In the 80’s of the XXI century a strong wind of unbridled scientism was blowing in Europe. The myth of progress had seduced most of intellectual middle class people’s hearth and mind. A real positivistic epidemic had shattered the traditional perimeters of knowledge and built up ─ with its cult for neologism ─ the semantics of a metaknowledge, feeded, without break, on fabulous analogies and metaphors. A sort of habitus of mind that outlined a new sociological character, guard of order and devotee of progress, which claimed, because of his eclecticism, the right to build a totalizing theory, a global vision of life. Angelo Majorana was the interpreter of such a fervid cultural climate; with his positivistic infatuation he was one of the most influential voices of the sociological school of law. Majorana claimed the extraordinary power of such a branch of learning (sociology), to expand itself; a branch of learning no more satisfied to be only a «group science», which pushed on as far as being a «general method, to investigate all social phenomena and bring them back to essential and universal principles». During his short but fruitful research activity, law ─ among all social phenomena ─ has always been regarded by Majorana as being the most reactive to the rules of natural selection. This essay is aimed at highlighting his (political and ideological) model of law and society, built upon the scientific sanction that he gave it through headwords, formulas, laws and (why not?) even through symbolic apparatus, of naturalists, linguists, ethnologists and biologists.
Negli anni ottanta del secolo XIX spirava forte in Europa un’aria di sfrenato scientismo. Il mito del progresso seduceva il cuore e la mente di gran parte del ceto intellettuale borghese. Una vera e propria epidemia positivistica frantumava i tradizionali perimetri dei saperi, edificava ― col suo culto per i neologismi ― la semantica di un metasapere che si nutriva senza soste di fabulose analogie e metafore. Una sorta di ‘forma mentale’, una foggia di habitus che disegnava un tipo sociologico nuovo, guardiano dell’ordine e sacerdote del progresso, che in virtù del suo eclettismo rivendicava il diritto ― finalmente conquistato ― di costruire una teoria totalizzante, una visione d’insieme della vita. Di una così fervida temperie culturale si fece interprete Angelo Majorana, che con la sua schietta infatuazione positivistica fu una delle voci più autorevoli della scuola sociologica del diritto. Majorana rivendicava le straordinarie capacità espansive di una disciplina (la sociologia) che, non più acerba come al tempo di August Comte, non si accontentava più di essere solo «scienza del gruppo», ma si spingeva al punto da mostrarsi come «metodo generale, per investigare tutti i fenomeni sociali e riportarli agli essenziali e universali principi». Nella sua breve ma laboriosa attività di ricerca, il diritto ― fra tutti i fenomeni sociali ― fu sempre visto da Majorana come il più reattivo alle leggi della selezione e dell’ambiente. Questo saggio vuole provare a mettere allo scoperto il suo modello (politico e ideologico) di diritto e di società, costruito in virtù della sanzione scientifica che egli volle dargli coi lemmi, le formule, le leggi e, perché no?, anche con gli apparati simbolici di naturalisti, linguisti, etnologi, biologi.
Ragione, probità, benevolenza. I miti borghesi di Angelo Majorana
In the 80’s of the XXI century a strong wind of unbridled scientism was blowing in Europe. The myth of progress had seduced most of intellectual middle class people’s hearth and mind. A real positivistic epidemic had shattered the traditional perimeters of knowledge and built up ─ with its cult for neologism ─ the semantics of a metaknowledge, feeded, without break, on fabulous analogies and metaphors. A sort of habitus of mind that outlined a new sociological character, guard of order and devotee of progress, which claimed, because of his eclecticism, the right to build a totalizing theory, a global vision of life. Angelo Majorana was the interpreter of such a fervid cultural climate; with his positivistic infatuation he was one of the most influential voices of the sociological school of law. Majorana claimed the extraordinary power of such a branch of learning (sociology), to expand itself; a branch of learning no more satisfied to be only a «group science», which pushed on as far as being a «general method, to investigate all social phenomena and bring them back to essential and universal principles». During his short but fruitful research activity, law ─ among all social phenomena ─ has always been regarded by Majorana as being the most reactive to the rules of natural selection. This essay is aimed at highlighting his (political and ideological) model of law and society, built upon the scientific sanction that he gave it through headwords, formulas, laws and (why not?) even through symbolic apparatus, of naturalists, linguists, ethnologists and biologists.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.