Università degli Studi di CATANIA
Active tectonics or gravitational processes along the southern boundary of Mt Etna unstable sector: evidences from geodetic, and geostructural data.
file da validare2017-01-01 DE GUIDI, Giorgio; Currenti, Gilda Maria; Grassi, Sabrina; Imposa, Sebastiano; Palano, Mimmo; Pepe, Antonio; Pepe, Susi; Scudero, Salvatore; Vecchio, Alessia; Marchese, SALVATORE ANTONIO; Brighenti, Fabio; Ragusa, SALVATORE GABRIELE; Spampinato, Giovanni
An improved evaluation of the seismic/geodetic deformation-rate ratio for the Zagros Fold-and-Thrust collisional belt.
2018-01-01 Palano, M.; Imprescia, P.; Agnon, A.; Gresta, S.
Insights from 17 years of geodetic and petrological observations at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): definition of a long-term pattern of magma transport and storage
file da validare2018-01-01 Palano, M.; Viccaro, M.; Gresta, S.
Magma transport and storage at Mt. Etna (Italy): a review of geodetic and petrological data for the 2002-03, 2004 and 2006 eruptive events
2017-01-01 Palano, M.; Viccaro, M.; Zuccarello, F.; Gresta, S.
Magmatic and tectonic sources at Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy): a geodetic model based on two decades of GPS observations
2019-01-01 Amelia Cintorrino, Alessia; Palano, Mimmo; Viccaro, Marco
Self-feeding rejuvenation of a volcano plumbing system following major explosive eruptions: evidence from the February-April 2017 eruptive activity at Etna
file da validare2018-01-01 Viccaro, M.; Palano, M.; Giuffrida, M.; Zuccarello, Francesco; Scandura, B.; Gresta, S.
The unstable eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): First results of a GNSS-based network at its southeastern edge
2018-01-01 De Guidi, Giorgio; Brighenti, Fabio; Carnemolla, Francesco; Imposa, Sebastiano; Marchese, Salvatore Antonio; Palano, Mimmo; Scudero, Salvatore; Vecchio, Alessia
Violent paroxysmal activity drives self-feeding magma replenishment at Mt. Etna
2019-01-01 Viccaro, M.; Giuffrida, M.; Zuccarello, F.; Scandura, M.; Palano, M.; Gresta, S.