The paper focuses on some aspects of the teach-ing-learning of Music History. It concentrates upon contents, strategies and methods of teach-ing transposition of historical-musical knowledge into the laboratory mode. The la-boratory can therefore be an effective didactic strategy in guiding pupils to the ‘construction of knowledge’, a privileged space for cognitive training that can reconcile doing and knowing. The epistemological assumptions are discussed considering also the challenges that the teacher faces today in the didactic transposition process of topics, with special attention to the growing phenomenon of ‘presentism’
L'articolo affronta aspetti riguardanti le pro-cedure d’insegnamento-apprendimento della Storia della musica. In particolare si concentra su contenuti, strategie e metodi di trasposizione didattica del sapere storico-musicale in modali-tà laboratoriale. Il laboratorio rappresenta in-fatti una strategia didattica efficace per guida-re gli allievi a ‘costruire la storia’, un àmbito privilegiato di apprendistato cognitivo dove ri-congiungere il fare al sapere. I presupposti epi-stemologici del lavoro didattico vengono di-scussi anche considerando le sfide che l'inse-gnante deve oggi affrontare nel processo di tra-sposizione didattica, a partire dal contrastare il crescente fenomeno del ‘presentismo’.
Musica e Storia. Un antidoto al presentismo
The paper focuses on some aspects of the teach-ing-learning of Music History. It concentrates upon contents, strategies and methods of teach-ing transposition of historical-musical knowledge into the laboratory mode. The la-boratory can therefore be an effective didactic strategy in guiding pupils to the ‘construction of knowledge’, a privileged space for cognitive training that can reconcile doing and knowing. The epistemological assumptions are discussed considering also the challenges that the teacher faces today in the didactic transposition process of topics, with special attention to the growing phenomenon of ‘presentism’I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.