Epigr. Bob. 42 belongs to the gnomic-protreptic tradition and is characterized by an erudite mixtio of various kinds of fontes: lyrical motifs intertwine with sepulchral themes, scenic τόποι with echoes of the historical ἔπος of the imperial age. Building on these sources, is proposed here a correction of the transmitted futura of v. 2 in futuro: a suggestion that is supported by a comparison with Symph. aenigm. XCI,1 Glorie and Heir. Vita Germani IV 511 Traube.
Riconducibile alla tradizione gnomico-protrettica, Epigr. Bob. 42 si caratterizza per la dotta mixtio di fontes di vario genere: motivi lirici si intrecciano a temi sepolcrali, τόποι scenici ad echi dell’ἔπος storico di età imperiale. Modelli sulla base dei quali è possibile correggere il tràdito futura del v. 2 in futuro: un intervento verosimilmente corroborato dal raffronto con Symph. aenigm. XCI, 1 Glorie e Heir. Vita Germani IV 511 Traube.
Le incertezze del futuro: ἔπος e γνώμη in Epigr. Bob. 42 Sp.
Orazio Portuese
Epigr. Bob. 42 belongs to the gnomic-protreptic tradition and is characterized by an erudite mixtio of various kinds of fontes: lyrical motifs intertwine with sepulchral themes, scenic τόποι with echoes of the historical ἔπος of the imperial age. Building on these sources, is proposed here a correction of the transmitted futura of v. 2 in futuro: a suggestion that is supported by a comparison with Symph. aenigm. XCI,1 Glorie and Heir. Vita Germani IV 511 Traube.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.