For more than thirty years the National Forensic Council - the supreme institutional body of the legal profession in Italy- has produced its own journal, Rassegna Forense, which publishes not only theoretical material and articles on subjects of present-day interest, but also all decisions taken on disciplinary questions by the Forensic Council and the most important pronouncements of the Court of Cassation on matters concerning the legal profession in its work. Part I - Theory Part II - Sentences given by the National Forensic Council - Sentences given by the Court of Cassation Part III - Opinions, documents, news, recommended books
Discussione del libro: G. Pace Gravina (a cura di), Avvocati a Messina. Giuristi tra foro e cattedra nell'età della codificazione, GBM, Messina, 2007
For more than thirty years the National Forensic Council - the supreme institutional body of the legal profession in Italy- has produced its own journal, Rassegna Forense, which publishes not only theoretical material and articles on subjects of present-day interest, but also all decisions taken on disciplinary questions by the Forensic Council and the most important pronouncements of the Court of Cassation on matters concerning the legal profession in its work. Part I - Theory Part II - Sentences given by the National Forensic Council - Sentences given by the Court of Cassation Part III - Opinions, documents, news, recommended booksI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.