DANIELE, Patrizia
DANIELE, Patrizia
A cloud computing network and an optimization algorithm for IaaS providers
2017-01-01 Colajanni, G.; Daniele, P.
A constrained optimization model for the provision of services in a 5G network with multi-level cybersecurity investments
2023-01-01 Cappello, G. M.; Colajanni, G.; Daniele, P.; Sciacca, Daniele
A Convex Optimization Model for Business Management
2018-01-01 Colajanni, Gabriella; Daniele, Patrizia
A dynamic supply chain network for PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic
2021-01-01 Daniele, P.; Sciacca, D.
A Financial Model for a Multi-Period Portfolio Optimization Problem with a variational formulation
2019-01-01 Colajanni, G.; Daniele, P.
A Financial Optimization Model with Short Selling
2018-01-01 Colajanni, G.; Daniele, P.
A game theory model for the award of a public tender procedure
2023-01-01 Colajanni, Gabriella; Daniele, Patrizia; Sciacca, Daniele
A Heuristic Approach for the Human Migration Problem
2021-01-01 Cappello, G.; Daniele, P.; Perea, F.
A mathematical network model and a solution algorithm for IaaS Cloud Computing
2022-01-01 Colajanni, G.; Daniele, P.
A Multi-UAVs’ Provider Model for the Provision of 5G Service Chains: A Game Theoretic Approach
file da validare2022-01-01 Cappello, G. M.; Colajanni, G.; Daniele, P.; Galluccio, L.; Grasso, C.; Schembra, G.; Scrimali, L. R. M.
A network model for minimizing the total organ transplant cost
2018-01-01 Caruso, Valeria; Daniele, Patrizia
A new model for curriculum-based university course timetabling
2021-01-01 Colajanni, G.; Daniele, P.
A Panoramic View on Projected Dynamical Systems
2010-01-01 Daniele, Patrizia; Giuffré, S; Maugeri, A; Pia, S.
A projected dynamic system associated with a cybersecurity investment model with budget constraints and fixed demands
2020-01-01 Colajanni, G.; Daniele, P.; Sciacca, D.
A remark on a dynamic model of a Quasi-Variational Inequality
file da validare1997-01-01 Daniele, Patrizia
A Supply Chain Network Game Theory Model of Cybersecurity Investments with Nonlinear Budget Constraints
2017-01-01 Nagurney, A; Daniele, Patrizia; Shukla, S.
A System-Optimization Model for Multiclass Human Migration with Migration Costs and Regulations Inspired by the Covid-19 Pandemic
2021-01-01 Cappello, GIORGIA MARIA; Daniele, Patrizia; Nagurney, Anna
A three-stage stochastic optimization model integrating 5G technology and UAVs for disaster management
2023-01-01 Colajanni, Gabriella; Daniele, Patrizia; Nagurney, Anna; Nagurney, Ladimer S.; Sciacca, Daniele
A Two-Stage Variational Inequality Formulation for a Game Theory Network Model for Hospitalization in Critic Scenarios
file da validare2022-01-01 Daniele, P.; Sciacca, Daniele
A variational approach for supply chain networks with environmental interests
2023-01-01 Colajanni, Gabriella; Daniele, Patrizia; Sciacca, Daniele