The study deals with the role that real estate market and appraisals play in the enhancement of the urban historical fabrics, according to the logic of the income approach. The articulation, heterogeneity and plurality of the real estate stock of the historical city, the multiplicity of the relationships between values and prices, the complex dialectic stock/stream, the heterogeneity of the financial situations of the economic actors interacting in the market, encourage different approaches to the real estate investment that this study suggest to explain from the point of view of the capitalization rate. The convergence of contextual values and unexpressed potentialities on one side, and the difficulty to coordinate the distortions caused by the liquidity injection in not structured real estate markets on the other side, involve the science of valuation in the field of territorial and urban wealth. In such ground Valuation science supports the decision making about the relationship between the real estate market rules and the urban regeneration processes and, on a more general level, about the question of the relationship between the speculative pressures, and the restrictions imposed by the administrative authorities by means of taxes and subsidies. The proposed study has as background some elements of the theory of capital, which explain the operators' decisions to hold or sell properties having an uncertain economic and monetary situation, due to the tendency of repair costs to prevail on the real estate market values. The case study regards the historical center of Ragusa, where the wide dimension of the real estate patrimony and its heterogeneity highlight the distinction between object/per formance-based characteristics and economic, monetary, financial features. The former concern the income involving the comparison appraisal, the latter concern the capitalization rate involving the income approach. The application is based on an accurate analysis of a sample of 130 properties appropriately characterized from the point of view of the total value of the historical urban fabric, and then classified into homogeneous groups in order to deepen the relationship between values and prices.
Il contributo affronta il tema del ruolo che il mercato immobiliare assume nei processi di valorizzazione dei tessuti urbani storici nella logica dell’approccio al valor capitale. L’articolazione, eterogeneità e multi-contestualità del patrimonio immobiliare della città storica, la molteplicità delle relazioni tra valori e prezzo, la complessa dialettica fondo/flusso, l’eterogeneità dei profili dei soggetti economici che interagiscono nel mercato, danno vita ad un assortimento di approcci all’investimento immobiliare che in questo contributo, attraverso l’analisi del saggio di capitalizzazione si intendono rappresentare. La convergenza tra valori di contesto e potenzialità inespresse da una parte e la difficoltà, in mercati non strutturati, di coordinare gli effetti dis-equilibranti dei flussi di liquidità che si concentrano in maniera spesso disorganica e repentina, e in taluni casi distorcente, pongono all’attenzione della disciplina estimativa la questione del rapporto tra mercato immobiliare e processi di riqualificazione urbana e, su un piano più generale, la questione del rapporto tra le spinte speculative dal basso e i freni posti in sede amministrativa attraverso l’articolazione degli strumenti di fiscalità locale. Sullo sfondo, alcuni elementi di teoria del capitale che hanno animato l’interpretazione delle determinazioni degli operatori a detenere o cedere immobili dall’incerto profilo economico- monetario, a causa del prevalere dei costi di riqualificazione sui valori immobiliari. Il riferimento applicativo è il centro storico di Ragusa, ove l’ampia dimensione del patrimonio immobiliare e la sua eterogeneità danno luogo a una doppia stratificazione delle caratteristiche: oggettuali e prestazionali da una parte; economiche, monetarie e finanziarie dall’altra. Le prime presiedono alla determinazione del reddito e trovano spiegazione nell’applicazione della stima diretta; le seconde presiedono al dimensionamento del saggio di capitalizzazione nell’applicazione della stima indiretta. L’applicazione si basa su un puntuale lavoro di analisi di un campione di 130 immobili tra quelli in vendita e in locazione, opportunamente caratterizzati nel segno del valore complessivo dei tessuti urbani storici e successivamente classificati in gruppi omogenei al fine di potere approfondire la relazione tra il sistema dei valori e il sistema dei prezzi.
Assiologia della citt storica e saggio di capitalizzazione Il caso del Centro storico di Ragusa Superiore
The study deals with the role that real estate market and appraisals play in the enhancement of the urban historical fabrics, according to the logic of the income approach. The articulation, heterogeneity and plurality of the real estate stock of the historical city, the multiplicity of the relationships between values and prices, the complex dialectic stock/stream, the heterogeneity of the financial situations of the economic actors interacting in the market, encourage different approaches to the real estate investment that this study suggest to explain from the point of view of the capitalization rate. The convergence of contextual values and unexpressed potentialities on one side, and the difficulty to coordinate the distortions caused by the liquidity injection in not structured real estate markets on the other side, involve the science of valuation in the field of territorial and urban wealth. In such ground Valuation science supports the decision making about the relationship between the real estate market rules and the urban regeneration processes and, on a more general level, about the question of the relationship between the speculative pressures, and the restrictions imposed by the administrative authorities by means of taxes and subsidies. The proposed study has as background some elements of the theory of capital, which explain the operators' decisions to hold or sell properties having an uncertain economic and monetary situation, due to the tendency of repair costs to prevail on the real estate market values. The case study regards the historical center of Ragusa, where the wide dimension of the real estate patrimony and its heterogeneity highlight the distinction between object/per formance-based characteristics and economic, monetary, financial features. The former concern the income involving the comparison appraisal, the latter concern the capitalization rate involving the income approach. The application is based on an accurate analysis of a sample of 130 properties appropriately characterized from the point of view of the total value of the historical urban fabric, and then classified into homogeneous groups in order to deepen the relationship between values and prices.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.