It was during the Ostrogoth dynasty, and under Amali rule that Italy, was and still is to be considered by Reformation historians a model for religious coexistence. Under the rule of their king Theodoric, the Amali, who were Aryans, brought together different peoples, cultures and religions and lived in cultural and religious harmony. Nevertheless there have been various interpretations regarding the essence of their religious thinking: on the one hand, truly enlightening, a forerunner of modern socio-political belief, respectful of existing differences, and then on the other hand, a subscription to tolerance aimed more at maintaining separation and avoiding any form of fusion. Religionem imperare non possumus, quia nemo cogitur ut credat invitus and cum divinitas patiatur diversas religiones esse, nos unam non audemus imponere: these two sentences, taken from the letters Variae by Cassiodoro, persuaded critics that Amali religious policy embraced respect for the rights of all religions, that it was impossible to rule in the matter of faith since religious differences were governed by God’s will. This essay reconstructs, through actual testimony, the various positions held by Ostrogoth sovereigns and their attitudes towards the various religious groups. It is to be concluded that not all the kings held the same opinion, and in spite of the declarations of principle, they were guided above all by circumstance and political opportunity.
L’Italia sotto la dominazione della dinastia ostrogota degli Amali, ariani e, soprattutto, sotto il loro re Teoderico, in un contesto storico di convivenza tra popoli, culture e religioni diversi, dalla storiografia della Riforma e fino a oggi, è stata considerata un modello di convivenza anche religiosa. Ma, molto diverse sono state le interpretazioni riguardo alla sostanza di questa politica ostrogota: tendente a una realmente illuminata politica, quasi precorritrice di moderne posizioni politico-culturali, nel rispetto delle differenze, o quello di una tolleranza che mirava piuttosto al mantenimento della separazione e volta a voler evitare ogni forma di fusione. Religionem imperare non possumus, quia nemo cogitur ut credat invitus e cum divinitas patiatur diversas religiones esse, nos unam non audemus imponere: queste le due espressioni, contenute in due lettere delle Variae di Cassiodoro, che hanno orientato la critica a interpretare la politica religiosa amala quale rispettosa dei diritti di tutte le religioni, in ragione dell’impossibilità di comandare alcunché in fatto di fede, anche perché la diversità religiosa è voluta direttamente da Dio. Il saggio ripercorre le testimonianze utili a ricostruire la politica religiosa degli ostrogoti, distinguendo la politica die vari sovrani e l’atteggiamento nei confronti die vari gruppi religiosi. La conclusione è che non tutti i sovrani hanno avuto uno stesso atteggiamento e che, a dispetto delle dichiarazioni di principio, essi si sono fatti guidare soprattutto dalla opportunità politica e dalle circostanze.
El pluralismo religioso en el siglo VI. Judìos, catòlicos y arrianos entre ideologìa, propaganda y praxis polìtica bajo Teodorico
It was during the Ostrogoth dynasty, and under Amali rule that Italy, was and still is to be considered by Reformation historians a model for religious coexistence. Under the rule of their king Theodoric, the Amali, who were Aryans, brought together different peoples, cultures and religions and lived in cultural and religious harmony. Nevertheless there have been various interpretations regarding the essence of their religious thinking: on the one hand, truly enlightening, a forerunner of modern socio-political belief, respectful of existing differences, and then on the other hand, a subscription to tolerance aimed more at maintaining separation and avoiding any form of fusion. Religionem imperare non possumus, quia nemo cogitur ut credat invitus and cum divinitas patiatur diversas religiones esse, nos unam non audemus imponere: these two sentences, taken from the letters Variae by Cassiodoro, persuaded critics that Amali religious policy embraced respect for the rights of all religions, that it was impossible to rule in the matter of faith since religious differences were governed by God’s will. This essay reconstructs, through actual testimony, the various positions held by Ostrogoth sovereigns and their attitudes towards the various religious groups. It is to be concluded that not all the kings held the same opinion, and in spite of the declarations of principle, they were guided above all by circumstance and political opportunity.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.