RAVIZZA, Eleonora Natalia
RAVIZZA, Eleonora Natalia
"Across the Meridian, I try seeing the other side". Untranslatability and Creole Identity in Derek Walcott's Omeros
2008-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
"Narrating Migrant Identities in (Self)Translation: Jhumpa Lahiri’s 'In Altre Parole' and Francesca Duranti’s 'Sogni Mancini'"
2021-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
'Let me make myself crystal'. T. S. Eliot, postmodernism, and the deceptive transparency of clichés in the poetry of Carol Ann Duffy
2020-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
A Guest + A Host = A Ghost. Dramas of Hospitality in Rebecca West's "The Return of the Soldier"
2021-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
A Middle Passage to Modernity: Reflections on David Dabydeen’s Postmodern Slave Narrative "A Harlot’s Progress"
file da validare2012-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Alterity Remixed: Poetic Hospitality in Patience Agbabi’s Telling Tales
2022-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Caribbean World-Makers and Word-Breakers. Rhizomatic Poetics and the Politics of Transcultural Imagination
2019-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Exile and Return as Poetics of Identity in Contemporary Anglo-Caribbean Literature. Becoming Home
2019-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Exploring Otherness in Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace. Ethical and Epistemological Reflections on Historiographic Metafiction
2019-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora
Four Unwritten Stories and the Geographies of Imagined Encounters. V.S. Naipaul’s 'A Way in the World' and Virginia Woolf’s ‘An Unwritten Novel’
2022-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Four Unwritten Stories and the Geographies of Imagined Encounters. V.S. Naipaul's A Way in the World and Virginia Woolf's ˋAn Unwritten Novel'
file da validare2022-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Homecomings Without Home.' Discrepant Poetics of Exile and Return in the Poetry of Derek Walcott and Edward Kamau Brathwaite
file da validare2016-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora
Hybridity at the Interface of Medical and Literary Discourse: V. S. Naipaul’s 'A Way In The World'
2021-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Jhumpa Lahiri’s Narratives of Self-Translation as Dynamic Encounters with the Other
2019-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora
Lokale Antworten auf globale Fragen. Geisteswissenschaftliche Disziplinen in Verschiedenen Ländern
file da validare2011-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Man (Not) Fitting the Landscape. The Cross-Cultural Mediations of Otherness in V. S. Naipaul's The Enigma of Arrival
file da validare2018-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora
Missed Possibilities from Unobtainable Data: The Case of Instapoetry and a Wish to Go beyond Rupi Kaur
2024-01-01 Holm Soelseth, Camilla; Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Percorsi alla ricerca del sé e dell'altro nella letteratura d'esilio anglo-caraibica
file da validare2014-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Poetic hospitality: dramatic monologue as a neo-Victorian, post-modern genre
2020-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora Natalia
Repositioning the Self in the Contact Zone: Derek Walcott’s Omeros
2019-01-01 Ravizza, Eleonora