Objectives: the composites used, in po- sterior sectors in great cavity of the fir- st and the second class, they suffer a lot of stresses daily following to different functional and parafunctional activities. The compressive test (creep test) and the elasticity modulus (E) characterize good from the mechanical view the performance of composite resins. In particular, the elasticity modulus repre- sents the relative stiffness of a material within the elastic field. If the attraction among particles, is stronger than other particles that form the composite, the value of elastic modulus will be greater. Knowing that the compressive strength of the enamel is about 348 MPa, we ha- ve studied the compressive strengths of the three different composites, conside- ring them as prototypes of an hybrid, a mycrohybrid and a nanoceramic pro- duct. Study design: using a special mould, the samples have been realized, of cy- lindrical geometry, of height 5 mm, and with the diameter of 5.5 mm. The creep tests have been realized on 36 samples: 12 realized with the hybrid composite, 12 with the mycrohybrid composite and 12 with the nanocera- mic composite. Six samples of each composite have been cured with the halogen lamp used in “high power” modality. The same samples have been treated with the LED lamp, used always in “quick” modality. Both the surfaces of samples have been cured for 20 se- conds, for a total time of action of li- ght source of 40 seconds. The points of the lamps have been positioned to a di- rect contact with the transparent ace- tate sheet set on the surfaces from cu- ring. The compressive tests have been realized with the universal dynamome- ter of LLOYD. Instruments LR 10 K, ha- ving a cell of load from 10 KN, used with a speedy of load of 10 KN. Results: if the hybrid and mycrohybrid composite are cured with the LED lamp, they have been shown the grea- ter compressive strength and the higher elasticity modulus than other samples. The nanoceramic product, characterized by the smaller average sizes of the fil- ler, it shows greater values than other products if it is cured with a LED sour- ce. The values of creep tests go over 200 MPa. Only, the hybrid composite pre- sents just a little lower value (196.6 MPa ± 3.2) if it is cured with the LED lamp. The elasticity moduli are the same, re- sulting comprised between 5.2 ± 0.4 and 6.2 ± 0.3. Conclusions: at the same time, of ex- posure and of release modality of the light, the used light source, it affects the compressive strength of the analyzed composites, but clinically is not signi- ficant. The hybrid and mycrohybrid te- sted composites answer better to the ac- tion of the halogen light. The nanoce- ramic composite results stronger to the compression than other composites if it is cured with the LED source. Using a LED lamp is advisable to not go over for each bringing 2 mm of thickness and to protract the times of photopoly- merisation, in order to improve the me- chanical characteristics of composites above all when it is necessary to pho- to cure to the distance and to work on dysfunctional patient having to reha- bilitate areas subjected to the greater stresses.
Obiettivi: i compositi utilizzati nei settori posteriori in estese cavità di I e II classe subiscono quotidianamente ingenti stress conseguenti a svariate attività funzionali e parafunzionali. Il test di compressione (creep test) e il modulo di elasticità (E) ben caratterizzano dal punto di vista meccanico il comportamento delle resine composite. In particolare, il modulo di elasticità rappresenta la rigidità relativa di un materiale nell’ambito del campo elastico. Più forte è l’attrazione fra le molecole che costituiscono il composito, maggiore sarà il valore del modulo elastico. Conoscendo che la resistenza a compressione dello smalto è di circa 348 MPa, abbiamo studiato le resistenze a compressione di tre differenti compositi assunti quali prototipi di un prodotto ibrido, di un microibrido e di un nanoceramico. Materiali e metodi: adoperando un’apposita dima, sono stati realizzati campioni di geometria cilindrica alti 5 mm e con diametro di 5.5 mm. I creep test sono stati eseguiti su 36 campioni: 12 realizzati con il composito ibrido, 12 con il microibrido e 12 con il nanocerami- co. Sei campioni di ogni composito sono stati polimerizzati con lampada alogena adoperata in modalità “high power”. Altrettanti identici campioni sono stati trattati con lampada LED, utilizzata sempre in modalità “rapida”. Entrambe le superfici dei provini sono state polimerizzate per 20 secondi, per un tempo totale di azione della fonte luminosa di 40 secondi. I puntali delle lampade sono stati posizionati a diretto contatto con il foglio trasparente di acetato posto al di sopra delle superfici da polimerizzare. Le prove di compressione sono state eseguite con il dinamometro universale della LLOYD Instruments LR 10K, dotato di cella di carico da 10 KN, adoperato con velocità di carico di 10 KN. Risultati: se polimerizzati con lampada LED, il composito ibrido e il microibrido presentano una maggiore resistenza alla compressione e un più elevato modulo di elasticità. Il prodotto nanoceramico, caratterizzato dalle minori dimensioni medie del riempitivo, evidenzia maggiori valori se polimerizzato con sorgente LED. I valori dei creep tests superano i 200 MPa. Solo il composito ibrido presenta un valore di poco inferiore (196.6 MPa ± 3.2) se polimerizzato con lampada LED. I moduli di elasticità sono alquanto simili, risultando compresi tra 5.2 ± 0.4 e 6.2 ± 0.3. Conclusioni: a parità di tempo di esposizione e di modalità di rilascio della luce, la sorgente luminosa adoperata influenza la resistenza a compressione dei compositi analizzati, ma non in maniera significativa dal punto di vista clinico. I compositi ibrido e microibrido testati rispondono meglio all’azione della luce alogena. Il nanoceramico risulta più resistente alla compressione se polimerizzato con sorgente LED. Utilizzando una lampada LED è consigliabile non superare per ogni apporto i 2 mm di spessore e prolungare i tempi di fotopolimerizzazione, in modo da migliorare le caratteristiche meccaniche dei compositi, specie quando necessita fotopolimerizzare a distanza e si opera su pazienti disfunzionali, dovendo riabilitare aree sottoposte a notevoli stress.
Analysis of mechanical characteristics of three composites subjected to compressive test
Objectives: the composites used, in po- sterior sectors in great cavity of the fir- st and the second class, they suffer a lot of stresses daily following to different functional and parafunctional activities. The compressive test (creep test) and the elasticity modulus (E) characterize good from the mechanical view the performance of composite resins. In particular, the elasticity modulus repre- sents the relative stiffness of a material within the elastic field. If the attraction among particles, is stronger than other particles that form the composite, the value of elastic modulus will be greater. Knowing that the compressive strength of the enamel is about 348 MPa, we ha- ve studied the compressive strengths of the three different composites, conside- ring them as prototypes of an hybrid, a mycrohybrid and a nanoceramic pro- duct. Study design: using a special mould, the samples have been realized, of cy- lindrical geometry, of height 5 mm, and with the diameter of 5.5 mm. The creep tests have been realized on 36 samples: 12 realized with the hybrid composite, 12 with the mycrohybrid composite and 12 with the nanocera- mic composite. Six samples of each composite have been cured with the halogen lamp used in “high power” modality. The same samples have been treated with the LED lamp, used always in “quick” modality. Both the surfaces of samples have been cured for 20 se- conds, for a total time of action of li- ght source of 40 seconds. The points of the lamps have been positioned to a di- rect contact with the transparent ace- tate sheet set on the surfaces from cu- ring. The compressive tests have been realized with the universal dynamome- ter of LLOYD. Instruments LR 10 K, ha- ving a cell of load from 10 KN, used with a speedy of load of 10 KN. Results: if the hybrid and mycrohybrid composite are cured with the LED lamp, they have been shown the grea- ter compressive strength and the higher elasticity modulus than other samples. The nanoceramic product, characterized by the smaller average sizes of the fil- ler, it shows greater values than other products if it is cured with a LED sour- ce. The values of creep tests go over 200 MPa. Only, the hybrid composite pre- sents just a little lower value (196.6 MPa ± 3.2) if it is cured with the LED lamp. The elasticity moduli are the same, re- sulting comprised between 5.2 ± 0.4 and 6.2 ± 0.3. Conclusions: at the same time, of ex- posure and of release modality of the light, the used light source, it affects the compressive strength of the analyzed composites, but clinically is not signi- ficant. The hybrid and mycrohybrid te- sted composites answer better to the ac- tion of the halogen light. The nanoce- ramic composite results stronger to the compression than other composites if it is cured with the LED source. Using a LED lamp is advisable to not go over for each bringing 2 mm of thickness and to protract the times of photopoly- merisation, in order to improve the me- chanical characteristics of composites above all when it is necessary to pho- to cure to the distance and to work on dysfunctional patient having to reha- bilitate areas subjected to the greater stresses.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.