Agrobiodiversity in organic Brassica crops: relationship between pigment composition and antioxidant activity
2022-01-01 Bianchi, G.; Picchi, V.; Lo Scalzo, R.; Campanelli, G.; Ficcadenti, N.; Dattoli, M. A.; Sestili, S.; Arena, D.; Di Bella, M. C.; Branca, F.
Biodiversity Enhancement for Improving the Sustainability of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea vr. italica Plenk) Organic Seed Production
2022-01-01 Timpanaro, G; Branca, F; Cammarata, M; Di Bella, Mc; Foti, Vt; Scuderi, A
Brassica oleracea complex species in Sicily: diversity, uses and conservation strategies
2020-01-01 Tribulato, A.; Toscano, S.; Di Bella, M. C.; Romano, D.; Branca, F.
Chemical characterization of wild populations of Brassica oleracea complex species (n=9) for the content of their bioactive compounds
2022-01-01 Branca, F.; Di Bella, M. C.; Arena, D.; Tribulato, A.; Kusznierewicz, B.; Parchem, K.; Bartoszek, A.
Detection of glucosinolate metabolite pathway using SSR markers of Brassica oleracea complex species (n=9) core collection
2022-01-01 Ben Ammar, H.; Sdouga, D.; Di Bella, M. C.; Treccarichi, S.; Cali, R.; Rosa, E.; de Castro, I.; Branca, F.; Marghali, S.
Effects of growing cycle and genotype on the morphometric properties and glucosinolates amount and profile of sprouts, microgreens and baby leaves of broccoli (Brassica oleracea l. var. italica plenck) and kale (b. oleracea l. var. acephala dc.)
2021-01-01 Di Bella, M. C.; Toscano, S.; Arena, D.; Moreno, D. A.; Romano, D.; Branca, F.
Effects of microorganisms on the growth and the development of tomato crops
file da validare2020-01-01 Terzo, M. N.; Di Bella, M. C.; Nigro, S.; Lefebvre du Prey, V.; Toscano, S.; Branca, F.
Evaluation of Brassica oleracea L. crops and wild relatives for bio-morphometric and biochemical characteristics
2022-01-01 Arena, D.; Treccarichi, S.; Di Bella, M. C.; Achkar, N.; Ben Ammar, H.; Picchi, V.; Lo Scalzo, R.; Amari, M.; Branca, F.
Evaluation of different accessions of Sicilian landraces of violet cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) for bio-morphometric and biochemical traits
2024-01-01 Arena, D.; Rizzo, G. F.; Ciccarello, L.; Calì, R.; Felis, M. D.; Treccarichi, S.; Di Bella, M. C.; Branca, F.
Evaluation of Italian and Spanish Accessions of Brassica rapa L.: Effect of Flowering Earliness on Fresh Yield and Biological Value
2021-01-01 Cartea, María Elena; Di Bella, Maria Concetta; Velasco, Pablo; Soengas, Pilar; Toscano, Stefania; Branca, Ferdinando
Evaluation of Sicilian landraces of broccoli (B. oleracea var. italica Plenck) for quality traits
2022-01-01 Di Bella, M. C.; Treccarichi, S.; Arena, D.; Nicotra, R.; Mazzaglia, A.; Melilli, M. G.; Bartoszek, A.; Kusznierewicz, B.; Parchem, K.; Branca, F.
First results of agronomic and chemical evaluation of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) in Mediterranean environment
2022-01-01 Scandurra, S.; Branca, F.; Sollima, L.; Argento, S.; Di Bella, M. C.; Melilli, M. G.
Influence of irrigation regime on productive and qualitative traits of kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala DC) under organic farming system
2022-01-01 Di Bella, M. C.; Melilli, M. G.; Treccarichi, S.; Tribulato, A.; Arena, D.; Ruffino, A.; Argento, S.; Branca, F.
Insights into the phytochemical composition of selected genotypes of organic kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala)
2024-01-01 Bianchi, Giulia; Picchi, Valentina; Tava, Aldo; Doria, Filippo; Walley, Peter Glen; Dever, Louisa; di Bella, Maria Concetta; Arena, Donata; Ben Ammar, Hajer; Lo Scalzo, Roberto; Branca, Ferdinando
Morphological traits and phenolic compounds in tunisian wild populations and cultivated varieties of portulaca oleracea L
2020-01-01 Sdouga, D.; Branca, F.; Kabtni, S.; Di Bella, M. C.; Trifi-Farah, N.; Marghali, S.
Morphometric characteristics, polyphenols and ascorbic acid variation in Brassica oleracea L. novel foods: Sprouts, microgreens and baby leaves
2020-01-01 Di Bella, M. C.; Niklas, A.; Toscano, S.; Picchi, V.; Romano, D.; Scalzo, R. L.; Branca, F.
New tools for organic farming: amino acids and Trichoderma spp. application improved snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seed yield and quality
2024-01-01 Rizzo, G. F.; Ciccarello, L.; Felis, M. D.; Al Achkar, N.; Di Bella, M. C.; Branca, F.
Polyphenol profile and antioxidant capacity of a traditional Sicilian landrace of the Egyptian Walking Onion (Allium cepa L. var. viviparum)
2019-01-01 Branca, F.; Kaczynska, K.; Niklas, A.; Di Bella, M. C.; Picchi, V.; Lo Scalzo, R.; Tribulato, A.
Sensory properties of canned cardoon hearts in relation to genotype
2020-01-01 Melilli, M. G.; Argento, S.; Scandurra, S.; Pagliaro, A.; Calderaro, P.; Di Bella, M. C.; Branca, F.
Shelf life and sensory properties of processed cardoon hearts
2020-01-01 Melilli, M. G.; Argento, S.; Scandurra, S.; Pagliaro, A.; Di Bella, M. C.; Branca, F.