Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.089
EU - Europa 830
AS - Asia 293
AF - Africa 85
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 2.307
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.054
IT - Italia 488
CN - Cina 142
IE - Irlanda 136
SG - Singapore 125
SN - Senegal 72
GB - Regno Unito 50
CA - Canada 34
UA - Ucraina 33
RU - Federazione Russa 27
SE - Svezia 24
DE - Germania 20
FR - Francia 12
JP - Giappone 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
NL - Olanda 7
BE - Belgio 6
ES - Italia 6
AU - Australia 5
CH - Svizzera 5
VN - Vietnam 5
EU - Europa 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
PL - Polonia 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
EE - Estonia 2
FI - Finlandia 2
IN - India 2
NG - Nigeria 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
BR - Brasile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KR - Corea 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NO - Norvegia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 2.307
Città #
Santa Clara 286
Catania 168
Chandler 163
Dublin 131
Singapore 96
Dakar 72
Civitanova Marche 49
Jacksonville 47
Boardman 45
Ashburn 44
Cambridge 37
Lawrence 36
Andover 34
Nanjing 28
Toronto 28
Wilmington 22
Des Moines 19
Augusta 15
Palermo 13
Nanchang 11
Abidjan 10
Changsha 10
Chicago 10
Hebei 10
Houston 10
Rome 10
Saint Petersburg 10
Noto 9
Beijing 8
Jiaxing 8
Milan 8
Brembate 7
Fremont 7
Maletto 7
San Mateo 7
Shenyang 7
Tianjin 7
Bologna 6
Paris 6
Tokyo 6
Amsterdam 5
Boydton 5
Fano 5
Modica 5
Ottawa 5
Bagheria 4
Falls Church 4
Moscow 4
Nitra 4
Redwood City 4
Reggio Calabria 4
Shimonoseki 4
Aberdeen 3
Aci Catena 3
Bayreuth 3
Francavilla al Mare 3
Hanoi 3
Hanover 3
Messina 3
Milazzo 3
Santander 3
Seattle 3
Troina 3
Abuja 2
Addlestone 2
Adrano 2
Berlin 2
Enfield 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Kolkata 2
Misterbianco 2
Norwalk 2
Nottingham 2
Paddington 2
Redmond 2
San Francisco 2
Scordia 2
Settimo Torinese 2
Siena 2
Spoltore 2
Tallinn 2
Torino 2
Uxbridge 2
Ann Arbor 1
Apo 1
Bari 1
Birmingham 1
Bremen 1
Bristol 1
Buffalo 1
Council Bluffs 1
Crewe 1
Den Haag 1
Derby 1
Dubai 1
Erith 1
Fairfield 1
Forlì 1
Formigine 1
Fort St. James 1
Totale 1.650
Nome #
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Competing in the Global Marketplace 154
The economic impact of legislation and litigation on growth: a historical analysis of Italy from its unification to World War II 128
Do economic crises lead tourists to closer destinations? Italy at the time of the Great Recession 108
GDP Growth through Private Debt: The Effect of Monetary Shocks 96
Capire il debito pubblico per riuscire a sostenerlo: elementi di rischio e opzioni possibili 93
GDP Growth, Private Debt and Monetary Policy 91
Fiscal Consolidations and Public Debt in Europe 81
Fiscal Consolidations and Public Debt in Europe 69
Loans to Different Groups and Economic Activity at Times of Crisis and Growth 69
The Economic Impact of Legislation. An Historical Analysis of Italy from the Creation of the Kingdom of Italy to the End of the Second World War 67
Sovereign bond markets when auctions take place: Evidence from Italy 63
On the differential response of loans to shocks in the USA 63
Heterogeneous Loans and the Effect of Monetary Interventions 62
Treasury Auctions and Secondary Market Dynamics. An Analysis Based on the MTS Market for Italy 61
Do economic crises lead tourists to closer destination? An analysis of Italy's regional data 61
Market-Induced Fiscal Discipline in Europe 60
Non-Residents’ Holdings, Market Volatility and Public Debt Sustainability. An analysis with data for Italy. 58
Debt Sustainability in the Case of External Debt. An Analysis Based on Italy's Treasury Auction 56
How Much Binding Is the Bill? 56
Debt Developments and Fiscal Adjustment in the EU 52
Sectoral Trade Freeness and Agglomeration in the EU: An Empirical Test Approach 51
The loan puzzle. A study of loans to different groups in the USA 51
The Contribution of Loans to Economic Activity. 51
Le crisi macroeconomiche, il mandato e l’attività del FMI 50
Sectoral Border Effects and the Geographic Concentration of Production 46
Trade Costs and the Agglomeration of Production 46
Evidence on Fiscal Consolidations and the Evolution of Public Debt in Europe 45
Public-Debt Financing in the case of External Debt 44
Sectoral Trade Freeness and Agglomeration in the EU: An Empirical Test Strategy 43
Private Debt and GDP: A Short-Run Perspective 41
The Euro’s Influence upon Trade: Rose versus Border Effect 40
Rose Effect versus Border Effect: the Euro’s impact on Trade 40
The Geographic Space in International Trade: from Gravity to New Economic Geography 39
The Export Performance of the Euro Area countries in the period 1996-2007 38
Sectorial Border Effects in the European Single Market: an Explanation through Industrial Concentration 36
A macroeconomic view on banks' deposits after monetary interventions 32
Conventional monetary interventions through the credit channel and the rise of non-bank institutions 29
Convetional monetary interventions through the credit channel and the rise of non-bank institutions 25
Monetary interventions and the rise of non-bank lenders 25
Totale 2.390
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.118
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.118

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020119 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 12 1 21 81
2020/2021149 6 13 8 8 63 30 6 2 3 3 3 4
2021/2022329 31 39 1 3 51 11 54 24 24 18 2 71
2022/2023586 38 16 18 50 39 93 4 140 122 4 26 36
2023/2024242 24 20 15 14 18 31 9 28 3 4 62 14
2024/2025568 26 83 39 69 226 125 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.390