This work presents the results of a plurennial experiment carried out to compare two different cultivation techniques for seeding durum wheat (sod seeding and seeding with tillage) and their effects on soil loss due to erosion provoked by the rainfall. On a hill slope in the province of Enna, downhill from two small adjacent lots, one for each hypothesis (sod seeding and tilled), a system for collecting soil eroded by rainfall, recorded by a weather station, was installed. After every significant rainfall the roughness of the cultivated surface and the plant cover were measured and the soil blocked by the collection system was collected. With reference to the roughness, differences between the mean values for the two hypotheses considered were only recorded in correspondence with the different seeding techniques. The roughness influenced the amount of soil eroded for the two hypotheses considered, this being greater where the roughness was lower. In both cases the quantity of soil eroded tended to decrease from January onwards thanks to the cover created by the wheat seedlings. Overall, in the first year a considerably greater amount of soil (78 g/m²) was collected from the “sod seeding” plot than from the “tilled” one (4 g/m²), but this was caused by the presence of a furrow created where the slope was steepest. Once the influence of the furrow had been reduced, the soil collected in the second year was 20 times less (about 4 g/m²) and almost 5 g/m² less than that collected from the “tilled” plot (9 g/m²).
Il presente lavoro riporta i risultati di una sperimentazione pluriennale condotta per confrontare due diverse tecniche colturali di semina del frumento duro (semina su sodo e semina con lavorazione del terreno), e valutando, tra l’altro, le perdite di terreno per erosione a seguito di eventi meteorologici. In un versante collinare nella provincia di Enna, a valle di 2 piccole parcelle adiacenti, una per ogni tesi (sodo e lavorato), è stato impiantato un sistema di raccolta del terreno eroso a seguito di eventi piovosi, registrati da una stazione meteorologica. Dopo ogni precipitazione rilevante è stata misurata la rugosità della superficie coltivata e la copertura vegetale e recuperato il terreno trattenuto dal sistema di raccolta. Con riferimento alla rugosità, solo in corrispondenza delle lavorazioni e della semina sono state registrate differenze tra i valori medi delle due tesi a confronto. Ciò ha influito sulla quantità di terreno eroso nelle due tesi: maggiore dove la rugosità è più bassa. In entrambe le tesi la quantità di terreno eroso tende a diminuire da gennaio in poi grazie alla copertura creata dalle piantine di frumento. Nel complesso, nel primo anno, con la tesi “sodo” è stata raccolta una massa di terreno notevolmente maggiore (78 g/m²) di quella relativa alla tesi “lavorato” (4 g/m²), ma ciò è stato causato dalla presenza di un solco longitudinale creatosi secondo la massima pendenza. Ridotta l’incidenza del solco, quella raccolta nel secondo anno, risulta quasi 20 volte inferiore (circa 4 g/m²) e in totale quasi 5 g/m² in meno di quella raccolta nel “lavorato” (9 g/m²).
Fenomeni erosivi in terreni coltivati a grano duro
FAILLA, Sabina Iole Giuseppina;MANETTO, Giuseppe Ezio;SCHILLACI, Giampaolo
This work presents the results of a plurennial experiment carried out to compare two different cultivation techniques for seeding durum wheat (sod seeding and seeding with tillage) and their effects on soil loss due to erosion provoked by the rainfall. On a hill slope in the province of Enna, downhill from two small adjacent lots, one for each hypothesis (sod seeding and tilled), a system for collecting soil eroded by rainfall, recorded by a weather station, was installed. After every significant rainfall the roughness of the cultivated surface and the plant cover were measured and the soil blocked by the collection system was collected. With reference to the roughness, differences between the mean values for the two hypotheses considered were only recorded in correspondence with the different seeding techniques. The roughness influenced the amount of soil eroded for the two hypotheses considered, this being greater where the roughness was lower. In both cases the quantity of soil eroded tended to decrease from January onwards thanks to the cover created by the wheat seedlings. Overall, in the first year a considerably greater amount of soil (78 g/m²) was collected from the “sod seeding” plot than from the “tilled” one (4 g/m²), but this was caused by the presence of a furrow created where the slope was steepest. Once the influence of the furrow had been reduced, the soil collected in the second year was 20 times less (about 4 g/m²) and almost 5 g/m² less than that collected from the “tilled” plot (9 g/m²).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.