The proposal of EU Regulation, 21-12-2016, for the mutual recognition of all types of seizure and confiscation (extended, third-party and non-conviction based), - issued within the framework of criminal proceedings and accompanied by the related safeguards -, has a significant impact in terms of European criminal policy, above all on account of the legislative instrument chosen (even if this raises several doubts) and for the imposition of mutual recognition with respect to forms of non-conviction based confiscation, not covered by Directive n. 42/2014 (only cases involving escape and illness) and not adopted by the Member States, overcoming doubts over applicability of Framework Decision 783/2006. This would be an epochal development in terms of the efficiency of judicial cooperation, although concerns only forms of confiscation adopted in a "criminal procedure", concept not always clear because Member States adopt hybrid proceedings in this sector. The reference model adopted by the European legislator is autonomous confiscation under art. 76 a) c. 1 StGB (already in force) and, above all, § 4 of the German draft bill on the reform of criminal asset recovery BReg418 / 16. The Regulation could moreover represent a challenge to provide for a complete judicialisation within the criminal law of proceedings seeking to enforce forms of non-conviction based confiscation, in order to guarantee mutual recognition.
La proposta di Regolamento UE, 21-12-2016, per il mutuo riconoscimento di tutti i tipi di sequestro e confisca (estesa, nei confronti dei terzi e senza condanna), purchè emanati nell’ambito di un procedimento “penale” e con le relative garanzie, assume un notevole impatto in termini di politica criminale europea innanzitutto per lo strumento legislativo prescelto, - il regolamento ai sensi dell’art. 82, c. 1 TFUE, direttamente vincolante, che suscita però qualche perplessità -, e per l’imposizione del mutuo riconoscimento rispetto a forme di confisca senza condanna non contemplate nella Direttiva n. 42/2014 (che prevede solo l’ipotesi di fuga e malattia) e non adotate dagli Stati membri, superando i dubbi circa la possibilità di utilizzare a tal fine la decisione quadro 783/2006. Si tratterebbe di una svolta epocale in termini di efficienza della cooperazione giudiziaria, ferma l’ambiguità del concetto di “criminal proceeding”, rispetto ai procedimenti ibridi presenti nel settore. Il modello di riferimento è la confisca autonoma ex art. 76 a) c. 1 StGB (già in vigore), ma soprattutto c. 4 prevista dal progetto di riforma tedesco BReg418/16. Il Regolamento potrebbe rappresentare una sfida verso una completa giurisdizionalizzazione in chiave penalistica dei procedimenti volti ad adottare forme di confisca senza condanna, per garantirne il reciproco riconoscimento.
Prime osservazioni sulla nuova "Proposta di Regolamento del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio relativo al riconoscimento reciproco dei provvedimenti di congelamento e di confisca"
MAUGERI, Anna Maria
The proposal of EU Regulation, 21-12-2016, for the mutual recognition of all types of seizure and confiscation (extended, third-party and non-conviction based), - issued within the framework of criminal proceedings and accompanied by the related safeguards -, has a significant impact in terms of European criminal policy, above all on account of the legislative instrument chosen (even if this raises several doubts) and for the imposition of mutual recognition with respect to forms of non-conviction based confiscation, not covered by Directive n. 42/2014 (only cases involving escape and illness) and not adopted by the Member States, overcoming doubts over applicability of Framework Decision 783/2006. This would be an epochal development in terms of the efficiency of judicial cooperation, although concerns only forms of confiscation adopted in a "criminal procedure", concept not always clear because Member States adopt hybrid proceedings in this sector. The reference model adopted by the European legislator is autonomous confiscation under art. 76 a) c. 1 StGB (already in force) and, above all, § 4 of the German draft bill on the reform of criminal asset recovery BReg418 / 16. The Regulation could moreover represent a challenge to provide for a complete judicialisation within the criminal law of proceedings seeking to enforce forms of non-conviction based confiscation, in order to guarantee mutual recognition.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.