LEONARDI, Salvatore
LEONARDI, Salvatore
A maximum principle for linear elliptic systems with discontinuous coefficients
file da validare2004-01-01 Leonardi, Salvatore
A necessary condition to regularity of a boundary point for a degenerate quasilinear parabolic equation
file da validare1996-01-01 Leonardi, Salvatore; I. I., Skrypnik
An example of irregular solution to a nonlinear Euler-Lagrange elliptic system with real analytic coefficients
file da validare1996-01-01 W., Hao; Leonardi, Salvatore; J., Necas
Anisotropic Dirichlet double phase problems with competing nonlinearities
file da validare2023-01-01 Leonardi, S.; Papageorgiou, N. S.
file da validare2022-01-01 Leonardi, S.; Papageorgiou, N. S.
Butterfly support for off diagonal coefficients and boundedness of solutions to quasilinear elliptic systems
file da validare2022-01-01 Leonardi, S.; Leonetti, F.; Rocha, E.; Staicu, V.
Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for quasilinear degenerate parabolic equations of higher order with initial data increasing at infinity
file da validare1997-01-01 Leonardi, Salvatore; Nicolosi, F; Shishkov, A. E.
Examples of discountinuos divergence-free solutions to elliptic variational problems
file da validare1995-01-01 W., Hao; Leonardi, Salvatore; M., Steinhauer
Existence and boundedness of weak solutions to some vectorial Dirichlet problems
file da validare2025-01-01 Cirmi, G. R.; D'Asero, S.; Leonardi, S.; Leonetti, F.; Rocha, E.; Staicu, V.
Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for parametric nonlinear nonhomogeneous singular Robin problems
file da validare2020-01-01 Leonardi, Salvatore; Papageorgiou, N. S.
Existence of distributional solutions to some quasilinear degenerate elliptic systems with low integrability of the datum
file da validare2025-01-01 Di Gironimo, Patrizia; Leonardi, Salvatore; Leonetti, Francesco; Macrì, Marta
Existence of Hölder Continuous Solutions for a Class of Degenerate Fourth-Order Elliptic Equations
2022-01-01 Cirmi, G. R.; D'Asero, S.; Leonardi, S.
Existence of solutions for a class of noncoercive elliptic systems
file da validare2022-01-01 Cirmi, G. R.; D'Asero, S.; Leonardi, S.
Existence of solutions to some quasilinear degenerate elliptic systems with right hand side in a Marcinkiewicz space
2023-01-01 Di Gironimo, Patrizia; Leonardi, Salvatore; Leonetti, Francesco; Macrì, Marta; Vincenzo Petricca, Pier
Fourth-order nonlinear elliptic equations with lower order term and natural growth conditions.
2014-01-01 Cirmi, Giuseppa Rita; D'Asero, Salvatore; Leonardi, Salvatore
Fractional differentiability for solutions of a class of parabolic systems with L^{1,θ}-data
2014-01-01 Leonardi, Salvatore
Gradient estimate for solutions of a class of nonlinear elliptic equations below the duality exponent
2017-01-01 Cirmi, Giuseppa Rita; D'Asero, Salvatore; Leonardi, Salvatore
Gradient estimate for solutions of nonlinear singular elliptic equations below the duality exponent
2018-01-01 Cirmi, Giuseppa Rita; D'Asero, Salvatore; Leonardi, Salvatore
Gradient estimates below duality exponent for a class of linear elliptic systems
2011-01-01 Leonardi, Salvatore
Higher differentiability for solutions of a class of parabolic systems with $L^{1, theta}$- data
2015-01-01 Leonardi, Salvatore; Stara, J.