparing the obtained datasets, high similarities, in terms of taxonomic composition and beta-diversity, was found between the datasets. Furthermore, the functional analysis of the metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) revealed the potential beneficial activities of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Flavobacterium and Sphingobium, which were found to be enriched in the rhizospheres of tomato genotypes. Overall, the analyses performed with an integrative approach with different disciplines such as biology, ecology and bioinformatics, revealed an enrichment of bacteria or fungi involved in different beneficial functions for the host plants. In addition, the study of co-occurrence networks revealed in central positions several bacteria characteristic of the studied microenvironments, reported as potential PGPBs. These results can be configured as a solid basis for future investigations aimed at exploring in more detail the beneficial potential of the bacteria and fungi as inoculants, in order to design an innovative intervention with respect to environmental sustainability.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 05/04/2025
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