ZAPPALA', Giuseppe
ZAPPALA', Giuseppe
) Postulation of subschemes of irreducible curves on a quadric surface functions
file da validare1999-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
file da validare1997-01-01 Zappala', Giuseppe
A structure theorem for most unions of complete intersections
2017-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
A structure theorem for unions of complete intersections
file da validare2012-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
A structure theorem for unions of complete intersections
file da validare2012-01-01 Ragusa, A; Zappala', Giuseppe
Characterization of the graded Betti numbers for almost complete intersections
2013-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
Gorenstein schemes on general hypersurfaces of P^r
file da validare2001-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
Gorenstein schemes on general surfaces Nagoya Math. J. Vol.162, 111-125 (2001)
file da validare2001-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
Hilbert functions of Cohen Macaulay ideals with assigned generators' degrees Rend. Univ. Padova
file da validare2004-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
Lefschetz properties for Artinian Gorenstein algebras presented by quadrics
2018-01-01 Zappala', Giuseppe
Linear quotients of Artinian Weak Lefschetz algebras
2013-01-01 Favacchio, Giuseppe; Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
Linear systems of surfaces with double points: Terracini revisited
file da validare2001-01-01 Roe', J; Zappala', Giuseppe; Baggio, S.
Looking for minimal graded Betti numbers
2005-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
Minimal free resolutions for homogeneous ideals with Betti numbers 1, n, n,1
2019-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala, G.
Minimal free resolutions for subschemes of star configurations
2016-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
Numerical properties of fat schemes with special support
2009-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe
On Complete Intersections Contained in Cohen Macaulay and Gorenstein ideals
2011-01-01 Ragusa, A; Zappala', Giuseppe
On minimal Gorenstein Hilbert functions
2024-01-01 Lenin, Bezerra; Rodrigo, Gondim; Giovanna, Ilardi; Zappala', Giuseppe
On mixed Hessians and the Lefschetz properties
2019-01-01 Gondim, Rodrigo; Zappalà, Giuseppe
On some properties of partial intersection schemes
file da validare2003-01-01 Ragusa, Alfio; Zappala', Giuseppe