The aim of this Ph.D. thesis was to investigate the evolution of the coastline within the Gulf of Gela (Southern Sicily, Italy), applying, for the first time, a combined methodology that outlines, on one hand, the shoreline changes and, on the other hand, allows to assess the main environmental variations, as the fragmentation or disappearance of dune systems and the implementation of maritime structures insisting on the coast. Some previous works have studied the shoreline evolution within the Gulf, but an obsolete methodology has been adopted or an incomplete analysis has been performed due to the lack of data on the entire stretch of coast. The Gulf of Gela coincides with the second-order coastal sub-cell n. 4.2 identified by the Regional Plan against Coastal Erosion and falling within the first order coastal sub-cell that extends from Capo Passero Island to Capo San Marco (Regione Siciliana, 2020). The physiographic limits of the second-order physiographic unit n. 4.2 are represented by the port of Licata (AG) and Punta Braccetto (RG). The study area was divided into 5 sectors: 1) it extends from the Licata harbour to the promontory where there is the Falconara Castle, a stretch of coast mainly characterized by sandy beaches; 2) from the Falconara Castle to the port of Gela, with a predominantly low and sandy coast, except for the cliff where the Manfria Tower is set; 3) the area that goes from the Gela harbour to the Scoglitti one, it is the longest sector that has been studied and the coastline is mainly low and sandy; 4) from the Scoglitti harbou to the Randello promontory, where high and low sandy coasts alternate; 5) from the Randello promontory to Punta Braccetto cape, where there is a beach 2 km wide, and a well-preserved and wide dune system still resists. The study focused on the analysis of the shoreline variations, but the investigation of the environmental changes that have affected the coastal area has been performed, considering the progressive fragmentation of the dune systems and the impact of coastal works. The present work methodology therefore included the analysis of shoreline variations over the long and medium term, covering a total time span of about 60 years, the application of the coefficient of technogenous impact of coastal maritime works (coefficient of technogenous impact, Aybulatov & Artyukhin, 1993), the assessment of the level of fragmentation of dune systems carried out through the calculation of the fragmentation index (Molina et al, 2020), and the grain-size and textural analysis of beach sediments to investigate the current evolutionary state of the studied coastlines. The cartographic dataset counts: i) photographs of IGM areas (1955, 1966), ii) orthophotos of the National Geoportal (1989, 2000, 2006, 2012), iii) UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) image acquired in 2018 in the area of sector n. 5. The shorelines were drawn for each image and the statistical indexes (SCE, NSM, WLR) were computed using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), an application of the ESRI ArcGIS© software. The coefficient of technogenuous impact is the ratio between the total length of the shoreline and the length of all the maritime infrastructures insisting on that given stretch of coast. The coefficient is expressed through qualitative classes that vary from minimum to extreme. The fragmentation index (F) was first proposed by Molina et al. (2020) and vaguely inspired by the coefficient of technogenuous impact. It is computed as the ratio between the breaks within each identified dune system and the total length of the system. As for the impact coefficient of coastal maritime works, the index is expressed with qualitative classes that vary from zero fragmentation to very high level of fragmentation. Sedimentological analyses were carried out on sediment samples taken in summer and winter for three consecutive years, in correspondence with the main and recognizable morphological elements of the beach. The samples were collected at two beaches chosen along the coast between Licata and Gela, and along a transect at Punta Braccetto beach. The statistical parameters used to describe the granulometric characteristics of the samples are those proposed by Folk & Ward (1957). The shoreline change analysis showed that within sector 1, from the port of Licata to the Castle of Falconara, the evolutionary trend over the medium term is mainly negative. It is worth to note that significant retreat has been recorded between the Licata harbour and the breakwaters located eastward Southern Imera river mouth, with a maximum negative rate of – 3,15 m/year. The scenario described over the medium-term was also confirmed by the analysis performed over the long-term period, with a maximum retreat rate of -6,7 m/year observed again eastward the Southern Imera river mouth. Significant accretion has been registered where eleven breakwaters are set, even though the Shoreline Change Envelope (SCE) index showed that the main depositional phenomena occurred during the decade between 1955 and 1966, whereas progressive and constant landward migration has been observed between 1966 and 1989. Sector n. 2 and 3 showed mainly a stable trend, even if the described curve is asymmetrically negative. Significant depositional phenomena were found up-drift the Scoglitti harbour, the northern dike has been repeatedly implemented between the 1970s and 1980s and fnished in 2008. It could be assumed that this work modified the sediment littoral transport affecting the evolution of the coastline within sector no. 5, located a few kilometres southward the Scoglitti harbour. Within sector n. 5 the medium-term analysis showed mainly a stable trend, and, partly, erosive phenomena have been detected, but the long-term analysis and the SCE index revealed that this sector did not face any retreat over the period between 1955 and 2012, and it experienced a stability state and minimal moderate accretion over the period between 1955 and 1989 and the trend has changed between 1989 and 2012, when slight erosion phenomena have been recorded. The analysis of beach sediments confirmed what emerged from the analysis of shoreline variations, i.e. a currently unstable beach profile with a tendency to erosion within sector 1, and a substantially stable beach profile in those sectors where there is still a well-preserved dune ridge of significant size. The study showed that the areas most affected by the most intense erosion phenomena are those where the highest levels of fragmentation of dune systems have been recorded and where the coefficient of technogenuos impact is higher. The combined approach used to understand the evolution of the Gulf of Gela has filled the lack of updated data and obtained through an integrated methodology widely used and recognized within the scientific community. In fact, the need has emerged to adopt a shared methodology at the regional level in the study of complex coastal systems. Moreover, to complete and support what has emerged here, bathymetric and granulometric analysis of the submerged beach and analysis of the transport of coastal sediments would allow to deepen and frame the coastal dynamics and support the data obtained from this thesis work.
Il presente lavoro di tesi di Dottorato ha avuto come obiettivo quello di investigare l’evoluzione della linea di costa all’interno del Golfo di Gela (Sicilia Meridionale, Italia), applicando, per la prima volta, una metodologia combinata che delinea, da un lato, l’avanzamento e/o l’arretramento del litorale in esame, e dall’altro, consente di valutare le principali variazioni ambientali, come la frammentazione o la scomparsa di sistemi dunali e/o la realizzazione di opere marittime che hanno interessato la fascia costiera studiata, ed è stata applicata sull’intero tratto di costa. Alcuni lavori precedenti hanno in parte affrontato lo studio del litorale, o di alcune zone ricadenti all’interno dell’area, ma risultano, ad oggi, obsoleti per la metodologia adottata o incompleti per la mancanza di dati sull’intero tratto di costa. Il Golfo di Gela coincide con l’unità fisiografica di secondo ordine individuata dal Piano Regionale contro l’Erosione Costiera e ricadente all’interno dell’unità fisiografica di primo ordine che si estende da Isola di Capo Passero a Capo San Marco. I limiti fisiografici dell’unità fisiografica di secondo ordine n. 4.2 sono rappresentati dal porto di Licata (AG) e da capo di Punta Braccetto (RG). L’area di studio è stata a sua volta suddivisa in 5 settori: 1) si estende dal porto di Licata al promontorio dove è presente il Castello di Falconara, tratto di costa prevalentemente caratterizzato da spiagge sabbiose; 2) dal Castello di Falconara al porto di Gela, con costa prevalentemente bassa e sabbiosa, ad eccezione del tratto a falesia in corrispondenza dell’area dominata da Torre Manfria; 3) l’area che va dal porto di Gela al porto di Scoglitti, è il tratto di costa esaminato con estensione maggiore e il litorale si presenta esclusivamente basso e sabbioso; 4) dal porto di Scoglitti al promontorio di cava Randello, in cui si alternano coste alte e basse e sabbiose; 5) dal promontorio di cava Randello a capo di Punta Braccetto, dove è localizzata una spiaggia di ca. 2 km alle cui spalle si estende un sistema dunale ben conservato e ampio. Lo studio è stato focalizzato sull’analisi delle variazioni della linea di riva, ma ha incluso un’indagine sui cambiamenti ambientali che hanno interessato la zona costiera, considerando la progressiva frammentazione dei sistemi dunali e l’impatto delle opere costiere. Il lavoro ha previsto, quindi, l’analisi delle variazioni della linea di riva su lungo e medio termine, coprendo un arco temporale totale di circa 60 anni, l’applicazione del coefficiente di impatto delle opere marittime costiere (coefficient of technogenous impact, Aybulatov & Artyukhin, 1993), la valutazione del livello di frammentazione dei sistemi dunali effettuato tramite il calcolo dell’indice di frammentazione (Molina et al., 2020), e lo studio delle caratteristiche granulometriche e tessiturali dei sedimenti di spiaggia per indagare sullo stato evolutivo attuale dei tratti di costa studiati. Per l’analisi dell’evoluzione della linea di riva, il materiale cartografico utilizzato comprende: i) fotografie aree IGM (1955, 1966), ii) ortofoto del Geoportale Nazionale (1989, 2000, 2006, 2012), iii) immagine UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) acquisita nel 2018 in corrispondenza dell’area del settore n. 5. Le linee di riva sono state tracciate per ciascuna immagine e gli indici statistici (SCE, NSM, WLR) sono stati calcolati tramite il Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), applicativo dei software ESRI ArcGIS©. Il coefficiente d’impatto delle opere marittime costiere viene calcolato come il rapporto tra la lunghezza totale della linea di riva e la lunghezza di tutte le infrastrutture marittime che insistono su quel dato tratto di costa. Il coefficiente viene espresso tramite classi qualitative che variano da minimo ad estremo. L’indice di frammentazione (F) è stato per la prima volta proposto da Molina et al. (2020) e vagamente ispirato al coefficiente d’impatto delle opere marittime costiere. Difatti, l’indice viene computato come il rapporto tra le interruzioni identificate all’interno di ogni singolo sistema dunale identificato e la lunghezza totale del sistema. Come per il coefficiente di impatto delle opere marittime costiere, l’indice viene espresso con delle classi qualitative che variano da frammentazione nulla a livelli di frammentazione molto alta. Le analisi sedimentologiche sono state eseguite su campioni di sedimento prelevati in estate e in inverno per tre anni consecutivi, in corrispondenza dei principali e riconoscibili elementi morfologici della spiaggia. I campioni sono stati raccolti presso due spiagge scelte lungo il litorale tra Licata e Gela, e lungo un transetto presso la spiaggia di Punta Braccetto. I parametri statistici utilizzati per descrivere le caratteristiche granulometriche dei campioni sono quelli proposti da Folk & Ward (1957). Dall’analisi dell’evoluzione della linea di riva è emerso che all’interno del settore 1, dal porto di Licata al Castello di Falconara, la tendenza evolutiva su medio periodo è prevalentemente negativa. In particolar modo, tra il porto di Licata e i frangiflutti posti ad est della foce del fiume Imera Meridionale, è stato registrato un arretramento significativo della linea di costa, con un tasso di arretramento massimo osservato pari a – m/year. Lo scenario descritto su medio periodo ha trovato riscontro anche su lungo periodo, con un tasso di arretramento massimo ottenuto subito ad est della foce del fiume Imera Meridionale (- m/year). Significativa l’accrezione registrata nell’area dove è stata ubicata una barriera emersa composta da undici frangiflutti (WLR massimo pari a m/year), anche se dal calcolo dell’indice SCE è emerso che i principali fenomeni deposizionali si sono verificati durante il decennio tra il 1955 e il 1966, e tra il 1966 e il 1989 è stato invece osservato un progressivo e costante arretramento della costa. Il tratto di costa dei settori 2 e 3, incluso tra il Castello di Falconara e il porto di Scoglitti, ha mostrato un andamento prevalentemente stabile, anche se la curva descritta risulta asimmetricamente negativa. Fenomeni deposizionali rilevanti sono stati rilevati nell’area sovraflutto il porto di Scoglitti, di cui la diga settentrionale è stata ripetutamente implementata tra gli anni settanta e ottanta e definitivamente completata nel 2008. E’ probabile che questa opera abbia modificato il trasporto litoraneo dei sedimenti in modo tale da influire sull’evoluzione della linea di costa all’interno del settore n. 5, situato pochi chilometri a sud del porto di Scoglitti, dove l’analisi su medio periodo ha evidenziato un trend stabile e, in alcune parti, erosivo, diversamente da quanto è stato messo in evidenza dall’analisi su lungo periodo e dal calcolo dell’indice SCE, da cui è emerso che il settore n. 5 è rimasto prevalentemente stabile e, in alcune zone, tendente ad una moderata accrezione, nell’arco temporale tra il 1955 e il 1989, ma il trend ha subito un’inversione di tendenza tra il 1989 e il 2012, registrando anche lievi fenomeni erosivi. L’analisi dei sedimenti di spiaggia ha confermato quanto emerso dall’analisi delle variazioni della linea di riva, ovvero un profilo di spiaggia attualmente instabile con tendenza all’erosione all’interno del settore 1, e di un profilo di spiaggia sostanzialmente stabile in corrispondenza di quei settori dove è ancora presente un cordone dunale ben conservato e di dimensioni significative. Dallo studio, è emerso che le aree maggiormente colpite da fenomeni erosivi più intensi sono quelle in cui sono stati registrati i maggiori livelli di frammentazione dei sistemi dunali e dove il coefficiente di impatto delle opere marittime costiere è più alto. L’approccio combinato utilizzato per comprendere l’evoluzione del Golfo di Gela ha colmato la mancanza di dati aggiornati e ottenuti inoltre mediante una metodologia integrata e largamente utilizzata e riconosciuta all’interno della comunità scientifica. Difatti, è emersa l’esigenza adottare una metodologia condivisa a livello regionale nello studio dei complessi sistemi costieri. Inoltre, a completamento e a supporto di quanto qui emerso, l’analisi batimetrica e granulometrica della spiaggia sommersa e l’analisi del trasporto di sedimenti litoraneo consentirebbero di approfondire e inquadrare la dinamica costiera e supportare i dati ottenuti dal presente lavoro di tesi.
BORZI', Laura
The aim of this Ph.D. thesis was to investigate the evolution of the coastline within the Gulf of Gela (Southern Sicily, Italy), applying, for the first time, a combined methodology that outlines, on one hand, the shoreline changes and, on the other hand, allows to assess the main environmental variations, as the fragmentation or disappearance of dune systems and the implementation of maritime structures insisting on the coast. Some previous works have studied the shoreline evolution within the Gulf, but an obsolete methodology has been adopted or an incomplete analysis has been performed due to the lack of data on the entire stretch of coast. The Gulf of Gela coincides with the second-order coastal sub-cell n. 4.2 identified by the Regional Plan against Coastal Erosion and falling within the first order coastal sub-cell that extends from Capo Passero Island to Capo San Marco (Regione Siciliana, 2020). The physiographic limits of the second-order physiographic unit n. 4.2 are represented by the port of Licata (AG) and Punta Braccetto (RG). The study area was divided into 5 sectors: 1) it extends from the Licata harbour to the promontory where there is the Falconara Castle, a stretch of coast mainly characterized by sandy beaches; 2) from the Falconara Castle to the port of Gela, with a predominantly low and sandy coast, except for the cliff where the Manfria Tower is set; 3) the area that goes from the Gela harbour to the Scoglitti one, it is the longest sector that has been studied and the coastline is mainly low and sandy; 4) from the Scoglitti harbou to the Randello promontory, where high and low sandy coasts alternate; 5) from the Randello promontory to Punta Braccetto cape, where there is a beach 2 km wide, and a well-preserved and wide dune system still resists. The study focused on the analysis of the shoreline variations, but the investigation of the environmental changes that have affected the coastal area has been performed, considering the progressive fragmentation of the dune systems and the impact of coastal works. The present work methodology therefore included the analysis of shoreline variations over the long and medium term, covering a total time span of about 60 years, the application of the coefficient of technogenous impact of coastal maritime works (coefficient of technogenous impact, Aybulatov & Artyukhin, 1993), the assessment of the level of fragmentation of dune systems carried out through the calculation of the fragmentation index (Molina et al, 2020), and the grain-size and textural analysis of beach sediments to investigate the current evolutionary state of the studied coastlines. The cartographic dataset counts: i) photographs of IGM areas (1955, 1966), ii) orthophotos of the National Geoportal (1989, 2000, 2006, 2012), iii) UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) image acquired in 2018 in the area of sector n. 5. The shorelines were drawn for each image and the statistical indexes (SCE, NSM, WLR) were computed using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), an application of the ESRI ArcGIS© software. The coefficient of technogenuous impact is the ratio between the total length of the shoreline and the length of all the maritime infrastructures insisting on that given stretch of coast. The coefficient is expressed through qualitative classes that vary from minimum to extreme. The fragmentation index (F) was first proposed by Molina et al. (2020) and vaguely inspired by the coefficient of technogenuous impact. It is computed as the ratio between the breaks within each identified dune system and the total length of the system. As for the impact coefficient of coastal maritime works, the index is expressed with qualitative classes that vary from zero fragmentation to very high level of fragmentation. Sedimentological analyses were carried out on sediment samples taken in summer and winter for three consecutive years, in correspondence with the main and recognizable morphological elements of the beach. The samples were collected at two beaches chosen along the coast between Licata and Gela, and along a transect at Punta Braccetto beach. The statistical parameters used to describe the granulometric characteristics of the samples are those proposed by Folk & Ward (1957). The shoreline change analysis showed that within sector 1, from the port of Licata to the Castle of Falconara, the evolutionary trend over the medium term is mainly negative. It is worth to note that significant retreat has been recorded between the Licata harbour and the breakwaters located eastward Southern Imera river mouth, with a maximum negative rate of – 3,15 m/year. The scenario described over the medium-term was also confirmed by the analysis performed over the long-term period, with a maximum retreat rate of -6,7 m/year observed again eastward the Southern Imera river mouth. Significant accretion has been registered where eleven breakwaters are set, even though the Shoreline Change Envelope (SCE) index showed that the main depositional phenomena occurred during the decade between 1955 and 1966, whereas progressive and constant landward migration has been observed between 1966 and 1989. Sector n. 2 and 3 showed mainly a stable trend, even if the described curve is asymmetrically negative. Significant depositional phenomena were found up-drift the Scoglitti harbour, the northern dike has been repeatedly implemented between the 1970s and 1980s and fnished in 2008. It could be assumed that this work modified the sediment littoral transport affecting the evolution of the coastline within sector no. 5, located a few kilometres southward the Scoglitti harbour. Within sector n. 5 the medium-term analysis showed mainly a stable trend, and, partly, erosive phenomena have been detected, but the long-term analysis and the SCE index revealed that this sector did not face any retreat over the period between 1955 and 2012, and it experienced a stability state and minimal moderate accretion over the period between 1955 and 1989 and the trend has changed between 1989 and 2012, when slight erosion phenomena have been recorded. The analysis of beach sediments confirmed what emerged from the analysis of shoreline variations, i.e. a currently unstable beach profile with a tendency to erosion within sector 1, and a substantially stable beach profile in those sectors where there is still a well-preserved dune ridge of significant size. The study showed that the areas most affected by the most intense erosion phenomena are those where the highest levels of fragmentation of dune systems have been recorded and where the coefficient of technogenuos impact is higher. The combined approach used to understand the evolution of the Gulf of Gela has filled the lack of updated data and obtained through an integrated methodology widely used and recognized within the scientific community. In fact, the need has emerged to adopt a shared methodology at the regional level in the study of complex coastal systems. Moreover, to complete and support what has emerged here, bathymetric and granulometric analysis of the submerged beach and analysis of the transport of coastal sediments would allow to deepen and frame the coastal dynamics and support the data obtained from this thesis work.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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