The issue of the abandonment of historical centres has been focused in the last decade in the scientific, political and media debate also in the light of the new perspectives offered by the Italian National Strategy for Inner Areas, a public cohesion policy aimed at repopulating marginal territories. In the context of the extremely varied scenarios that are looming today for Italy’s historical centres, the settlements of inner areas appear particularly threatened by a persistent loss of attractiveness and the risk of definitive abandonment. In this context, the proliferation of national plans and policies proves a growing awareness of the abandonment but also continues to highlight persistent critics ascribable to approaches when reduced protection and preservation exclusively to tourism is applied. The formerly mentioned plans and policies insist on relegating the contribution of preservation to a secondary role, capable of intervening only as technical knowledge downstream of choices already defined on a territorial and urban scale. This study starts from the assumption that it is not a downstream of choices already made, but it initiates in the processes of knowledge that underlie the elaboration of place-based strategies that the discipline of conservation can intervene and play a key role, flanking the system of actions that work in parallel on the economic and social fragilities in declining territories. The research aims at looking into the tools and methods through which conservation can be configured as a participation in the process of elaborating an overall strategy of repopulation and redevelopment in the historical centres of inner areas. The study therefore intends to propose a more specific vision of the historic environment by means of which the effects of the dynamics of abandonment can be considered and peculiarities understood. The interpretation of the processes concerning the built heritage requires a more structured analysis capable of grasping the possible forms and declinations of the phenomenon at several levels, in the perspective of a multi-scale and multi-perspective approach. The proposed study goes from a broader questioning at a regional, provincial and urban level to the identification of a paradigmatic case study, on which to focus the experimental part of the research. The analysis also makes use of the comparison with further significant examples from different territorial contexts. The experimentation on the case study defines a study process oriented towards the knowledge of the built environment in the process of abandonment and the risks to which it is exposed with the support of a cognitive tool. The chosen study perspective is instrumental in the development of an integrated approach between restoration and evaluation and looks towards results that can be used in a decision support system in view of a broader project, keeping inside the values of the urban heritage.
Il tema dell’abbandono dei centri storici ha assunto nell’ultimo decennio una rinnovata centralità nel dibattito scientifico, politico e mediatico anche alla luce delle nuove prospettive offerte dalla Strategia Nazionale delle Aree Interne, una politica pubblica di coesione finalizzata a ripopolare i territori marginali. Nel contesto di scenari estremamente variegati che si profilano oggi per i centri storici italiani, gli insediamenti delle aree interne appaiono particolarmente minacciati dalla persistente perdita di attrattività e dal rischio di abbandono definitivo. In tale quadro, la proliferazione di piani e politiche nazionali attesta una crescente presa di coscienza verso il problema dell’abbandono ma continua pure a evidenziare persistenti criticità riconducibili ad approcci che, quando non riconducono la tutela e la salvaguardia esclusivamente a finalità turistiche, si ostinano a relegare l’apporto del restauro a un ruolo secondario, in grado di intervenire solo come sapere tecnico a valle di scelte già definite su scala territoriale e urbana. Questo studio muove dal presupposto che non è a valle di scelte già compiute, ma nei processi di conoscenza che sottendono l’elaborazione di strategie costruite sulla base delle esigenze locali, che la disciplina della conservazione può intervenire e rivestire un ruolo chiave, affiancando il sistema di azioni che lavorano parallelamente sulle fragilità di tipo economico e sociale presenti nei territori in declino. La ricerca mira dunque a interrogare gli strumenti e le modalità attraverso i quali il restauro può configurarsi come apporto utile per partecipare al processo di elaborazione di una strategia complessiva di ripopolamento e riaffezione nei centri storici delle aree interne. Lo studio propone quindi una visione più specifica sul costruito storico che possa tener conto degli effetti delle dinamiche di abbandono, comprendere le peculiarità e permettere di governare i mutamenti prodotti. L’interpretazione dei processi in atto a carico del costruito si basa su un’analisi strutturata capace di cogliere le possibili forme e declinazioni del fenomeno a più livelli, nella prospettiva di un approccio multiscalare e multiprospettico. L’analisi muove da un’interrogazione di più ampio raggio a livello regionale, provinciale e urbano fino all’individuazione di un caso studio paradigmatico, su cui concentrare la parte sperimentale della ricerca. Lo studio si avvale anche del confronto con ulteriori esempi significativi afferenti a contesti territoriali diversi La sperimentazione sul caso studio si presta infine alla definizione di un processo di studio orientato alla conoscenza del costruito in via di abbandono e dei rischi a cui è esposto con il supporto di uno strumento conoscitivo. La prospettiva di studio prescelta è dunque strumentale allo sviluppo di un approccio integrato tra restauro ed estimo e guarda verso risultati fruibili nell’ambito decisionale in vista di un progetto di più ampio respiro, attento ai valori del patrimonio urbano storico.
Prospettive per la conservazione dei centri storici in via di abbandono. Strumenti, metodi e buone pratiche per la conoscenza e valorizzazione del patrimonio costruito delle aree interne / Sanzaro, Deborah. - (2023 Oct 10).
Prospettive per la conservazione dei centri storici in via di abbandono. Strumenti, metodi e buone pratiche per la conoscenza e valorizzazione del patrimonio costruito delle aree interne
The issue of the abandonment of historical centres has been focused in the last decade in the scientific, political and media debate also in the light of the new perspectives offered by the Italian National Strategy for Inner Areas, a public cohesion policy aimed at repopulating marginal territories. In the context of the extremely varied scenarios that are looming today for Italy’s historical centres, the settlements of inner areas appear particularly threatened by a persistent loss of attractiveness and the risk of definitive abandonment. In this context, the proliferation of national plans and policies proves a growing awareness of the abandonment but also continues to highlight persistent critics ascribable to approaches when reduced protection and preservation exclusively to tourism is applied. The formerly mentioned plans and policies insist on relegating the contribution of preservation to a secondary role, capable of intervening only as technical knowledge downstream of choices already defined on a territorial and urban scale. This study starts from the assumption that it is not a downstream of choices already made, but it initiates in the processes of knowledge that underlie the elaboration of place-based strategies that the discipline of conservation can intervene and play a key role, flanking the system of actions that work in parallel on the economic and social fragilities in declining territories. The research aims at looking into the tools and methods through which conservation can be configured as a participation in the process of elaborating an overall strategy of repopulation and redevelopment in the historical centres of inner areas. The study therefore intends to propose a more specific vision of the historic environment by means of which the effects of the dynamics of abandonment can be considered and peculiarities understood. The interpretation of the processes concerning the built heritage requires a more structured analysis capable of grasping the possible forms and declinations of the phenomenon at several levels, in the perspective of a multi-scale and multi-perspective approach. The proposed study goes from a broader questioning at a regional, provincial and urban level to the identification of a paradigmatic case study, on which to focus the experimental part of the research. The analysis also makes use of the comparison with further significant examples from different territorial contexts. The experimentation on the case study defines a study process oriented towards the knowledge of the built environment in the process of abandonment and the risks to which it is exposed with the support of a cognitive tool. The chosen study perspective is instrumental in the development of an integrated approach between restoration and evaluation and looks towards results that can be used in a decision support system in view of a broader project, keeping inside the values of the urban heritage.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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