The land of Aci, assigned by King Martino as state property in 1398, was subjugated several times, starting from 1420-22; the baronial government, however, marked a period of development that was noted in every sector. Throughout almost all the 15 th century, Sicily enjoyed a positive political-military alliance and was saved from natural disasters. This resulted in a considerable population increase in the whole island, and in the Aci area, where at the beginning of the century there were already 350 families. The concessions bestowed on the Lords of Aci by the Aragon crown, especially the privilege of trust and the free market were of considerable importance. The land of Aci became an area with a lot of immigration that attracted also numerous citizens from the nearby Catania, causing a long period of strife between the Aci barons and Catania university. The institution of the Fiera franca, the free market, which took place in la contrada di Santa Venera from July 19 to August 2 every year, revitalized the activities of production and commercial exchange, which also exponents of the urban patrician class were involved in. The cultivation of ‘cannamele’, in particular, gave rise to a flourishing sweet industry that, along with the traditional wine industry, revitalized the work market.
La terra di Aci, assegnata da re Martino I al demanio nel 1398, fu più volte infeudata, a partire dal 1420-22; il governo baronale, tuttavia, segnò un periodo di sviluppo che si avvertì in ogni comparto. La Sicilia tutta, d’altronde, godette per quasi tutto il secolo XV di una positiva congiuntura politico-militare e fu risparmiata dai disastri naturali. Tutto ciò si tradusse in un notevole incremento demografico nell’intera isola e nel territorio acese, dove, agli inizi del XVI secolo, si contavano già 350 fuochi. Erano certo state decisive le concessioni elargite ai signori di Aci dalla corona aragonese, specialmente il privilegio di affidare e la Fiera franca. La terra di Aci divenne un’area di forte immigrazione che attirò anche numerosi cittadini dalla vicina Catania, determinando un lungo contenzioso fra i baroni acesi e l’universitas catanese. L’istituzione della Fiera franca, che aveva luogo presso la contrada di Santa Venera dal 19 luglio al 2 agosto di ogni anno, rivitalizzò la produzione e gli scambi commerciali, attività alla quale si dedicarono anche esponenti del patriziato urbano. La coltivazione della ‘cannamele’, in particolare, diede luogo ad una fiorente industria saccarifera che affiancò la tradizionale produzione vinaria, rivitalizzando il mercato del lavoro.
Alcuni aspetti della storia economica e sociale della terra Jacii nel secolo XV
URSO, Carmelina
The land of Aci, assigned by King Martino as state property in 1398, was subjugated several times, starting from 1420-22; the baronial government, however, marked a period of development that was noted in every sector. Throughout almost all the 15 th century, Sicily enjoyed a positive political-military alliance and was saved from natural disasters. This resulted in a considerable population increase in the whole island, and in the Aci area, where at the beginning of the century there were already 350 families. The concessions bestowed on the Lords of Aci by the Aragon crown, especially the privilege of trust and the free market were of considerable importance. The land of Aci became an area with a lot of immigration that attracted also numerous citizens from the nearby Catania, causing a long period of strife between the Aci barons and Catania university. The institution of the Fiera franca, the free market, which took place in la contrada di Santa Venera from July 19 to August 2 every year, revitalized the activities of production and commercial exchange, which also exponents of the urban patrician class were involved in. The cultivation of ‘cannamele’, in particular, gave rise to a flourishing sweet industry that, along with the traditional wine industry, revitalized the work market.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.