The study, taking advantage of an extensive experimental campaign using a unidirectional shaking table, is focused on the mitigation of the response of small-scale rigid bodies. After investigating their seismic vulnerability, a low-cost rolling ball system device is proposed to assure seismic protection. The experimental time history in terms of displacement was evaluated by tracking the motion with a contactless measuring method, making use of high frequency acquisition camera and tracking motion software. Preliminarily, an experimental survey on the seismic response of small rigid blocks, with different aspect ratios and scale factors, is presented with the aim of identifying the features to be accounted for in order to gauge response variability. The results are reported in terms of stability spectra for one-cosine pulse input and maximum rotation variability graphs for a given earthquakes. The conclusive remarks help to assess the risk with respect to overturning under seismic excitation and enrich the interpretative model of the effects due to impairments in the contact surfaces. A marked uncertainty in the response of the blocks is identified and discussed. A novel numerical model based on rigid body motion able to account for the asymmetry of the object as well as for its flawed contact on the base is presented and duly validated against experimental tests. The validation of the proposed model is achieved comparing the results of the numerical simulations with the experimental ones acquired on nine wooden prismatic blocks and on a scaled prototype of the masterpiece of Paolo Orsi museum in Syracuse (Italy): the statue of Venere Landolina. In the latter case, the experimental campaign is conducted on a physical prototype, built according to a highly detailed and complete digital model obtained by 3D survey. The numerical and experimental campaign is conducted with reference to compatible seismic ground motions, conveniently scaled to cope with scale effects. The results are finally correlated and discussed, showing the potentiality of the proposed approach for modelling artworks in seismic conditions and the reliability of a combined experimental and numerical strategy to assess the seismic safety of real statues by experimentally investigating the nonlinear dynamic response of scaled objects on the basis of a detailed 3D digital model of the real object. The conclusive remarks could be of help to size the risk with respect to the overturning of rigid bodies under seismic excitation and to provide some considerations with respect to seismic protection strategies useful to design isolator devices. The proposed practiced solution to cope with overturning is the use of a wooden rolling ball system device, characterized by a series of balls rolling between two appropriately shaped plates carved by a milling machine. The efficiency of the proposed low-cost device is tested with a prototype designed to guarantee stability under minimum size constraint, while providing a long isolation period as well as recentring capabilities. Experimental tests have been carried out to characterise the behavior of the device also in case of rubber layers applied on the surface of spherical grooves to enhance the dissipation capacity. The experimental campaign has allowed calibrating the device properties in terms of rolling friction and to investigate the response variability under different vertical loads. Furthermore, numerical analysed, where the restoring force is modelled using Bouc-Wen approach, were performed and validated by free vibrations and harmonic excitation tests. A second prototype, equipped with a supplemental mechanical fuse able to support vertical loads in static conditions, is realized and investigated. The efficiency of the device was experimentally evaluated by estimating the effectiveness for the protection of the statue of Venere Landolina.
La ricerca, avvalendosi dei risultati sperimentali ottenuti utilizzando una tavola vibrante monodirezionale, è focalizzata sulla predizione e sulla mitigazione della risposta sismica di corpi rigidi di forma complessa quali statue o altri beni museali. Dopo aver esaminato sperimentalmente la vulnerabilità dei corpi rigidi di piccole dimensioni, si analizza il comportamento di un dispositivo di isolamento sismico realizzato con materiali di basso costo per applicazioni su larga scala. La storie temporali in termini di spostamento ottenute dai test di laboratorio sono state valutate sfruttando i vantaggi dei metodi di misurazione senza contatto, facendo uso di una fotocamera ad alta risoluzione/frequenza di acquisizione e software per il processamento dei video. È stata condotta una vasta indagine sperimentale sulla risposta sismica di piccoli blocchi rigidi prismatici, caratterizzati da diversi valori di snellezza e fattore di scala, con l'obiettivo di identificare le caratteristiche da tenere in considerazione per valutare la variabilità della risposta. I risultati sono raccolti sotto forma di spettri di stabilità, che riportano la propensione al ribaltamento al variare di frequenza e ampiezza di un pulso di coseno, e di spettri di risposta, dove le rotazioni massime sono riportate al variare della PGA di un dato accelerogramma. Le acquisizioni sperimentali hanno consentito di valutare gli effetti delle imperfezioni della superficie di contatto alla base dei blocchi. Dopo avere evidenziato i limiti del Simple Rocking Model, è stato predisposto un nuovo modello 2D, validato sperimentalmente, in grado di chiarire il comportamento di oggetti non simmetrici rispetto all’asse baricentrico. L’affidabilità del modello proposto è stata testata confrontando i risultati sperimentali con quelli ottenuti da simulazioni numeriche, sia per il caso dei blocchi simmetrici prismatici, che su un modello in scala della statua della Venere Landolina esposta al museo Paolo Orsi in Siracusa (Italia). La campagna è stata condotta su una riproduzione lignea 1:2 realizzata a partire dai dati acquisiti grazie ad un rilievo 3D di dettaglio. Gli accelerogrammi artificiali, spettro compatibili, utilizzati sono stati opportunamente scalati per far fronte agli effetti di scala. I risultati sono stati correlati e analizzati criticamente, mostrando da un lato le potenzialità dell'approccio proposto per la modellazione di corpi rigidi di forma irregolare in condizioni sismiche, dall’altro confermando l'affidabilità della strategia per valutare la sicurezza di statue in condizioni reali. Le analisi numeriche e sperimentali, condotte per i vari scenari di rischio di ribaltamento di corpi rigidi in condizioni sismiche, hanno fornito le informazioni necessarie alla progettazione e realizzazione di una tipologia di dispositivo d’isolamento a basso costo. Questo è stato realizzato interponendo sfere di metallo o altro materiale tra due piastre in legno opportunamente intagliate, utilizzando una fresatrice a controllo numerico. L'efficienza del dispositivo è stata valutata su un prototipo dimensionato per garantire la stabilità in condizioni dinamiche e fornendo al contempo un adeguato periodo di isolamento e capacità di ricentramento. I test sperimentali hanno consentito di caratterizzare le proprietà del dispositivo in termini di attrito volvente anche nei casi in cui la capacità di dissipazione è incrementata applicando strati di gomma sulla superficie delle calotte sferiche. La variabilità della risposta è in fine stata valutata sperimentalmente sotto diverse condizioni di carico verticale. Il modello numerico, validato da test in vibrazioni libere e in caso di forzanti armoniche, ha riprodotto la forza di ricentramento utilizzando il legame di Bouc-Wen. È stato realizzato e studiato sperimentalmente anche un secondo prototipo dotato di un fusibile meccanico supplementare in grado di sostenere carichi verticali in condizioni statiche. L'efficienza del dispositivo in assenza di fusibile è stata infine valutata sperimentalmente stimando la sua efficacia per la protezione sismica della Venere Landolina.
Vulnerabilità sismica dei corpi rigidi e protezione mediante isolatori sismici a ricircolo di sfere a basso costo: analisi numeriche e sperimentali / COCUZZA AVELLINO, Giuseppe. - (2021 Apr 22).
Vulnerabilità sismica dei corpi rigidi e protezione mediante isolatori sismici a ricircolo di sfere a basso costo: analisi numeriche e sperimentali
The study, taking advantage of an extensive experimental campaign using a unidirectional shaking table, is focused on the mitigation of the response of small-scale rigid bodies. After investigating their seismic vulnerability, a low-cost rolling ball system device is proposed to assure seismic protection. The experimental time history in terms of displacement was evaluated by tracking the motion with a contactless measuring method, making use of high frequency acquisition camera and tracking motion software. Preliminarily, an experimental survey on the seismic response of small rigid blocks, with different aspect ratios and scale factors, is presented with the aim of identifying the features to be accounted for in order to gauge response variability. The results are reported in terms of stability spectra for one-cosine pulse input and maximum rotation variability graphs for a given earthquakes. The conclusive remarks help to assess the risk with respect to overturning under seismic excitation and enrich the interpretative model of the effects due to impairments in the contact surfaces. A marked uncertainty in the response of the blocks is identified and discussed. A novel numerical model based on rigid body motion able to account for the asymmetry of the object as well as for its flawed contact on the base is presented and duly validated against experimental tests. The validation of the proposed model is achieved comparing the results of the numerical simulations with the experimental ones acquired on nine wooden prismatic blocks and on a scaled prototype of the masterpiece of Paolo Orsi museum in Syracuse (Italy): the statue of Venere Landolina. In the latter case, the experimental campaign is conducted on a physical prototype, built according to a highly detailed and complete digital model obtained by 3D survey. The numerical and experimental campaign is conducted with reference to compatible seismic ground motions, conveniently scaled to cope with scale effects. The results are finally correlated and discussed, showing the potentiality of the proposed approach for modelling artworks in seismic conditions and the reliability of a combined experimental and numerical strategy to assess the seismic safety of real statues by experimentally investigating the nonlinear dynamic response of scaled objects on the basis of a detailed 3D digital model of the real object. The conclusive remarks could be of help to size the risk with respect to the overturning of rigid bodies under seismic excitation and to provide some considerations with respect to seismic protection strategies useful to design isolator devices. The proposed practiced solution to cope with overturning is the use of a wooden rolling ball system device, characterized by a series of balls rolling between two appropriately shaped plates carved by a milling machine. The efficiency of the proposed low-cost device is tested with a prototype designed to guarantee stability under minimum size constraint, while providing a long isolation period as well as recentring capabilities. Experimental tests have been carried out to characterise the behavior of the device also in case of rubber layers applied on the surface of spherical grooves to enhance the dissipation capacity. The experimental campaign has allowed calibrating the device properties in terms of rolling friction and to investigate the response variability under different vertical loads. Furthermore, numerical analysed, where the restoring force is modelled using Bouc-Wen approach, were performed and validated by free vibrations and harmonic excitation tests. A second prototype, equipped with a supplemental mechanical fuse able to support vertical loads in static conditions, is realized and investigated. The efficiency of the device was experimentally evaluated by estimating the effectiveness for the protection of the statue of Venere Landolina.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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