L’article 9 du Statut de la C.P.I. prévoit l’adoption d’un texte supplémentaire dénommé les « Eléments des crimes » qui a comme objectif de donner plus de substance au respect du principe de légalité, en spécifiant le sens de la plupart des éléments constitutifs des crimes relevant de la compétence de la Cour. Tout en étant inspiré par l’exigence de donner plus de clarté à la dimension pénale du Statut, en imposant des limites rigoureuses aux pouvoirs interprétatifs des juges (ce qui, à bien des égards, a été fait avec succès), ce texte contient néanmoins plusieurs aspects d’ambigüité qui pourraient créer des difficultés d’interprétation ultérieures. En plus, bien qu’il y ait plusieurs arguments pour affirmer qu’il s’agit d’une source subsidiaire, que les juges ne pourront appliquer que lorsque le Statut et la coutume internationale le permettent, il n’est pas entièrement clair à quel niveau dans la hiérarchie normative se situent les Eléments.
Abstract Article 9 of the ICC Statute provides for the adoption of a text called the « Elements of Crimes », the main purpose of which is to ensure enhanced respect for the principle of legality, specifying the meaning of all (or many of) the constitutive elements of crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court. This text, although inspired by the need to give more clarity to the criminal provisions of the Statute imposing on the interpretative powers of the judges stringent limitations (something which, to a large extent, has been done successfully), still presents numerous ambiguities that may create additional problems. Moreover, even if there are good arguments to state that the Elements are a subsidiary source of law to be applied by the judges only when the Statute and international customary law allow it, the position of this text in the normative hierarchy is not entirely clear.
Article 9. Elements des Crimes [2012]
ZAPPALA', Salvatore Angelo
Abstract Article 9 of the ICC Statute provides for the adoption of a text called the « Elements of Crimes », the main purpose of which is to ensure enhanced respect for the principle of legality, specifying the meaning of all (or many of) the constitutive elements of crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court. This text, although inspired by the need to give more clarity to the criminal provisions of the Statute imposing on the interpretative powers of the judges stringent limitations (something which, to a large extent, has been done successfully), still presents numerous ambiguities that may create additional problems. Moreover, even if there are good arguments to state that the Elements are a subsidiary source of law to be applied by the judges only when the Statute and international customary law allow it, the position of this text in the normative hierarchy is not entirely clear.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.