The statute draws a Sicilian regional autonomy "more than special" fruit of a particular historical and political context, that of the first post-war, which makes it probably now obsolete. On the one hand, the constitutional balances have been revised, and indeed largely subverted, while respecting the principle of autonomy, in particular the reform of Title V of the Constitution of 2001, and second, the same relationships "external" between legal are in place, strongly influenced by the advent of the European Union and, more generally, by the phenomena of world globalization. It follows the need to "modernize" the Statute in a system in which the concept of "sovereignty" - at least, in its meaning "traditional" that refers to an entity not superiorem recognoscens - is called into question, but also to "adapt "the constitutional reforms that have occurred, taking into account the absolute peculiarities that characterize certain statutory provisions, today (rightly or wrongly) completely disregarded. In the thought of Ignatius Maria Marino those needs are deeply felt through critical reading, updated and astute of matter capable of advocating the future prospects statutory regional: it follows the indication of the most important problems of the system, a system unable to find in it the germ of renewal because of the separation, now endemic, between citizens and the political system. It is a complaint vibrated and heartfelt, which emphasizes the serious democratic deficit and, last but not least, the inability to make decisions affecting the current political system, not able to carry through reforms that need to Country including the adaptation and updating of a statute such as the Sicilian regional.
Abstract Lo statuto regionale siciliano disegna una autonomia “più che speciale” frutto di un particolare contesto storico-politico, quello del primo dopoguerra, che la rende oggi probabilmente desueta. Da un lato, infatti, gli equilibri costituzionali sono stati rivisti ed anzi in buona parte sovvertiti, pur nel rispetto del principio autonomista, in particolare dalla riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione del 2001; dall’altro, le stesse relazioni “esterne” tra ordinamenti sono, in atto, fortemente condizionate dall’avvento dell’Unione europea e, più in generale dai fenomeni di globalizzazione mondiale. Ne discende la necessità di “attualizzare” lo Statuto in un sistema in cui lo stesso concetto di “sovranità” – almeno, nella sua accezione “tradizionale” che rimanda ad un ente superiorem non recognoscens – è messo in discussione, ma anche di “adeguarlo” alle riforme costituzionali che si sono succedute, tenendo conto anche delle assolute peculiarità che connotano talune norme statutarie, oggi (a torto o a ragione) del tutto disapplicate. Nel pensiero di Ignazio Maria Marino tali esigenze vengono profondamente avvertite attraverso una lettura critica, aggiornata ed avveduta della materia in grado di preconizzare le future prospettive statutarie regionali: ne discende la indicazione delle più rilevanti problematiche “di sistema”, un sistema incapace di trovare in sé il germe del rinnovamento in ragione dello scollamento, ormai endemico, tra cittadini e sistema politico. Si tratta di una denuncia vibrata e accorata, che pone l’accento sul grave deficit di democraticità e, last but not least, sulla incapacità decisionale che affligge l’attuale sistema politico, non in grado di portare a compimento le riforme che necessitano al Paese, tra cui l’adeguamento e, l’attualizzazione di uno Statuto come quello regionale siciliano.
Attualità dello statuto della regione siciliana
TIGANO, Fabrizio
The statute draws a Sicilian regional autonomy "more than special" fruit of a particular historical and political context, that of the first post-war, which makes it probably now obsolete. On the one hand, the constitutional balances have been revised, and indeed largely subverted, while respecting the principle of autonomy, in particular the reform of Title V of the Constitution of 2001, and second, the same relationships "external" between legal are in place, strongly influenced by the advent of the European Union and, more generally, by the phenomena of world globalization. It follows the need to "modernize" the Statute in a system in which the concept of "sovereignty" - at least, in its meaning "traditional" that refers to an entity not superiorem recognoscens - is called into question, but also to "adapt "the constitutional reforms that have occurred, taking into account the absolute peculiarities that characterize certain statutory provisions, today (rightly or wrongly) completely disregarded. In the thought of Ignatius Maria Marino those needs are deeply felt through critical reading, updated and astute of matter capable of advocating the future prospects statutory regional: it follows the indication of the most important problems of the system, a system unable to find in it the germ of renewal because of the separation, now endemic, between citizens and the political system. It is a complaint vibrated and heartfelt, which emphasizes the serious democratic deficit and, last but not least, the inability to make decisions affecting the current political system, not able to carry through reforms that need to Country including the adaptation and updating of a statute such as the Sicilian regional.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.