SUMMARY objective of this study is to examine the differences in the results for the emergency and elective surgery in elderly patients with diverticulitis in order to clarify the role of prophylactic colectomyMethods For this analysis, we examined the hospital from 1 January 2001 to December 2004 and included patients with 65 years of age with a diagnosis of diverticulitis We compared outcomes for patients with emergency / urgent than those with elective surgery We examined the results of intestinal diversion (colostomy or ileostomy) readmission to intensive care within 30 days after hospital discharge, and length of stayResults Patients had a greater emergency. Comorbility electively treated patients, those undergoing emergency surgery showed higher rates of in-hospital mortality (18.0% vs. 0.9 %%,). On average, patients treated in emergency were hospitalized longer with higher hospital charges mortality was significantly increased with advancing age in both groups of emergency and elective. Risk factors such as age, comorbidities, patients treated in emergency had a higher mortality compared to individuals treated electively. There was a non-linear increase in mortality, twice Conclusions Our study suggests that the risk that an elderly individual with diverticulitis then develop an acute emergency situation requiring surgery remains poorly defined. an increasing number of data suggest that diverticular disease among the elderly may in fact follow a more benign natural history than in the pastthought, this suggests that a reevaluation of the proper role of elective colectomy in elderly patients with diverticulitis can indeed be justified.
RIASSUNTOL'obiettivo di questo studio è di esaminare la le differenze nei risultati per l'emergenza e la chirurgia elettiva nei pazienti anziani con diverticolite al fine di chiarire la ruolo della colectomia profilatticaMetodi Per questa analisi, abbiamo esaminato pazienti con 65 anni di età , con una diagnosi di diverticolite Abbiamo confrontato gli esiti per pazienti con emergenza / urgenza rispetto a quelli con intervento chirurgico elettivo Abbiamo esaminato i risultati della deviazione intestinale (colostomia o ileostomia) la riammissione ad una terapia intensiva entro 30 giorni dalla dimissione ospedaliera, e la durata del ricoveroRisultati Pazienti trattati in emergenza avevano una maggiore .comorbilità dei pazienti trattati elettivamente, inoltre quelli in emergenza sottoposti ad intervento presentavano tassi più elevati di mortalità in ospedale (18,0% vs 0,9%%,). In media, i pazienti trattati in emergenza sono stati ricoverati in ospedale più a lungo con le spese ospedaliere superiori La mortalità era significativamente maggiore con l'avanzare l'età in entrambi i gruppi di emergenza e la elettiva,. I fattori di rischio quali l'età, comorbilità, nei pazienti trattati in emergenza avevano una maggiore mortalità rispetto agli individui trattati elettivamente. C'è stato un aumento non lineare di mortalità, due volte maggioreConclusioni il nostro studio suggerisce che Il rischio che individui anziani con diverticolite successivamente sviluppino una situazione di emergenza acuta che richiedono l'intervento chirurgico rimane mal definito. Un numero crescente di dati suggeriscono che la malattia diverticolare tra gli anziani può di fatto seguire una storia naturale più benigna rispetto al passato, pensiero questo che suggerisce come una rivalutazione del ruolo corretto della colectomia elettiva nei pazienti anziani con diverticolite può infatti essere giustificata.
Emergency and elective surgery results in elderly patients with diverticulitis (h Index2) IF 0,102
GRAZIANO, Antonino
SUMMARY objective of this study is to examine the differences in the results for the emergency and elective surgery in elderly patients with diverticulitis in order to clarify the role of prophylactic colectomyMethods For this analysis, we examined the hospital from 1 January 2001 to December 2004 and included patients with 65 years of age with a diagnosis of diverticulitis We compared outcomes for patients with emergency / urgent than those with elective surgery We examined the results of intestinal diversion (colostomy or ileostomy) readmission to intensive care within 30 days after hospital discharge, and length of stayResults Patients had a greater emergency. Comorbility electively treated patients, those undergoing emergency surgery showed higher rates of in-hospital mortality (18.0% vs. 0.9 %%,). On average, patients treated in emergency were hospitalized longer with higher hospital charges mortality was significantly increased with advancing age in both groups of emergency and elective. Risk factors such as age, comorbidities, patients treated in emergency had a higher mortality compared to individuals treated electively. There was a non-linear increase in mortality, twice Conclusions Our study suggests that the risk that an elderly individual with diverticulitis then develop an acute emergency situation requiring surgery remains poorly defined. an increasing number of data suggest that diverticular disease among the elderly may in fact follow a more benign natural history than in the pastthought, this suggests that a reevaluation of the proper role of elective colectomy in elderly patients with diverticulitis can indeed be justified.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.