Biological control of green mold in simulated post-harvest chain of citrus Fruit: Efficacy of Candida oleophila strain O and molecular insight into elicitation of host immune system
2024-01-01 Rovetto, E. I.; La Spada, F.; El boumlasy, S.; Conti Taguali, S.; Riolo, M.; Pane, A.; Cacciola, S. O
Bleeding stem cankers and root rot caused by Phytophthora multivora in Morus alba, Pistacia atlantica and Sterculia diversifolia trees in eastern Sicily
2024-01-01 Conti Taguali, S.; Bua, C.; Rovetto, E. I.; Pane, A.; La Spada, F.; Cacciola, S. O.
Characterization of mycotoxins produced by two Fusarium species responsible for postharvest rot of banana fruit
2024-01-01 CONTI TAGUALI, Sebastiano; Riolo, Mario; Dopazo, Victor; Meca, Giuseppe; Cacciola, Santa Olga
Chitosan-based films grafted with citrus waste-derived antifungal agents: An innovative and sustainable approach to enhance post-harvest preservation of citrus fruit
2024-01-01 Arslan, Deniz; Tuccitto, Nunzio; Auditore, Alessandro; Licciardello, Antonino; Marletta, Giovanni; Riolo, Mario; La Spada, Federico; Conti Taguali, Sebastiano; Calpe, Jorge; Meca, Giuseppe; Pane, Antonella; Cacciola, Santa Olga; Karakeçili, Ayşe
Outbreak of Alternaria Black Spot of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) in Italy as a Consequence of Unusual Climatic Conditions
2024-01-01 Tirrò, Gaetano; CONTI TAGUALI, Sebastiano; Pane, Antonella; Riolo, Mario; Ezra, David; Cacciola, Santa Olga
Phytophthora × cambivora as a Major Factor Inciting the Decline of European Beech in a Stand within the Southernmost Limit of Its Natural Range in Europe
2022-01-01 Riolo, Mario; Aloi., Francesco; CONTI TAGUALI, Sebastiano; Pane, Antonella; Franco, Massimo; Cacciola, Santa Olga