A Measure for Psychotherapist’s Intuition: Construction, Development, and Pilot Study of the Aesthetic Relational Knowledge Scale (ARKS)
file da validare2022-01-01 Lobb, M. S.; Sciacca, F.; Isidoro, S. I.; Hichy, Z.
An italian version of the gullibility scale
2021-01-01 Sciacca, F.; Hichy, Z.; DE PASQUALE, C.; Di Marco, G.; Baeli, V.
Attitudes towards lockdown, trust in institutions, and civic engagement: A study on Sicilians during the coronavirus lockdown
2021-01-01 Di Marco, G.; Hichy, Z.; Sciacca, F.
Binge eating disorder and bariatric surgery: A case report
2019-01-01 De Pasquale, C.; Marinella, C.; Sciacca, F.; Pistorio, M. L.; Dinaro, C.
Comparing the Relative Importance of Predictors of Intention to Use Bicycles
2022-01-01 Baeli, V.; Hichy, Z.; Sciacca, F.; De Pasquale, C.
Correlati individuali e psicosociali della creduloneria
2023-01-09 Sciacca, Federica
Creduloneria: cosa è e da cosa dipende
file da validare2022-01-01 Sciacca, F.; Hichy, Z.; De Pasquale, C.
Dataset on the relations between religious and secular attitudes
2020-01-01 Hichy, Z.; Di Marco, G.; Sciacca, F.
Dataset on the relationship between psychosocial resources of volunteers and their quality of life
2020-01-01 Di Marco, G.; Hichy, Z.; Sciacca, F.
Effects of religious orientation and state secularism on pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
2020-01-01 Hichy, Zira; Sciacca, Federica; Di Marco, Graziella; De Pasquale, Concetta
Fertile Void, quality of life and body image in the patient with chronic renal disease
2019-01-01 De Pasquale, Concetta; Sciacca, Federica
Gaming Addiction: An Investigation in Italian Adults in Avola
2016-01-01 De Pasquale, Concetta; Sciacca, Federica; Fronte, Vania
Il respiro oltre le mura. L’esperienza della reclusione, l’arte e la psicoterapia della Gestalt in carcere
2019-01-01 Sciacca, Federica; Di Rosa, Andrea Roberta; Libranti, Salvatore
Nonverbal Communication and Psychopathology in Kidney Transplant Recipients
2019-01-01 De Pasquale, C.; Pistorio, M. L.; Veroux, M.; Sciacca, F.; Martinelli, V.; Carbonaro, A.; Giaquinta, A.; Carbone, F.; Palermo, C.; Veroux, P.
Online videogames use and anxiety in children during the COVID-19 pandemic
2021-01-01 De Pasquale, C.; Chiappedi, M.; Sciacca, F.; Martinelli, V.; Hichy, Z.
Online videogames use and social relationships in young adolescents
file da validare2022-01-01 Sciacca, F.; Hichy, Z.; Di Marco, G.; De Pasquale, C.
Paura del covid-19, creduloneria e cospirazionismo: differenze tra persone favorevoli e contrarie alla vaccinazione contro il covid-19
file da validare2022-01-01 Sciacca, F.; Hichy, Z.; De Pasquale, C.; Baeli, V.
Personality and dissociative experiences in smartphone users
2019-01-01 De Pasquale, C.; Sciacca, F.; Conti, D.; Dinaro, C.; Di Nuovo, S.
Relations Between Mood States and Eating Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic in a Sample of Italian College Students
2021-01-01 DE PASQUALE, Concetta; Sciacca, Federica; Conti, Daniela; Pistorio, MARIA LUISA; Hichy, Zira; Cardullo, Rosa Loredana; DI NUOVO, Santo
Relationship of Internet gaming disorder with dissociative experience in Italian university students
2018-01-01 DE PASQUALE, Concetta; Dinaro, Carmela; Sciacca, Federica