The cultural itinerary of Gabriel Le Bras: from the school of canonic law to the research of the historic sociology of religion, “Rivista di storia della storiografia moderna” 1982, 2-3, pp.131-167 This essay is a study on the cultural and scientific formation of Gabriel Le Bras. It traces the various stages of the cultural biography of the French scholar, marked by his encounter with the most representative personages of cultural history in the first half of the XX century. Le Bras met the canonist Fournier in 1914 and the paper analyses the scientific and cultural contribution following this encounter and that with other representatives of Canonistics in Paris which sprang from association (from 1922 onwards) with the founders of the Annales, Bloch and Febvre, in Strasbourg. There follows the outcome of the encounter with the group of Année sociologique in 1935 and the effect of the contact with the Durkheimian school (Halbwachs e Mauss). The young scholar’s works and cultural influences are studied in relation to his first scientific production.
Il saggio ha per oggetto la formazione culturale e scientifica di Gabriel Le Bras. In esso si percorrono le varie fasi della biografia culturale dello studioso francese, contrassegnata dall'incontro con i massimi rappresentanti della storia culturale della prima metà del XX secolo. Si analizzano gli apporti scientifico-culturali conseguenti all'incontro con il canonista Fournier, conosciuto nel 1914, e con gli altri rappresentanti della canonistica di Parigi; quelli fecondi con il sodalizio stabilito (dal 1922) con i fondatori delle Annales Bloch e Febvre, a Strasburgo; si seguono gli esiti dell'incontro con il gruppo dell'Année sociologique, nel 1935, e quelli conseguenti ai contatti con la scuola durkheimiana (Halbwachs e Mauss). Opere e filoni culturali sono messi in rapporto con la prima produzione scientifica del giovane studioso.
L'itinerario culturale di Gabriel Le Bras: dalla scuola di diritto canonico alle ricerche di sociologia storica delle religioni
The cultural itinerary of Gabriel Le Bras: from the school of canonic law to the research of the historic sociology of religion, “Rivista di storia della storiografia moderna” 1982, 2-3, pp.131-167 This essay is a study on the cultural and scientific formation of Gabriel Le Bras. It traces the various stages of the cultural biography of the French scholar, marked by his encounter with the most representative personages of cultural history in the first half of the XX century. Le Bras met the canonist Fournier in 1914 and the paper analyses the scientific and cultural contribution following this encounter and that with other representatives of Canonistics in Paris which sprang from association (from 1922 onwards) with the founders of the Annales, Bloch and Febvre, in Strasbourg. There follows the outcome of the encounter with the group of Année sociologique in 1935 and the effect of the contact with the Durkheimian school (Halbwachs e Mauss). The young scholar’s works and cultural influences are studied in relation to his first scientific production.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.