Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.634
EU - Europa 875
AS - Asia 440
AF - Africa 31
SA - Sud America 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 2.992
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.565
UA - Ucraina 258
IT - Italia 240
IE - Irlanda 222
CN - Cina 208
SG - Singapore 195
CA - Canada 68
RU - Federazione Russa 66
DE - Germania 27
IN - India 18
CI - Costa d'Avorio 17
SE - Svezia 16
SN - Senegal 10
GB - Regno Unito 8
FI - Finlandia 7
IR - Iran 7
BR - Brasile 5
CH - Svizzera 5
NL - Olanda 5
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
FR - Francia 4
ES - Italia 3
EU - Europa 3
GR - Grecia 3
NG - Nigeria 3
PE - Perù 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
HU - Ungheria 2
JP - Giappone 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
GH - Ghana 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
IS - Islanda 1
KR - Corea 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 2.992
Città #
Santa Clara 261
Jacksonville 244
Chandler 243
Dublin 220
Singapore 144
Boardman 97
Nanjing 73
Civitanova Marche 64
Cambridge 61
Lawrence 61
Andover 60
Toronto 58
Chicago 48
San Mateo 45
Ashburn 32
Wilmington 29
Catania 27
Des Moines 22
Hebei 21
Saint Petersburg 21
Nanchang 20
Bremen 18
Abidjan 17
Shenyang 14
Jiaxing 13
Palermo 13
Rome 13
Tianjin 12
Augusta 11
Civitavecchia 11
Changsha 10
Dakar 10
Bari 9
Los Angeles 9
Hangzhou 8
Ottawa 8
Jinan 7
Verona 7
Ardabil 6
Helsinki 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Leawood 5
Sezze 5
Bologna 4
Falls Church 4
Kunming 4
Moscow 4
Mumbai 4
Norwalk 4
Parma 4
Pune 4
Redwood City 4
Reggio Calabria 4
Trento 4
Abuja 3
Bassano del Grappa 3
Bonn 3
Florence 3
Florianópolis 3
Frankfurt Am Main 3
Guangzhou 3
Liberty Lake 3
Milan 3
Nieuwegein 3
Paternò 3
Zhengzhou 3
Ann Arbor 2
Bangalore 2
Beijing 2
Bitonto 2
Budapest 2
Changchun 2
Curtarolo 2
Dearborn 2
Den Haag 2
Edinburgh 2
Lima 2
Messina 2
New York 2
Porto Alegre 2
Rottenburg 2
Salerno 2
San Francisco 2
Seattle 2
Shanghai 2
Taizhou 2
Tokyo 2
Trebaseleghe 2
Washington 2
Accra 1
Bandar Seri Begawan 1
Barcelona 1
Belgrade 1
Bilbao 1
Callao 1
Casavatore 1
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl 1
Clifton 1
Dallas 1
Doncaster 1
Totale 2.206
Nome #
Applying the Kuhn–Tucker model to estimate the value of recreational ecosystem services in Sicily 110
La stima del danno da incendi sul paesaggio boschivo del Gargano 74
Best Practice Guidelines on Economic Valuation of Forest Externalities with Revealed Preference Methods 69
Assessing the total economic value of threatened livestock breeds in Italy: Implication for conservation policy 66
Estimating the economic benefits of the landscape function of ornamental trees in a sub-Mediterranean area 64
Fisheries and Efficiency: applying different methods on the Southern Ionian Fleet. DISEAE Envalab, settembre 2005 62
A Spatial Micro-econometric Approach to Estimating Climate Change Impacts on Wine Firm Performance 62
Assessement of climate change impacts on wine industry: A micro-scale ricardian analysis 60
Efficiency and capacity of Southern Ionian fleet: an assessment through Data Envelopment Analysis 60
Economic impacts of drought on agriculture 59
The impact of climate change on permanent crops in an Alpine region: A Ricardian analysis 57
Valutazione delle preferenze monetarie per il paesaggio dei conetti vulcanici etnei mediante il metodo degli esperimenti di scelta 56
La valutazione dell’attività ricreativa all’aperto in Italia. Un’analisi della letteratura 55
Value of forest recreation. Meta-analyses of the European valuation studies. 55
Modelling the Demand for Sicilian Regional Parks: A Compound Poisson Approach 55
Stima non parametrica dell’efficienza produttiva e della capacity della pesca nel Basso Ionio 55
Revealed Preference Guidelines 55
Risk management strategies and residual risk perception in the wine industry: A spatial analysis in Northeast Italy 55
Non-market valuation of recreational services in Italy: a meta-analysis, 54
Evaluation of Climate Change Effects on the Wine Industry: An Interdisciplinary Approach 53
An One and One Half Bound Contingent Valuation Survey to Estimate the Benefits of Restoring a Degraded Coastal Wetland Ecosystem: The Case Study of Capo Feto (Italy) 53
I modelli “choice experiments” a supporto delle politiche agro-ambientali: il caso di studio della tutela del paesaggio dei seminativi in Sicilia 52
Authenticity and Food Safety In Ready to Heat Lasagne: An Evaluation after the "Horse Meat Scandal’ 52
Pilot study 3 Orientgate Report: Adaptation in water and coastal areas in Puglia , Italy 52
Using Attitudinal Data to Identify Latent Classes that Vary in Their Preference for Landscape Preservation 51
La valutazione contingente del paesaggio agrario della Costa Viola 51
Gli esperimenti di scelta a supporto delle politiche agro-ambientali 51
Percezione sociale e valutazione economica del patrimonio zootecnico siciliano a rischio di estinzione 51
Food fraud and consumers’ choices in the wake of the horsemeat scandal 49
Determinants of winegrowers’ profitability: evidence from an Eastern Europe wine region 49
Estimating the economic benefits from outdoor recreation on a scenic route: the Ponale road 49
Preferenze monetarie per la tutela del paesaggio nei conetti vulcanici pedemontani etnei: primi risultati di un esperimento di scelta, 48
What role for income stabilisation insurance in EU agriculture? The case of the Regione Emilia Romagna in Italy 48
The estimation of climate change impacts on the adoption of sustainable production processes in viticulture: a multidisciplinary approach 47
Un’applicazione degli esperimenti di scelta a supporto della pianificazione forestale in Sicilia 46
Parchi eolici e paesaggio agrario. Misura delle preferenze per la riduzione di emissione dei gas ad effetto serra e per la tutela del paesaggio agrario dell’altopiano Ibleo 45
Modelli microeconomici per la valutazione degli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici sull’agricoltura 45
Il valore economico del paesaggio agrario siciliano - Tre casi di studio 45
Il valore della funzione paesaggistica del pistacchio sull’Etna 44
Mercati e Commercio Internazionale 44
Including cost income ratio into utility function as a way of dealing with ‘exploding’ implicit prices in Mixed logit models 44
Scale and taste heterogeneity in the case of an unfamiliar good as biodiversity: does the modelling approach of serial nonparticipation affect results? 41
Razionalità e stabilità delle preferenze espresse negli esperimenti di scelta. Una verifica mediante le alternative decoy 40
Non-Market Valuation Good Practice Guidelines Proposal for Forest Goods and Services 40
Priority research areas for risk analysis regarding extreme events 39
Estimating Willingness to Pay for Alpine Pastures: A Discrete Choice Experiment Accounting for Attribute Non-Attendance 39
Does music affect visitors’ choices for the management and conservation of ecosystem services? 38
The Ricardian analysis twenty years after the original model: Evolution, unresolved issues and empirical problems. 37
Using discrete choice experiments to explore how bioecological attributes of sites drive birders' preferences and willingness to travel 33
How CS Can be Used for Producing Info that Can be Employed in Strategy Making 32
Mining Social Images to Analyze Routing Preferences in Tourist Areas 31
Measuring the effect of climate change on agriculture: A literature review of analytical models 30
The economic valuation of landscape: an annotated bibliography 28
Multi-country stated preferences choice analysis for fresh tomatoes 27
La rete NATURA 2000 in Sicilia 26
Birding recreation specialization–A test of the factorial invariance in eight languages 25
How CS can be used for gaining info about consumers and the market? 25
Totale 3.063
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.098
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 10.098

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020133 0 0 0 0 0 1 31 0 39 1 41 20
2020/2021422 4 41 45 7 112 12 44 5 37 7 92 16
2021/2022442 57 60 9 3 65 4 63 16 54 0 25 86
2022/2023774 62 28 6 80 86 140 8 123 186 10 31 14
2023/2024260 31 29 10 24 9 31 4 16 9 14 41 42
2024/2025669 8 179 79 73 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.063