Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.833
EU - Europa 2.145
AS - Asia 1.184
AF - Africa 372
SA - Sud America 22
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 7.560
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.647
CN - Cina 646
IT - Italia 560
IE - Irlanda 558
UA - Ucraina 556
SG - Singapore 441
CI - Costa d'Avorio 321
CA - Canada 183
RU - Federazione Russa 156
SE - Svezia 93
DE - Germania 50
SN - Senegal 42
FR - Francia 31
IN - India 27
GB - Regno Unito 26
NL - Olanda 22
BR - Brasile 20
IR - Iran 19
AT - Austria 14
BE - Belgio 13
CH - Svizzera 13
ES - Italia 13
GR - Grecia 11
PL - Polonia 11
TW - Taiwan 11
UZ - Uzbekistan 9
LB - Libano 7
FI - Finlandia 6
NG - Nigeria 5
PK - Pakistan 5
TR - Turchia 5
RO - Romania 4
VN - Vietnam 4
EU - Europa 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
ID - Indonesia 2
JP - Giappone 2
MX - Messico 2
TN - Tunisia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AL - Albania 1
AU - Australia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EC - Ecuador 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
NP - Nepal 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 7.560
Città #
Santa Clara 585
Chandler 584
Jacksonville 569
Dublin 558
Abidjan 321
Singapore 274
Boardman 236
Nanjing 171
Lawrence 154
Andover 152
Cambridge 152
Toronto 141
Catania 139
San Mateo 90
Ashburn 87
Des Moines 69
Wilmington 66
Nanchang 62
Chicago 57
Shenyang 53
Hebei 45
Civitanova Marche 43
Dakar 42
Houston 42
Ottawa 42
Jiaxing 41
Saint Petersburg 39
Tianjin 37
Changsha 32
Beijing 31
Bremen 27
Leawood 23
Moscow 19
Rome 16
Kunming 15
Washington 15
Bari 14
Naples 14
Augusta 13
Los Angeles 13
Taormina 13
Palermo 11
Taipei 11
Ardabil 10
Brussels 10
Hangzhou 10
Misterbianco 10
San Severo 10
Jinan 9
Norwalk 9
Liberty Lake 8
Pune 8
Zhengzhou 8
Mumbai 7
Arroyo de la Encomienda 6
Den Haag 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Pace 6
Abuja 5
Ann Arbor 5
Esfahan 5
Foggia 5
Guangzhou 5
Milan 5
Turin 5
Aci Castello 4
Bologna 4
Carpi 4
Comiso 4
Dong Ket 4
Fairfield 4
Frankfurt Am Main 4
Helsinki 4
Islamabad 4
Lanzhou 4
Livorno 4
Madrid 4
Ningbo 4
Scordia 4
Taurianova 4
Ahmedabad 3
Avola 3
Bangalore 3
Boydton 3
Catanzaro 3
Maletto 3
Mascalucia 3
Padova 3
Pescara 3
Seattle 3
Verona 3
Adana 2
Atlanta 2
Chengdu 2
Crotone 2
Dearborn 2
Edinburgh 2
Falls Church 2
Favara 2
Fiumefreddo Di Sicilia 2
Totale 5.387
Nome #
Novel bioprocess for the cultivation of microalgae in hydroponic growing system of tomato plants 118
La fertirrigazione delle colture ortive: il caso di pomodoro e lattuga 106
Analysis of cultivar-specific variability in size-related leaf traits and modeling of single leaf area in three medicinal and aromatic plants: Ocimum basilicum l., mentha spp., and salvia spp 98
Treated municipal wastewater reuse in vegetable production 97
A simple model for nondestructive leaf area estimation in bedding plants 88
Responses of Mediterranean ornamental shrubs to drought stress and recovery 81
Chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis and growth of tomato plants as affected by long-term oxygen root zone deprivation and grafting 81
A Delayed Luminescence probe to discriminate seed lots with different vigor 79
Caratteristiche qualitative di pomodoro in coltura protetta in funzione delle dosi di azoto 78
Arsenic Uptake and Partitioning in Grafted Tomato Plants 78
Aroma Volatiles in Tomato Fruits: The Role of Genetic, Preharvest and Postharvest Factors 78
Changes in some traits of greenhouse eggplant leaves 77
A simplified management of closed soilless cultivation systems 71
Nutrient solution concentrations in soilless closed system 71
Consequences of organic matter biodegradability on the physical, chemical parameters of substrates 70
Consequences of using alternative to peat substrates for the environment 69
Potential of different energy saving strategies in heated greenhouse. 69
Presentation of the mediterranean region hosting the next symposium on protected cultivation in mild winter climate 66
Effects of NaCl Salinity on Yield, Quality and Mineral composition of Broccoli and Cauliflower 66
Recovery of eggplant field waste as a source of phytochemicals 66
Non-destructive evaluation of watermelon seeds germination by using Delayed Luminescence 65
Stress da cloruro di sodio su peperone: effetto osmotico vs effetto tossico 63
Compost-based substrate for Gazania rigens (L.) cultivation. 62
Nutritional value of cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Naomi F1) harvested at different ripening stages 61
Composting of pruning wastes using different aeration rates and methods 61
Contribution of beneficial rhizosphere micro-organisms to growth and nitrogen uptake of lettuce plants under field conditions. 60
Scion/Rootstock Interaction and Tolerance Expression of Tomato to FORL. 60
Spread of soil-less cultivation in the area of Ragusa (Italy) 60
Effects of root-zone nutrient concentration on cucumber grown in rockwool 60
How sodium chloride concentration in the nutrient solution influences the mineral composition of tomato leaves and fruits 59
Caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti di pomodoro in rapporto all’aggiunta di cloruro di sodio nella soluzione nutritiva 59
Arsenic accumulation in grafted melon plants: Role of rootstock in modulating root-to-shoot translocation and physiological response 59
Nutrient uptake of tomato grown under protected cultivation 58
Effects of nutrient solution EC on yield, quality and shelf-life of lettuce grown in floating system 58
Esperienze sul reimpiego dei substrati di coltivazione 58
Growth rate and carpometric characteristics during eggplant fruit growth 58
Influence of harvest stage and rootstock genotype on compositional and sensory profile of the elongated tomato cv. “Sir Elyan” 58
Strategie per prolungare i tempi di ricircolo della soluzione nutritiva 57
Melanzana 57
Tomato root growth in relation to dripper position in substrate cultivation 57
Assessment of energy consumption in organic tomato greenhouse production – a case study. 57
Effetti della salinità della soluzione nutritiva su cavolo cinese coltivato fuori suolo 56
Salinity of nutrient solution influences the shelf-life of fresh-cut lettuce grown in floating system 56
Tomato susceptibility to Fusarium crown and root rot: effect of grafting combination and proteomic analysis of tolerance expression in the rootstock. 55
Nitrogen metabolism and ion content of sweet pepper under salt and heat stress 54
Tomato root distribution in relation to dripper position and substrate 54
Produzione e caratteristiche qualitative di zucchino coltivato in serra in rapporto all’applicazione di fitoregolatori 53
Shelf-life of fresh-cut tomato in relation to cut and fruit types. 53
Relationships between growing media fertility, percolate composition and fertigation strategy in peat-substitute substrates used for growing ornamental shrubs 53
Distribuzione della soluzione nutritiva in rapporto alle caratteristiche del substrato di coltivazione ed alla presenza dell’apparato radicale 53
Composting of ornamental pruning wastes using different methods during the maturation phase. 53
Scion and rootstock differently influence growth, yield and quality characteristics of cherry tomato 53
Variazione delle caratteristiche qualitative del pomodoro ciliegia in post-raccolta 52
The effectiveness of different rootstocks for improving yield and growth of cucumber cultivated hydroponically in a greenhouse 52
Pomodoro in serra 52
Effetti dello stress salino imposto in differenti fasi fenologiche del cavolo broccolo 52
Sui sistemi di coltivazione fuori suolo adottati in una rappresentativa area della serricoltura mediterranea. Italus Hortus 51
Is the vigour of grafted tomato plants related to root characteristics? 51
Growth of Viburnum tinus in peat-based and peat-substitute growing media 51
Methods for controlling salt accumulation in substrate cultivation 51
Characterization of the organic vegetable agrosystems in a representative area in the south of Italy 51
Conseqüències de la biodegradabilitat de la matèria orgànica en les propietats físiques i químiques dels substrats 51
Risposta della poinsettia ad interventi di potatura 51
Substrate reuse in tomato soilless cultivation 51
I sistemi di coltivazione fuori suolo. 51
Sui sistemi di coltivazione fuori suolo adottati in una rappresentativa area della serricoltura mediterranea 50
Tomato yield, nitrogen uptake and use efficiency in relation to nitrogen fertilization levels 50
Substrati innovativi per la coltivazione in vaso dell’oleandro 50
Effects of genotype, storage temperature and time on quality and nutraceutical traits of cherry tomato 50
Leaching irrigation to prevent salt accumulation in the substrate 49
Riflessi della durata della fase vivaistica sulle caratteristiche delle plantule e sulla risposta produttiva di pomodoro coltivato in serra 49
Effetti di NaCl e CaCl2 nella soluzione nutritiva su lattuga coltivata in floating system per la IV gamma 49
Response of soilless grown strawberry to sodium chloride content in nutrient solution 49
Risposta del melone all’impiego di acque saline 49
Effects of substrate water content on two Mediterranean ornamental shrubs 49
Effects of aeration rates on composting of ornamental pruning wastes. 49
Delayed Luminescence: a non-destructive tool to evaluate watermelon seeds germination 49
Influence of post-harvest conditions on the chemical composition of “Tropea” red onions 48
Risposta di lattuga coltivata in floating system alla salinità 48
Effect of insect-proof screens and roof openings on greenhouse ventilation 48
La coltivazione fuori suolo per l’innovazione di processo nella serricoltura mediterranea 48
Tomato fruit quality in relation to the content of sodium chloride in the nutrient solution 47
Effect of Greenhouse Covering Materials on Tomato Grown During Hot Months 47
Influence of rootstock on tomato response to salinity 47
Cultivation under salt stress conditions influences postharvest quality and glucosinolates content of fresh-cut cauliflower 47
Effects of salt stress imposed during two growth phases on cauliflower production and quality 47
Minimally processed long-storage Mediterranean tomato: a novel product from traditional crops in the agrifood industry 47
Growth and Ionic Concentration of Eggplant as Influenced by Rootstocks under Saline Conditions 47
Tomato and eggplant scions influence the effect of rootstock under Na2SO4 salinity 46
Form and development of nitrogen in plant waste extracts, effects of papain on nitrogen transfer and use of extracts for lettuce fertigation 46
Effetti dello stress salino su alcune caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti di fragola. Roma 18 luglio 46
Growth, gas exchange and water relations in pepper grown in a substrate soilless closed system as affected by NaCl and nutrient salinity 46
Effects of salinity and plant density on quality of lettuce grown in floating system for fresh-cut 45
Lateral Stem Development in Tomato according to Rootstock Vigour and Seedling Management Practices 45
Heating and dehumidification in production greenhouses at northern latitudes: energy use. 45
Mineral Biofortification of Vegetables as a Tool to Improve Human Diet 44
La qualità dei prodotti orticoli freschi: influenza dei fattori in pre-raccolta. 44
Effects of Harvest Time and plant density on Yield and Quality of Chinese Cabbage for Fresh-cut Production 44
Modification of tomato fruit characteristics by salt stress 44
Variazione delle caratteristiche qualitative di pomodoro ciliegia in post raccolta 43
Totale 5.765
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.853
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 25.853

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020389 0 0 0 0 0 4 95 14 107 18 102 49
2020/20211.015 15 96 111 18 275 34 111 10 85 5 203 52
2021/20221.132 139 160 9 23 185 3 162 40 125 8 37 241
2022/20231.811 170 66 28 170 173 334 5 315 450 10 53 37
2023/2024929 35 188 41 40 56 246 28 46 11 20 140 78
2024/20251.513 26 310 251 116 756 54 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.819