The paper focusses on anglo-american TV series dubbed in Italian, showing their utility as a tool for teaching Italian as a foreign language (Brincat 1998). Examples are taken from some of the most popular series of last seasons will be examined, as for instance Grey’s Anatomy, X-Files, CSI and Scandal. ADV importance in linguistic teaching and (self)-learning has already been shown, especially for what concerns didactic of listening-comprehension and lexicon. Glottodidactic research on foreign products has focussed especially on subtitles (Garzelli-Baldo 2014; Caimi 2002 e 2006), but less attention has been payed on dubbed language. Analyzing with their teacher dubbed texts can be a useful exercise for students because it strengthen their linguistic awareness both in L1 and in L2. Students show more familiarity with TV series than with movies, and this aspect reinforce learning motivation. Teacher’s analysis can regard cultural aspects of the dubbed products, such as audience’s expectations or prejudices. Moreover, the language of dubbed TV series has already (Sileo 2015; Motta 2015) proved it to be a good simulation of Italian neostandard, and therefore it can be a useful tool for considering some peculiar traits of contemporary Italian (focus constructions and non standard verbal use) and for teaching lexicon and phraseology, as it’s metaphorical meaning can be better understood in context and in comparison to source text.
L’articolo mostra l’efficacia e la versatilità delle serie televisive angloamericane doppiate in italiano come strumenti per la didattica dell’italiano LS (Brincat 1998). In particolare si prendono in esame esempi tratti da alcune delle serie più popolari degli ultimi anni, come Grey’s Anatomy, X-Files, CSI e la più recente Scandal. L’importanza glottodidattica degli audiovisivi, specie per quel che riguarda la didattica dell’ascolto e del lessico, è stata oramai ampiamente dimostrata. Nel caso dei prodotti stranieri la ricerca si è concentrata soprattutto sull’uso dei sottotitoli, inter- e intralinguistici (Garzelli-Baldo 2014; Caimi 2002 e 2006), ma poca attenzione è stata riservata agli aspetti peculiari del doppiaggio. Proporre con la mediazione del docente testi doppiati ad allievi di italiano LS può essere utile per un’analisi critica della traduzione, che raffina la consapevolezza linguistica sia in L1 che in L2. Nei confronti delle serie tv gli studenti mostrano spesso più familiarità che col trasmesso cinematografico e ciò influisce positivamente sugli aspetti motivazionali. L’analisi del docente può riguardare le scelte di doppiaggio relative agli aspetti culturali, quali per esempio le aspettative e i pregiudizi del pubblico italiano. Inoltre, il parlato simulato doppiato può essere utile per la didattica del lessico e della fraseologia, il cui senso metaforico è reso più comprensibile dalla contestualizzazione e dal confronto col testo di partenza.
Il doppiaggi televisivo come strumento didattico per l'insegnamento dell'italiano LS. Dall'adattamento culturale dei testi alla didattica della fraseologia.
Daria Motta
The paper focusses on anglo-american TV series dubbed in Italian, showing their utility as a tool for teaching Italian as a foreign language (Brincat 1998). Examples are taken from some of the most popular series of last seasons will be examined, as for instance Grey’s Anatomy, X-Files, CSI and Scandal. ADV importance in linguistic teaching and (self)-learning has already been shown, especially for what concerns didactic of listening-comprehension and lexicon. Glottodidactic research on foreign products has focussed especially on subtitles (Garzelli-Baldo 2014; Caimi 2002 e 2006), but less attention has been payed on dubbed language. Analyzing with their teacher dubbed texts can be a useful exercise for students because it strengthen their linguistic awareness both in L1 and in L2. Students show more familiarity with TV series than with movies, and this aspect reinforce learning motivation. Teacher’s analysis can regard cultural aspects of the dubbed products, such as audience’s expectations or prejudices. Moreover, the language of dubbed TV series has already (Sileo 2015; Motta 2015) proved it to be a good simulation of Italian neostandard, and therefore it can be a useful tool for considering some peculiar traits of contemporary Italian (focus constructions and non standard verbal use) and for teaching lexicon and phraseology, as it’s metaphorical meaning can be better understood in context and in comparison to source text.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.